Chapter 8450: Remnant

He didn't really come to earn that piece of celestial stone.
"If you want extra rewards, it depends on whether you have the ability or not. I am a fire in the sky. The temperature is very high. Although you can temporarily resist it with the power of the fairy, the power of the fairy will be great, if your The body can't hold the flame here, and that's no use. And, forging here requires real power. If you don't have enough power, I can't use you," said the sturdy man.
In the summer, I glanced at the giant hammer there.
Then his right hand was placed on top of the giant hammer.
The heavy hammer was taken directly by him.
In the summer, the toes of one foot point to the ground, the other foot rotates, and then the right hand slams down. At this moment, all the powers of his whole body are gathered above one point.
The hammer was placed on top of the hot material.
The sound of the sky has appeared.
If there is no soundproofing method here, then people on the outside streets will be shaken by the shocking heart.
"Oh?" The man's face showed a smile: "You are hired."
Summer put down the giant hammer in his hand: "When can I start?"
"Now, from now on, you will give me the material in front of you and temper it like this." The sturdy man took out a crystal clear spar.
I took a look at the spar in the summer.
The refiner here is very different from the spiritual world, but it is more elaborate.
when! when!
Summer is constantly tempered.
"This kind of refining method is more meticulous, and it can be damaged in two ways. Afterwards, the body will be very insensitive to the elements of fire. After a long time, they will be hard to find after the sneak attack of the fire elements, and it is difficult to sense the strong elements of fire. The people, and the sound of this giant hammer, will shake all senses. After leaving here, all senses will also decline, and the overall combat capability will decline." Hong Feng said.
"Yeah, so when I was in the iron, I closed all my senses." When I was in the summer, I quickly closed all my senses. Of course, when he was talking to the strong man, he relied on it. It is a special means.
The strong man came over from behind and held a few materials in his hand.
He glanced at the material in his hand: "This is all about Xianshi."
"Right, I found out in the material store that the materials are very expensive, and the price of the refining weapons and medicinal drugs is very low, plus the cost of labor, this is absolutely worth the right." Summer Looked at the majestic man.
"You are right, it is a loss. I have been in the refining workshop for ten years. I used to be a bit of an asset. Now, if there is nothing decent in refining, then I will stick to a light moon at most. I am going to close the door here." The strong man threw all the materials in his hand into the skyfire: "My name is Mureng!!"
"Well, meeting is fate. I will let you know about the situation here in a light moon." Remnant is controlling the temperature of the skyfire: "First, let me talk about the refiner, the fire here. Fifty pieces of sacred stone can be used for one light year. The materials here are all bought outside, but the price is not very low. At least 20 pieces of celestial stone are consumed in each light month, and each light is finished. If you sell to those shops in the month, you can only sell about 10 pieces of celestial stones. That is to say, for every light month, I have to pay more than a dozen pieces of Xianshi, and I have to count the rent of the store."
"Since this is so expensive, why do you want to open a workshop?" asked in the summer.
"Dream, everyone has their own dreams. If there is no dream, what is the difference between it and salted fish?" Remaining smiled slightly.
"Can this road, there should be a lot of people who fail?" said the summer.
"Who will see the people who have failed, I will tell you this, once, it was our Cloud City, when someone refining the equipment, refining a fairy, who could think of a cloud city, an ordinary In the refining workshop, a fairy was refining, and then the city owner protected the man and the fairy. But the outside forces also heard it, and came over to buy the fairy. The final price of the fairy was 500,000 pieces of Xianshi." Remnant is very longing to say: "That is 500,000 pieces of sacred stone, there are so many celestial stones, tens of thousands of years do not need to go out to die."
"The fairy is so expensive." Summer sighed.
"Of course, in our Qingzhou, the number of immortals is not much, they are in the hands of those masters." Zuo Hui explained.
"The situation is not good, in Qingzhou, the fairy is so rare, then you exposed the fairy, I am afraid that Yun Xianzong will not let you go." Hong Feng reminded.
"Only one person refines the fairy, and the other people are compensated. Right, everyone in the cloud city is losing money?" asked in the summer.
"Not at all, those relatively large refining workshops, they have great power behind them, and the refining masters inside are also top-notch. They will minimize the cost and almost at least refine them. Half-scented, and the attributes carried by the semi-celerial are also very good. Not all the semi-prestige devices are low in price. If the semi-precious devices with special attributes are refined, the price is also very high, so as long as they do not regularly refine Produce a good half fairy, then they are earning." Remnant explained.
"Why is the refining material so expensive?" In the summer, I understand that in fact, those big refining workshops are also losing money, but each of them loses less, but they have too many people, so add up. It is also not a small number.
"In Qingzhou, all the refining materials and alchemy materials are almost controlled by the big forces. Of course, Qingzhou is so big, there must be a good place that has not yet been mined, but even if you find it, it will not take long. It will be discovered by those big forces, and you have not yet guarded by your own power. Then you can't keep the refinery material mining area you found, and in Qingzhou, it is illegal to sell large quantities of refining equipment and alchemy materials. Everyone, every light In the month, you can sell up to ten pieces of sacred stone. Of course, this refers to ordinary materials. If someone is lucky and gets a top material, it is normal to sell high prices, but once sold High price, then he can not conduct a second transaction in a light year." Remnant explained.
Summer nodded slightly: "Right, after I came to Cloud City, I heard the name of Jiu Shu many times. Is this Jiushu famous?"
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