Chapter 8830: so be it

"I don't have any need for your help. Although I also kill people, the people I kill are people. Even if I have the right, I will not kill innocent people, and I will not take human life as a mustard." Summer Facelessly looking at the plateau in front of me: "I helped you, save you, give you a unicorn, because I saw the shining point on you, although you are being bullied every day, I see you. Bone gas and the kind of loyalty you don't sell me, I thought, if one day, you can go on the right track, you will cherish the present life more, but I did not expect that you come to see me today, the most talked about is killing."
The plateau has been stunned. He has always respected the summer since he came in. In fact, he hopes to get recognition in the summer. How much he hopes to talk to him in the summer: You are really amazing now. I feel proud of you.
He hopes to get the praise of the summer.
Because summer is in a weak life, it has a different meaning.
But now.
In the summer, there is actually a blame for him.
"Highland, I admit that you are very good now, I also admit that you are protecting me, but this is not what I want to see you, you can have today's status, I am happy for you, but I don't want you to use this Extreme way to prove yourself, of course, I have no right to persuade you, but the same, I do not like you now, everyone has their own way of life, maybe this is the living method you want." Summer said .
"Mr. Xia, am I wrong? How do people treat me, how can I treat them, is this also wrong? If it is not my hot method, can you stand here safely now? I know your means. A lot, you can't die, but now in the cloud city, someone dares to touch you?" The plateau looked at the summer.
"The plateau, in fact, I would rather escape everywhere and be chased. I don't want you to be like this. In my heart, you are a loyalty. Although you are bullied every day, your heart is still very pure, but now you can't move. Just kill, do you know what the result of this road will be? If people kill their habits, they will not be able to hold their hands. The right is a double-edged sword. If you use it well, you can kill the enemy. If you use it badly, you will hurt. My own." Summer also understood that he said that the plateau could not listen.
But he still has to say that he hopes that the plateau will one day be able to understand.
"Mr. Xia, it seems that you are in a bad mood today, then I will come back in the next day." The plateau is still very grateful for the summer, although now he can't move to kill, but in his opinion, he will never kill the summer.
Looking at the plateau in summer, I have to go out: "Are you sure you want to go this way?"
"Well, this is my way, it is also my life. Maybe Mr. Xia can't understand me for the time being, but one day, maybe you will understand, and if you don't dare to sell those weapons that you refine If you can send someone to digest it, but I also do things for the city owner, so the price can only be normal price, it is impossible to premium." After the plateau finished, he went out.
He never thought about dealing with the summer.
I didn't even think about saying things about summer refining.
Not before.
Not now.
"Is it a bit too harsh?" sighed in the summer.
"No, you are good for him, because you know better than anyone. If he goes on like this, there may be some unpredictable things." Hongfeng can understand the summer.
Because the summer is all the way, he has encountered everything, various difficulties, various crises, and countless.
"Go by him, the location is different, the way we think about the problem is different, just like he said, maybe one day, I can understand him." Nothing to say in summer.
Summer understands.
Although I helped the plateau myself, it has nothing to do with the plateau.
Even his apprentice, Tianli and Tiantian, he has no right to say too much.
After all, everyone has their own life, and others don't have to live the way he wants.
"Yeah, you can't manage too much, but the plateau is still good. At least he didn't hurt you because you made special weapons. I didn't think about killing people, but I didn't think about greed you. The practice." Hong Feng believes that the plateau is still good.
After all, the summer refining technique, the plateau is seen with the eyes.
And the plateau should already know how special the cultivation method he gave him in the summer, but it is not a full version, or a broken version of the rubbing, but he does not have the slightest greed.
I have never thought about grabbing the full version of the summer.
With the current status of the plateau, I am afraid that even the existence of the three major elders does not dare to reprimand him.
But he just talked in the summer, but he has never been angry. He still respects the summer very much. When he walks, he is very polite to the summer. He is very upset in his heart, and he will never show up in the summer.
"Just like this, his future road belongs to himself, but I don't want to be blessed by people for no reason. After this incident is almost the same, I will leave." Summer understands that he will stay in the cloud city, the plateau will Always protect him and cover him.
And it all.
Not what summer wants.
"You, still this temper, then the first refining device, ready for the road." Red Phoenix reminded.
After the plateau went out, the two guards also followed up. The two of them were very strong, and their two eyes swept over the spies around them.
It seems to be a warning.
"There are too many spies here. After I went back, I asked people to clean up these people." The plateau said.
"Yes, adults."
"Right, how about other families and forces talking?" asked the plateau.
"There is no clear answer. They always have the three veterans in their mouths. The meaning is obvious. They want to use three big veterans to press us." A guard said.
"Since I don't know what to do, I don't have to be polite. Recently, I started from them. Just grab the problem and kill it directly," said the plateau.
He wants to shock these people first.
Then force these people to obey.
Among the Fan family.
"I have always been uneasy, as if something is going to happen." Nine uncle's brow wrinkled.
"You have to worry about it. It's very quiet recently. Nothing happens. If there is something big, the old man will inform you." A black shadow came out from behind.
"I wish I had to worry about it, but I am still worried about one person now." Nine uncle's eyes looked into the distance.
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