Chapter 7812: quarrel

When I heard this sentence, the high-level people around me also nodded, obviously their attitudes were the same.
"They can agree that this shameful condition can be promised. If it is promised, then the Tianya Chamber of Commerce will completely disappear on the mainland of the Tianzheng. Seven of us have no use." The top executive said.
They are seven.
It is the manager of the Tianya Chamber of Commerce in Tianzheng.
If the Tianya Chamber of Commerce in Tianzheng does not exist.
What are the uses of the seven of them?
Seven of them are not masters of the robbery.
They can have the status of today, and that is what their ancestors gave them.
They have to take away their rights in the summer, and they naturally disagree.
"Hey, I knew that I shouldn’t let the master of the robbery come over. It’s all made a mess after he came over,
said the top executive.
Before the Tianya Chamber of Commerce was still a powerful force on the mainland of the Tianzheng.
But now.
Everything in the world has been deprived.
Everything that belongs to them.
"At the beginning, you should not propose to kill the summer." The high-level opening at the 3rd position said.
"So, is it my fault? I am not for the development of the Tianya Chamber of Commerce? Is it wrong for me to think about the Tianya Chamber of Commerce? Is it because if the Tianya Chamber of Commerce is destroyed in the future, I will watch it?" The top executive said very uncomfortable.
"You don't have to be annoyed here. The robbery master is on the way back. It will be fine when you ask." The senior at the 3rd position said.
"The problem now is, even if he is back, how can it be, so many masters have vowed, then we have only two choices, one is to abandon them, the other is to kill them, no matter which choice, will let We have no one available at the End of the World Chamber of Commerce, and can we let us go in the summer? Before that, his destructive power was great, and now he has added a scent, and there are other greedy people on the mainland." The top executive said.
His words made the scene quiet again.
All the people are not talking.
That's right!
The general trend has not changed.
No matter how seven people disagree, there is no way to change it.
No one can stop the summer.
Until the robbery master came back.
Eight people sat in the room.
"It's fine to have something to say." The robbery master is also very rude.
"Adult, I am afraid that you are not doing this well. Now that we have been operating in the mainland for so many years, the Tianya Chamber of Commerce is just over. From now on, there will be no Tianya Chamber of Commerce on the mainland." The top executive at the 1st position said .
"That's your business. You seven are the managers of the Tianyue Chamber of Commerce in the Tianzheng continent. You seven led the Tianya Chamber of Commerce to today, it is your fault." The master of the robbery said very rudely.
"Adult, you are not saying this right. Before you came, our Tianya Chamber of Commerce has always been very good. Until you come, our Tianya Chamber of Commerce has only come to a little bit today." Live the anger in your heart.
"Then you say that, blame me?" said the robbery master coldly.
"Otherwise? If you can kill the summer directly, will there be so much trouble? If you can't kill the summer, you should tell us at the beginning, we didn't let you kill the summer, we only But I want you to talk to him, let him try not to be so biased towards the black market, do not disturb the pattern of the Tianzheng continent." The top of the 1st position is also very rude.
The master of the robbery rushed to the top of the No. 1 position: "Who gave you the right to talk to me like this? I am a master of the robbery, the top master of the Tianya Chamber of Commerce."
"What about that? If it weren't for us to transport supplies for so many years, raise your group of guys, do you have a chance to become a master of the robbery?" The top of the 1st position also completely tore the face.
They transport large quantities of supplies every thousand years.
It can be said.
Eighty percent of the money earned by the Tianya Chamber of Commerce for so many years must be handed over.
On the one hand, they are confessed by the ancestors, and on the other hand, when they hope that there are difficulties, they can help, but they did not expect Zou Meng, this time it is to give them a pit.
The Tianya Chamber of Commerce will directly destroy from the Tianzheng mainland.
"You didn't give me the news of the summer. How do I know that he has so many cards, and there are two and a half of the fairy, and then, if I don't agree, your people will die, at least I will keep you." The people will have a chance to make a comeback in the future." The master of the robbery said.
"Resurrection in Dongshan? How come again? They all swear, it is impossible to make a comeback in this life, and the mighty of our Tianya Chamber of Commerce has completely disappeared from the mainland of Heaven. Without a reputation, who will be afraid of you, who will Believe in you?" asked the top executive.
"What do you want?" asked the master of the robbery.
He also looked at these high-level executives, but he also understood that even if he is a master of the robbery, he can not hurt these people casually.
Because their identity and status are too simple and bad.
"You ask me what I want, if I want to know, I don't have to ask you." The senior at the 1st position said.
"Now things are here, and he promised to give you a city as a position. You should first shrink your power. Besides, do you still have a lot of masters who have not gone to wasteland to fight? Those people I haven't swear, and don't you guys know about that thing?" Although the atmosphere of the robbery master, but this time, he can't get rid of it.
If it is not solved perfectly, then it is not easy to explain when he goes back.
"What should I do then?" The top of the 1st position calmed down.
"I promise that as long as there is a chance, I will kill the summer, and by that time, you still care about what the mainland is, and if you have something to ask me in the future, I will never give up." The master of the robbery promised.
Upon hearing this promise, these top executives finally settled down.
They also understand.
Things can't change.
If you can get some benefits, you can fight for it. It is a good thing to have a promise of a robbery master.
"Well, since you have nothing to do, just send me back." The robbery master said.
The high-rise standing at the 3rd position came up: "I will send the person."
After they left, the atmosphere of the people in the room was obviously a bit wrong: "Whoever has something to do, we have to rob!!"
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