Chapter 7756: Summer sweep

The recent information of the Tianya Chamber of Commerce is still very strong, especially for the news of the summer, the speed of the spread is very fast, and the people of the mainland are also most concerned about the summer.
So as long as it is about the summer news.
Everyone will want to know the first time.
In particular, everyone understands what to do in the summer.
At the time of the 100-party conference, hundreds of people almost killed the summer, and also killed those who had the best relationship with the summer, and they were enemies.
Therefore, the revenge in the summer is obviously to completely disintegrate hundreds of families.
This makes all the people in the entire Tianzheng continent watch the fun.
The summer at this time came again to the door of a hundred homes.
This time.
He is directly fighting.
"The people inside have rolled out me." shouted in the summer.
The people of that family also all ran out in the first place.
All the masters are going against the summer.
at this time.
See it in summer.
A small team of people is quietly running away.
"I want to escape!!" I saw it in the summer. The people in the team are all over the 18th grade of the emperor, and the family owners of this family. They all understand that the summer is directed at them.
As long as they escaped, after killing some people in the summer, other people will let them go.
So now they want to escape and go to their boss Dillon.
The movement of the summer was directly in front of those people: "I want to escape in front of me, don't I feel a little late?"
The people in that team also stopped.
"Summer, what do you want?" said the family of the family, angry.
"How? How did you want to be with me at the beginning, I want to be like you now." Summer answered very simply, but the other party wanted to kill him.
so now.
Summer is also natural to kill him.
"Oh, summer, don't think that we are bullied. If we are desperate, you can't be good." The family of the family obviously wants to use this method to shock the summer.
It seems to be telling the summer, although we will die by then, but you will also be hurt, once you are injured, there will be more people staring at you.
There are more people who want to kill you.
"What can I do to deal with you?" Summer said very disdainfully.
When he was in a hundred homes, one person who had contend with so many hundred masters was not afraid of it, and now he is afraid of the threat of this homeowner.
"If you dare to come, then the fish will die!!" The home of the hundred families said in a hurry.
"The death of the fish is normal, but the net may not be broken." The body of the summer moved, and a whole set of silver armor appeared on him.
Tianlong Xianyu!
The moment the armor appeared on the summer.
Summer feels that the whole person is wrapped in strength.
In the summer, I found that my speed is faster than before and I don’t know how many times.
Even the masters of the opposite family did not see how the summer moved, but when they passed by them in the summer, their bodies all fell down.
In the summer, I suddenly killed a hundred homeowners and two masters of the 20th grade and other masters of the 19th and 18th grades.
This is the power of wearing the dragon in the summer.
"A strong Tianlong Xianyu!" Hong Feng said with emotion.
"Yeah, my speed has increased by at least three times, and my strength has increased a lot. Just one attack, that is, killing, the other party simply can't react." Summer sighed.
Although the owners of the 100 families are very powerful, they are even powerful.
But these people are slacking all the year round.
The combat experience is still normal.
But when they face a master like summer, they are not opponents at all.
Because they never know what means you will attack them in the summer, so all their means are no longer used.
This time.
Summer is a real insight into the power of Tianlong Xianyu.
After killing these masters.
Summer also came to the position of the hundred homes, directly drove away some people, and those who resisted were all killed by him, including this hundred families were completely destroyed.
that's it!
One after another in the summer.
A major sweep is underway.
This is a hundred cleaning plan.
The summer is to fight out the strongest skills.
In one room.
Dillon smashed the table next to him: "Oh, too much. He stared at me in the summer, right? Now I have only fifteen hundred left, and the others are killed." ""
The current Dillon is full of anger.
"There are fifteen hundred homeowners who have already come over. They have temporarily disbanded their own hands and dealt with the wealth of the family. Although it is impossible to completely handle it, it has finally reduced some losses. Killing, but he will not do the work of scribbling, so he will finally come to chase the home of these hundreds of families." Lu Xing explained.
They have not been idle during this time.
I received news of one hundred deaths from my own.
"It’s good to come over, I don’t believe he will dare to hit me in the summer. If he dares to come, we will kill him.
Dillon said very uncomfortably.
Although he performed very well at the 100 conferences last summer, he believes that it is because the summer has taken advantage of the advantages of geography and people and aspects to enable them to be unsuccessful.
This time he is ready.
If summer is coming.
Summer will go directly to the place he prepared in advance.
In the summer, there is only one dead road.
Killing the summer, his reputation on the continent will be completely uplifted.
"Well, but still be careful, this person is too simple in the summer." Helian iron gun said.
They are now enemies of life and death with the summer, so they still have to be careful, there must be no accidents.
Summer must die.
The summer that had just smoothed out a hundred families stopped, because there was a person in front of him, a person who gave him a special feeling, a person who made him look very dangerous.
"The man who robbed?" asked in the summer.
"Well!" the other party nodded. "I am the person of the Tianya Chamber of Commerce, but I am not robbing the Tianzheng mainland."
The other side is straight to the point.
Tianya Chamber of Commerce.
This summer is very well understood.
At this time, the summer was also watching him with vigilance: "What is the matter? Or do you come to take orders for the people to stop me?"
(End of this chapter)
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