Chapter 8301: Residual

"When you kill the Yi people, why don't you let the old man and the children let go." The cold people looked at these people in the cold.
These people, even if they grab something, even the old man and the child are not let go, this is too much.
"We are doing things in a single army. It has always been like this. Even if you are, you will die in our hands. You definitely have no possibility of living, but if you are willing to answer our questions honestly, tell us where the emperor is from. Come, there is nothing, we can also give you a happy." One of them said.
The faces of summer are all murderous: "Yes, don't you want the emperor? I have a lot here. I have a half-ware here. I don't know if you have the ability to take it."
There are emperors, and there are half fairies.
When you hear this, those people are a glimpse.
However, they looked at the summer: "You don't have any aura fluctuations on your body. You know that you are not a practitioner at first glance. Although your body looks strong, your physical strength is of no use to us. We want to fight against us. Your skills are really not enough. Next, we will let you look at the bottom of the frog to see how terrible the strength of the outside master."
As his voice fell, a master behind him rushed straight up.
Emperor level seventeen products.
have to say.
This kind of strength is outside, it is already a real super master.
They believe that such a strength to deal with a stinky boy who does not have any aura, is simply a hand to come.
"Don't kill him." The person behind reminded.
The hands-on person also directly changed the position of his previous attack. At this time, his attack hit the summer arm. He wanted to interrupt the summer limbs a little bit and forced the summer to yield.
His attack was like this on the summer's arm.
In his opinion.
The summer's arm will then make a cracking sound, and the summer's mouth will make a very loud and screaming sound.
But none of his imaginary things happened. There was no screaming in the summer. His attack did not interrupt the bones of summer, and he did not hear the screams of summer.
In the summer, I stood there quietly watching him, as if looking at him like a fool, and his face was all a slap in the face.
at this moment.
All the people around him seemed to fall into silence.
A person of the 17th grade of the Emperor attacked a person who did not have any aura, but did not cause any harm to this person.
"Can you force it?" asked the summer.
When I heard the summer, the man felt that his face could not be hanged, and then his fist was once again in the summer.
at the same time.
The summer fists also followed.
The sound of the broken bones, the screams, appeared at the same time, and the scenes of the previous fantasies were all in line.
This time his screaming and broken bones are not summer, but the one opposite.
The flesh of summer is fifteen, and he and the summer are punching, just like looking for death.
"What?" The people around them are all a glimpse. They didn't even think that this would happen. Before they all looked down on the summer, they didn't expect that there would be such strength in the summer: "Get together, kill He."
Those people have seen it, and the man in front of him is really too simple.
The strength is extraordinary.
Then there may be treasures on him, so at this time, they also want to kill the summer together, and after killing the summer, they will find a way to search.
It's that simple.
Several of them have all killed.
Their attacks were all on the summer, but they failed to do any harm to the summer.
Even the scars were not left behind.
But the summer attacks are different.
When the summer attack hits those people, they directly penetrate their bodies.

How is it possible?
At this time, the people around them found out how terrible the summer was.
Each of them, each of them is a super master, but these people are now so miserable in the summer.
The man who was headed at the moment seemed to think of something suddenly, and then his face showed a look of horror: "You... you are summer!!"
That's right.
At this time, he only remembered that the person in front of him was the summer of the whole spiritual world.
There are statues of summer everywhere, and I have seen it at a glance, but he has never bound the person who has no aura in front of him to the summer.
"Now I know, it’s a bit late." The summer attack was also played out at the same time. When his attack went out, the people around him were also one by one.
The man who led the head did not talk nonsense, and immediately threw the two people around him into the summer, then turned and wanted to escape.
puff! puff!
In the summer, the two people in front of the body were pierced.
"I want to escape, how is it possible." Summer also wants to chase up, but when he wants to move forward, he suddenly feels that his body is very painful to upload.
It hurts and hurts.
His limbs are very painful.
And he feels that his body is at this moment, the aura is very large.
Originally, he also relied on the Lingshi to maintain his physical vitality. But in this battle, he consumed too much physical strength, which made his aura in his body consume too much, and his arms and legs festered. There are more places.
In the summer, he did not hesitate to rush to take out the Lingshi to arrange the gathering.
A small polyling array appeared around him. He was also the first to start the rapid absorption of the power of the Gathering, and the aura in the limbs was recovering, but the fester in his body did not mean the slightest change.
"It seems that I am destined to become a ugly one. It will take more than a year. One-twentieth of my body has already festered, and it seems to be accelerating. For up to ten years, I will I will be completely festered and die." Summer laughed at himself, he wanted to protect others, but in the end he found that he could not protect himself.
He remembered what his father had said.
Lonely star, not only will harm the people around him, but also harm himself. This should be the power of the Lone Star.
"Heaven!" Several women ran out from inside.
"How did you come out?" asked in the summer when I saw a few women.
"You have been out for a day, we are worried." Ye Qingxue saw the gathering around the summer, he felt that the situation was not right, he also rushed to open the summer clothes, when she saw the area of ​​the fester in summer When she was enlarged, she was completely unaware of what to say.
This is also the thing they are most worried about.
Summer slowly stood up: "Don't worry about me, I'm fine..."
When he had just finished speaking, he almost fell down.
His brow wrinkled and then looked at his feet.
At this time, he discovered that the flesh and blood on his feet had turned into blood and water. When he had just cultivated, his feet were bone shelves.
Red bones.
What appeared in front of them was the red bones.
"How could this be!!" Ye Qingxue rushed to check.
I didn’t expect it in the summer. Things were more serious than he had imagined. He used his power to make his body, which had no vitality, become more ruined. He looked at the nervousness of a few women, and he smiled a little: Why are you sitting with you, even if only one day, I am very happy."
"No, you have to restore Dantian, we go back to the Seven Immortals." Ye Qingxue said very resolutely.
In the summer, I shook my head. "You know me. No one can force me to do things I don't like. Now it's just a problem with my feet. I just made a wheelchair. I will sit in a wheelchair and try not to fight." That's it."
Yunxiao bowed his head and seemed to have made up his mind.
The situation on the summer side is getting worse.
But the spiritual world has ushered in a huge battle.
Because of the recovery of the spiritual world, many people are practicing faster and faster, and the number of masters is increasing.
This has led to a lot of ambitious families.
On the mainland of the sky.
Although the post-business empire is still the biggest force, it is obvious that the control has become weaker and weaker. If there is no support from the black market and the Tianya Chamber of Commerce, many people have already begun to rebel.
After all, the control area of ​​the Shang Dynasty Empire is too big.
The spirit world is bigger.
So the spirit world suddenly emerged thousands of forces.
Many ambitious families hope to get the most benefits in this troubled world.
However, in the eyes of everyone, Xia Jiajun is always the biggest force. It is not that there are many masters in Xia Jiajun, but the cohesiveness of Xia Jiajun. As long as Xia Jiajun thinks, whether it is the black market, the end of the world, or the surrounding forces, Will come to help the first time, this is all agreed before.
Moreover, there are land monsters and sea people to help.
and so.
Xia Jiajun is now the biggest force in the spiritual world.
Because the dragon said that he killed the summer, the speed of the rise is also very fast. Many people who used to watch the summer and Xia Jiajun are unhappy. They all joined the dragon god, so that the whole power of the dragon is The rapid increase, coupled with the business itself is a natural emperor, so he quickly gathered a large number of masters.
For a time.
The number of masters is also increasing.
The development is very smooth.
"Good news, good news!!" Shang Hao went to the room of the Dragon God.
"Is there a news of Ermu?" Long Shen hurriedly asked.
"Yes, there is news of Ermu and Xia Soul. The two of them have now found an ancient ruins." Shang Hao said.
Dragon God is also a bright spot.
Actually, I found the ancient ruins. This is good news.
"We will leave now." Dragon God said directly.
"No hurry, I have already returned all the twelve guards. For up to two days, they will be there. When we go together, although the strength of our two is already strong enough, after all, this enemy has one. It is the soul of the summer, his strength is more mysterious, so it is still very careful." Shangyu now wants to ask for a safer point.
He didn't want to make any more mistakes.
In his view, now is the time for both of them to dominate the world.
"Good!" Dragon God nodded.
On the mainland of the heavens.
Eagle Valley.
Normally, this is the site of the flying monsters. Here is the gathering place of the eagle. It is said that there are millions of hawks here. It can be said that it is a forbidden place for human beings. Nowhere can human beings be found anywhere.
"This is the Eagle Valley." The face of a browed man showed a slap in the face.
At this moment, he saw the front, not an ordinary canyon, but his beautiful future.
call out! call out! call out!
Dozens of eagle people came from afar: "This is the Eagle Valley, the land of our eagle family. Humans are forbidden to approach, otherwise they will kill innocent people."
Their voices have just fallen, and even people are still flying, but their bodies are separated.
They are tens of thousands of meters away from the eyebrows, but their bodies seem to have been opened from the middle.
"There is too much nonsense." One eyebrow said very casually.
"Adults have made great achievements." All the people around him praised them.
"Go, go in and see with me, I would like to see, the once-in-a-life of the hundred-winged God, now choose how to hide." After the eyebrows finished, they quickly rushed inside, and his men were all Followed up, when they rushed in, a large number of hawks also rushed over.
They have sensed that humans have invaded.
Seeing the black pressure, there are countless hawks.
"Protect adults." Those men hurriedly said.
"You let it go." A man’s right hand waved.
The magic sword appeared in his hand.
When the magic sword appeared, the eyebrows were also swept directly by a sword.
For a moment.
The magic sword seems to have become more than a hundred thousand meters long, and any living body that the magic sword touches has been completely killed by the spike. This is the real spike.
The monsters that are flying up, the body is split directly into two, falling on the ground.
At the beginning, they were still black and pressed, but now they are empty and nothing is gone.
All were killed by him.
that's it.
One eyebrow walked straight in.
Flying around more eagle people, at the same time, a few figures came out from the inside, the head of one is the of the hundred wings.
"Who am I, one eyebrow, you can do it now, actually came here." The hundred-winged God naturally knows that a man is more famous than a few previous ones.
The eyebrows of a brow are cold. He sees sarcasm and disdain from the eyes of the of the hundred wings: "I will give you two roads, either surrender or die." See the new chapter of zui, please call - mobile address.
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