Chapter 9019: Rong Rong

The plateau came to the side of the two people and waved.
Then all these people in front of them were there.
"You are going out, here I have prepared some sacred stones, medicinal herbs and weapons, and other treasures, bring them together." The guards said.
"No, I have some sacred stones on my body, enough to use them. Other things are left. You have just stabilized your position. You keep these things more important than me." The plateau shook his head.
"Mr. Xia, these things are still good, you let him carry, he took it." The guards looked at the summer.
He is not the first day to know the plateau.
He also knows the character of the plateau.
The plateau is definitely a true loyal person, otherwise they will not have anything behind.
"I still have some things like Xianshi, these are left for you, thank you for your hospitality." Summer slightly handed.
"Okay!" The guards also followed the archers and expressed respect.
He did not force it.
he knows.
People like summer.
It should be no shortage of Xianshi.
"If we have a chance, see you later." The plateau and the guards waved goodbye.
They went straight out of the city government.
In the summer, I have not yet walked out of the city government.
With a little finger in the summer, the body quickly recedes backwards: "True fairy!!"
Yuchi and Yiqu were in the first place in the summer.
But the figure also passed directly through the defense lines of both of them and directly killed the summer.
The plateau also saw the opportunity and killed it directly.
The body of the plateau was also flying out by a pedal.
When the body of the summer moved, the sword of the cold sword appeared in front of him.
Heart sword! !
For a moment.
He used the heart that he had just realized.
The Tianhan sword appeared directly in front of the other side, and then the gold knife directly attacked.
The summer body is also jumping in the space.
The other side escaped the summer attack.
Fairy skills!
at this time.
The huge meteor fell directly.
The other party is also a fairy skill directly.
Summer and the other side retreat at the same time.
Five five open! !
This is the summer of today. In the face of a true fairy, he can also use his own momentary means to open a five-five.
A large number of guards rushed over: "Whoever dares to do it in the Cloud City."
When the people who led the team saw the plateau, they also hurriedly said: "See the adults."
At this time, I saw the other person's figure in the summer.
It is a woman.
"Who are you? Revenge for Yun Xianzong?" asked in the summer.
Although Yun Xianzong was destroyed by him, the lord of Yunxianzong was still alive, and Xuanyin’s father was alive. This is what he knows. If there are people who he does not know exist, it is also very normal.
After the guards heard the news, they quickly rushed over.
A large number of guards also surrounded it all here: "Are you okay?"
"Nothing." I saw the plateau in the summer: "How are you?"
"I am fine," said the plateau.
"You don't think that you are a true fairy, you can do whatever you want in our Cloud City. If you don't say who sent you, now you will open the battle to destroy you." The guard led the cold and said.
Summer is his guest.
And the plateau is still here.
They have not yet come out of the cloud city.
The result was attacked.
If he doesn't handle this thing well, it seems that he is really incompetent.
The woman did not say anything.
Just staring at the summer like this.
"Who are you, you should not be Yun Xianzong people, I have not sensed the atmosphere of any Yun Xianzong people in you, except for the people of Yunxianzong, I seem to have not offended other forces!!" Although I don't understand why the other side wants to kill him in the summer.
But he can be sure.
The goal of this woman is very clear, that is to kill him.
Did not want to do their hands on Yuchi.
"I found it, the logistic Lao Li brought him in." The guard said.
Lao Li also ran over.
And also came with the information of this woman.
"The tall man, who leads the adult, she is the squad." Logistics Li said in a hurry.
When I heard this.
The commander looked at the summer.
They all heard the fact that some time ago, they sent people to catch the summer.
"You are the squad?" In the summer, he was very grateful to the squad before, because the squad's words helped him gather more scattered repairs in a short time, precisely because there were so many scattered repairs. In order to quickly get Yun Xianzong.
The woman looked coldly at the summer: "I was ordered to kill you by the old lady. The old lady said that you are a negative man and you have missed the lady."
A trip in the summer.
I have only seen a few faces with myself and the squad, how can I become a negative heart?
However, since he has already determined that the other party is a squad, he can't let the leader do it.
"Okay, let your people go on," said the summer.
"But he is a real fairy, I am worried about you..."
"Don't worry, I won't have anything to do." Summer went up and looked at the woman: "I think there must be something wrong with it. I am willing to take a walk with you to solve this misunderstanding. I have been to me a few times. I am very grateful to the squad. Since you are a squad, I will never move you."
The woman glanced at the summer: "Do you really want to go with me? Go with me, the old lady will see you, I am afraid I will not let you go."
"Do not worry, I have not done anything. I believe that the old lady is also a reasonable person. I will not be embarrassed by my junior." Summer smiled.
The woman nodded.
"Mr. Xia, then I will not send it." The guards saw that the matter was solved, and he did not keep up.
"Please!" I made a gesture for the summer.
He also wants to personally thank the squad, and also dispel the misunderstanding between the two sides.
Yuchi and Yiqu are also in the summer, although this woman will not do it for the time being, but they can't guarantee that this crazy woman will start again.
The plateau is also behind the summer, guarding the back of the summer.
"Right, dare to ask the name of the surname?" said as he walked outside in the summer.
"Call me Rong Rong," said the woman.
A summer glance: "You can look very young."
"Miss is called me, you are a friend of Miss, so I can do it." Rong said.
It was discovered in the summer.
Although Rong Rong was murderous to him at the beginning, it seems to have improved a lot. Now his attitude towards him has changed a lot.
"You will marry Miss this time!!" Rong Rong said suddenly when he was on the road.
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