Chapter 7787: Never let you escape

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Through the mountains.
The summer body penetrates directly into the mountain.
The master of the robbery did not talk nonsense, and directly blasted the mountain.
Then I rushed into the second mountain in the summer.
The attack of the master of the robbery is also a deep mountain that is constantly hiding in the summer.
"You can't hide it, I said, you don't understand how powerful the spirit of the robbery master is, no matter where you hide, I can search for you." The attack of the robbery master did not stop. No matter how high the mountain, his attack is broken, and it is instantly shattered. These mountains are in front of him, and it is simply weak.
Look at these mountains one after another and smash.
The surrounding gravel is also constantly flying.
When the body of the summer moved, all the surrounding gravel moments all rushed to the master of the robbery.
Countless gravel, it looks very scary.
"It’s useless. These attacks are useless for a successful robbery." The robbing master shouted loudly, and for a moment, countless fine lights scattered away.
These fine lights flew in all directions.
The boulders that fly over are all shattered by these fine lights.
No matter how much damage, obviously it can't hurt this robbery master.
"He is stronger than I expected. It seems that he is not the master of the early stage of the robbery. It is probably the middle of the robbery, or the master of the late robbery." The summer has been carefully read, this person is indeed better than himself. The imaginary is horrible. He has been tempted several times. The feelings of these temptations are unfathomable.
"Can't fight hard, the other party is the person of the Tianya Chamber of Commerce, or other mainland, there must be a card. If it is more than a half-ware, then his Tianya Chamber of Commerce is so rich, it is impossible for a half-ware to be a fairy, but until now, He has never used it, we can't fight it, and I don't know anything about his half fairy. If you kill it, he suddenly uses a half fairy. For you, it is a devastating blow." Analyze the road.
In the summer, I have tried this master of the robbery several times.
Although the summer is very strong, it is really not the time to confront him.
"Well, if I have a helper, then it will be fine." In the summer, the difference between himself and the other party is not irreparable. The gap between the two is not very big, as long as he has A helper who is not much different from his own strength, then he can defeat the leader of the Tianya Chamber of Commerce.
However, he can't make a hard fight with the other side now.
Can't kill myself.
It is the other party who suffers.
I can't afford it, but the other person can't afford it, because now everyone in the whole continent is their enemy. As long as the summer is not dead, those people will almost never stop attacking the Tianya Chamber of Commerce.
At this time, the master of the robbery was chased up like a mad dog. His attack was terrible.
"With that lupin, he seems to know that you have a half fairy, so you must expose one, otherwise he will definitely have a card." Hong Feng reminded.
There is no nonsense in the summer.
Directly took out the lupin fan, and then directly fanned at the Ferry Master of the Tianya Chamber of Commerce.
For a moment.
The front of the summer seemed to have become a sea of ​​fire, and there was also a barrier between the two of them.
The body of the robbery master was directly stopped.
"Half fairy, you really have a half fairy." The master of the Tianya Chamber of Commerce is also very excited.
Although he is the top master of the Tianya Chamber of Commerce, he also wants to get this kind of treasure. When he looks at the summer in front of him, he is not surprised. He can even say that he has long thought that there is half in summer. Fairy, otherwise how could summer behave so well in the realm of the present.
This must be because he has the aid of a half fairy.
And he believes that the summer can have the current reputation and hit so many wins, are relying on the half fairy.
There is no half fairy, nothing is in summer.
The summer began to move forward quickly.
"Kid, how do we make a deal, you give me a half-centre, and promise to be the person of our Tianya Chamber of Commerce in the future, listen to me, how can I spare you?" This Tianya Chamber of Commerce’s robbing master saw When the half fairy is also the eyes are shining.
He is very eager to get a half fairy.
Although he hated the summer very much before.
Even the teeth that he hated, but as long as he can hand over the half of the fairy in summer, he is still willing to forgive the summer.
"I want a half fairy? Then grab it yourself, but don't accidentally be killed by me." After the summer, I rushed straight out.
that's it.
One chasing one escape.
The spirit of the robbery master is very powerful, so he thinks that he can lock the summer by the soul, and as long as the summer position is still in the direction that his soul can explore, he can easily catch up with the summer.
But in fact.
Summer knows the sea.
It has long been stronger than a robbery master.
So the summer sensed his range, farther than he could sense the summer.
For example.
Now that the master of the robbery can sense one million kilometers, it can sense two million kilometers in the summer, and the sea in summer is stronger than him, so he can't find him in the summer.
"His fog and shadow tracked you once, and you can't use it for a while. He is now chasing you by the lock of the spirit, so as long as you are beyond the scope of his soul, and then run in a different direction from him, Can escape his pursuit," Hong Feng reminded.
"Okay." In the summer, wearing the dragon and fairy tales, the speed of the red phoenix behind him is also fully open.
Let his speed increase in an instant.
"Oh, how fast is his speed so much, there must be problems, you must catch up with him, you must not let him escape, he lived a day, it is my shame." The Tianya Chamber of Commerce's robbery master is also Instantly accelerate.
His speed has even exceeded the summer.
"Not good, he catches up, the speed is very fast, if it goes on, if it does not exceed five minutes, he will catch up with you." Hong Feng reminded.
"It’s really troublesome, I’m already at full speed, but he’s faster than me.
Summer said very depressed.
"Take a teleport, although there is no coordinate, but your strength is so strong now, even if it is transmitted to a dangerous place, it does not matter, you can still protect yourself." Hong Feng said.
"It can only be like this." The body of the summer flashed a few times.
Directly disappeared in place.
When he teleported to a place, he did not wait for him to stand firm, he was sucked in by a huge suction.
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