Chapter 8448: Grasshopper life

Nine uncle!
This was the second time I heard the name in the summer, and he found that the boss also quickly came out from the inside and stood respectfully at the door.

Everyone listens. From now on, they don’t accept foreign customers. Existing customers can’t continue to order things.
The boss shouted to the surrounding waiters and also said to the guests in the restaurant.
I ordered a pot of wine in the summer, but he could not continue to order anything.
Of course.
The boss did not go to other people in the house and let everyone continue here.
The second floor people were all invited out, and the owner of the restaurant also made compensation.
Those people were very uncomfortable at first, but when they saw compensation, when they heard the name of Nine Uncle, everyone still left honestly.
After about half an hour or so.
A team of people came over.
After the team came in, they directly blocked the aisle until they reached the stairs on the second floor.
An old man with a white hair seemed to come in from the outside. Although the old man had some white hair, in fact, the old man looked very spirited. When he walked in, the people around him seemed to bow their heads. There is a hint of awe, and there is a hint of fear.
This makes the summer's gaze very obvious.
A guard's gaze was placed on the summer body, and he glanced around in the summer. He did not say anything at the end and went straight upstairs.
"At the moment, he seemed to see through me. It should have been used to detect my realm." Summer has already discovered that the other party has just swept his realm quickly.
After discovering his realm, he quickly left.
These people went upstairs.
Sitting there drinking in the summer, he is drinking very slowly. In fact, his eyes have already seen this layer, and he is observing the second layer.
Although the building here is very weird, it still can't stop his eyes.
And he doesn't need to look up at all, his eyes can see him above.
Above this time.
The uncles of Jiu Shu are guarded on both sides.
However, there are two men who have been standing next to Jiu Shu. One of them is the one who has just explored the summer. This person's face is very cold, and the whole person looks very majestic.
The other person is a smile, no one understands what he is laughing, but he is always laughing.
A figure flew directly from the outside. After the man flew over, he quickly rushed in. The speed was very fast, and he rushed directly to the second floor. Although the people on the first floor sensed someone passing by, except for summer. No one saw how this person was on the second floor.
"Fast speed." Summer sighed.
He really saw what it is called speed.
"It is a master." Red Phoenix reminded.
The second floor at this time.
Nine uncle sat there facing the stairway, and the man was standing in front of Jiu Shu after going upstairs: "Nine uncle, let go of my brother."
Jiu Shu looked at this person like this, did not speak.
"Nine uncle, my brother is wrong, I admit, but I am such a younger brother, you let him go, his fault, I am coming." The man squatted directly on the ground after he finished.
"Cloud, what are you doing?" said Nine Uncle's slow opening.
"Nine uncle, as long as I can protect my brother's life, what do you say, I will listen to you." Yunxiao was there and began to gimmick.
boom! boom!
They are very hard.
"Well, Yunxiao, the city has the city law, the family has the rules of the family, the things of the cloud, you can't help, I can go to the city owner, but you should understand, once I open, then, we, the Vatican It’s completely passive. Do you know how much loss it is? Even if the city owner can forgive him, what about the family? How do you tell me how to tell the family?
asked Nine Uncle.
"Nine uncle, I have given you life in this life, what do you want me to do, I will do whatever, just ask you to save my brother." Yunxiao said quickly.
"Clouds, tomorrow morning, Yunlei must die, this is to give the city owner an account, but also to the family to explain, I do not want to see Yunlei again in this life." Jiu Shu said after standing up, directly Go outside.
"Thank you, Jiu Shu, thank you Jiu Shu!!" Yunxiao kept gimmicks, he has already left no matter whether Jiu Shu or not.
It’s just like this.
The cold man's hand patted the head of Yunxiao and then went out.
After the nine uncles left the restaurant, Yunxiao stood up.
"The grass is killing people!" The summer understood, the last sentence of the nine uncles was to kill people, that is, he let the cloud go to find a ghost, and then replace his brother, but his brother can no longer appear in the future. In the scope of Cloud City, you can't let anyone in the city see it, let alone anyone in the family see it.
Originally, he thought that this nine uncle was highly respected, what a big man, and now it seems that it is no different.
"Be careful, he is looking for a ghost, don't find yourself." Hong Feng reminded.
The value of hate in summer is very high, and what happens in this situation will eventually happen to him.
"I am not here to make trouble. Cloud City is my first city in the fairyland. I want to find a way to help my father. First of all, I have to grow up myself. Although the dark city is surging, but the fairy world is again. Real pure land? First understand the situation, then quickly cultivate." Summer believes that after coming to a place, do not blindly follow, we must first investigate the situation.
The sky above the sky quickly rushed down and left the restaurant directly.
After he left, the boss also said: "Sorry, you can order food now."
"Attendant, where can I buy information?" When the service staff came to deliver the wine in the summer, they also asked directly.
"Intelligence? This thing, it is dark net, but I don't know what the dark net is, but it is said that the dark net is something that can be bought, including the lives of others." The service staff smiled.
"What about the basic news of Cloud City? I just flew up, so I don't know much about it here." Summer passed two pieces of Xianshi.
The service staff glanced at Xianshi and looked at the summer again: "Your luck is so good. After flying up, you can safely come here. It seems that you are flying up the free flying pool."
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