Chapter 7491: Monster strikes

There are cases!
When I heard this, all the people were spirited. They were here, but they were waiting for the arrival of the enemy. Now that there is a situation, they can fight a battle.
puff! puff!
The people threw all the night pearls out of them.
Covered in this endless black hole.
At this time, they were completely brightened around them.
The space they are in is one thousand feet high and two thousand feet wide. There is no end to the length.
This space is still more suitable for combat.
"Not a person who is a demon, there is movement inside!" shouted in the night.
"There is also outside." Wan Bing said.
Wu used his foot on the ground.
The hexagonal starburst spreads directly around, and the hexagonal starburst spreads very fast.
The hexagonal star has also contracted back.
"There are a lot of people, not humans. They are five feet to ten feet, and their body lengths are different." Wu said.
His hexagonal star array has a lot of functions.
The same is true for exploration. It spreads out and everything around it will be returned by the Hexagon Star.
"Before the law of protection said that there will be monsters running out here, and the strength is very strong, but since there are also outside, and a large number, it is not a simple monster, it should be what special attack means they used." Summer Analyze the road.
Although the law of protection has said that there are monsters.
But he also said it.
There are not many monsters.
And the monster is running out of it.
But now.
There are also monsters running outside, and when they came in, they had already checked the surroundings. The place they walked was definitely no monster.
So there is only one explanation.
That is.
The cultists grasp some of the secrets of the endless black holes, so that they can control the power of some endless black holes, and you can create monsters here.
Endless black hole outside.
"The enlightenment of the law-abiding adults has already begun."
"Well, very good, these abominable guys have actually arranged the formation method, which has cost me hundreds of thousands of elites. This hatred must be reported." Wu Huo said coldly.
The people he had sent before were all dead inside.
He still doesn't know what it is.
Fortunately, he reacted quickly.
Let the Monarchs go in and see the situation.
Only then did they find that there were problems. The devils also broke the formation. Then he sent the army into it.
"Tell the Monarchs, they can set off. When they go to the Black Wind Zone, it is estimated that the summer and those who have been sinned have already been settled, then no one can stop the step of the Holy King." Everything is in his grasp.
He is doing things.
Still so stable.
From here to the black wind area.
It takes at least a day.
And he believes that more than a day, let the men continue to inject power, there will be more and more monsters in the black wind area, to deal with several people who have been injured, it is still hand-to-hand.
He gave them a purification method in the summer, which is flawed. They must not be found in the summer.
So he believes that this loophole has now injured these few people.
The Ten Great Monarchs came with the Holy King.
The Five-Guard Law is also respectful to the front: "The Holy Man, everything has been arranged."
"Well, you are doing things, I am still at ease, yes, after I go back, give me five hundred boys and girls to come in." Shengjun nodded with appreciation.
"The saints are assured that they are ready." Wu Huo said.
Then the saints walked straight ahead.
"Protect the holy prince, remember, can't make any accidents." Five guards looked at the top ten monarchs.
"The law-abiding adults are assured that we will protect the Holy King. Even if we die, we will definitely send the Holy King to the place." The Ten Great Monarchs also said with great confidence.
Holy King!
Although their title is only one word difference.
But what it represents is that it is a different day.
These devils.
Every one can die for the Holy King.
"Well!" Five guards nodded: "I found their bodies in the summer, their treasures, first handed over to the Holy King."
The Holy King did not say anything, but apparently there was a hint of satisfaction in his eyes.
The eleven of them went inside.
See the Holy King and they walked in.
The five-guard law is also relieved. He has finally sent away the holy monarch: "Fortunately, fortunately, there are still some days away from the full moon night, otherwise it will be a big deal."
"The law-abiding adults, there have been a lot of weird things and people on the mainland, and the information from our men has arrived." The man next to him said respectfully.
"Normally, this continent is going to change the sky. Our magic education is also prepared for so many years. It will become more and more intense." The face of Wu Huo Law showed a smile.
"And, the tribute of the Lord's Lord is here."
"Well, after the end of the matter, I personally sent the Lord to the Lord." Wu Huo nodded.
End it!
This is almost over.
After the end, he will also be busy with his own affairs.
This mission is given to him by the Lord, and he will be completed satisfactorily.
A hundred sinners?
No matter how famous they are in the Central Plains, how powerful they are, they must fall on the site of their magical teachings.
"The eight hundred magical children are already in place. Do you want them to go to the extreme hurricane?"
"Go in, the things here are almost the same, you don't need them, let them hurry up, they are the most important cards in our devil world." Wu Huo said.
Black wind zone.
at this time.
There are already monsters around.
These monsters.
It is dark.
One by one looks fierce.
"Summer, there is no vitality, they are not alive." Waiting night reminded.
I nodded in the summer and looked at the monsters around me.
"Although these monsters have no vitality, they are completely different from the one they saw before. The previous monster is a real monster, and these monsters should be some force to promote the formation of the black wind." Remind.
He has been paying attention to the situation here in the summer.
So he also analyzed the monsters for the first time.
The eyes of summer are so against the sky.
No matter what, you can see the ontology.
After seeing the ontology, and before seeing the ontology, it is a completely different method of warfare.
at this time.
The surrounding sinners have been thoroughly beaten with those monsters.
Although they are very strong, they still think that their attack method is too stupid.
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