Chapter 9475: Xianjun Jiujie

Summer is very confident about your body.
No matter how many medicinal drugs he takes, no matter what method he uses to improve his strength, it will not damage the foundation of the king.
His kingdom is like a bottomless pit.
There can be endless development.
and so.
At this point he also wants to give it a try.
Can you raise your own realm, if he can lift the realm up, then he does not have to rely on his ability to swear everywhere.
"Breakthrough Dan!"
In the summer, I first set my sights on the breakthrough of Dan. This thing is not a level that can be said to raise the people of Xianjun realm.
There are now three hundred breakthroughs in Dan here.
Break through Dan.
The effect of the first dose is definitely the best.
The second time you start taking it, the effect is weakened.
And generally only for more than half a year to achieve maximum effect.
But in the summer there are three hundred breakthroughs in Dan.
He is not afraid that the effect will be weak.
As long as he can improve his strength, he will feel worthwhile to pay more.
Although it is best to use this kind of thing in half a light year, it may damage the foundation, but the most fearful thing in summer is to damage the foundation.
A breakthrough Dan clothing.
At the same time, he also served a polyxiandan, which can be used to accelerate the digestion of the medicinal herbs, and at the same time, it can gather the spirit of the surrounding spirits. When it is dyed, it is better to think that it is a kind of thing in the summer. Used in the mountains.
However, there are martial law around now. If he rushes out, he will be stared, so he still chooses to practice here.
Of course.
Here in the main area of ​​Sirius, the power of Xian is still very abundant.
It is much stronger than the lucky ball.
Here, where the power of the fairy and the aura are worse, it is stronger than the lucky one.
"Breakthrough!!" In the summer, there was a time to practice a light.
His realm has already broken through.
Summer has been in the realm of Xianjun for a long time.
There has been no breakthrough.
But now it has finally broken through.
Xianjun second order! !
The effect of breaking through Dan is still very good.
In such a short period of time, the summer has already broken through.
The sky is falling.
He also took the lead in his own hands for the first time.
The value of the force of the fairy shown above is: 85 points.
"My realm seems to be very different from others. First of all, my realm evolved under the urging of the king of the kingdom. Therefore, my kingdom was originally very different from others. Now I am The realm of the world is equivalent to the second order of Xianjun, but my reserve of the power of Xian is almost reaching the realm of the 9th order of the normal Xianjun." In the summer, I found that my breakthrough, the reserve of Xianli is also infinitely enhanced.
Although the reserve of Xianli does not represent strength.
But the reserve of Xianli represents a lot of things.
Especially if you want to use a virtual disk in the summer, it is even more different.
The request is that the power of Xian is a thousand points.
"Continue!" He was very happy when he saw such a big change in the summer after seeing his breakthrough.
He wants to take a breakthrough Dan.
If you let others know that someone is taking a breakthrough Dan, you will feel that this person is a madman.
But it must be a rich madman.
Because the price of breakthrough Dan is between 4.6 million and 559 million.
People without money can't afford it.
But taking it continuously is not only very bad, but it also damages the foundation.
Overdraw your potential and talent.
So normal people are absolutely impossible to do this crazy thing.
But summer was originally a madman.
The second one!
In the summer, it is also equipped with Juxiandan. He has a lot of Juxiandan. At this time, he is also using Jixiandan quickly. He is constantly taking the Juxiandan, and he wants to use the power of Juxiandan to increase his absorption.
The power to break through Dan was consumed.
"It seems that the normal person will use the breakthrough Dan after three years, and the effect should be only about 80%. When I use it directly, the effect will become about 70%, but it will actually affect the normal person's Dantian, but It’s no use for my kingdom.
Summer took out the third breakthrough Dan.
Continue to take it.
Juxian Dan assisted.
Just keep taking it.
The third breakthrough Dan is even worse, and the impact on Dantian is even stronger.
But now the summer has finally broken through to the realm of the third step of Xianjun.
At this point he opened the sky ring again.
The reserve of Xianli shown above is: 140 points.
"Breaking a hundred." A summer trip.
A master of the Xiandi level, the reserve of the power of Xian can break the hundred.
But now.
In the summer of the Three Kingdoms, the power of Xian has already broken through 140 points.
This is enough to prove how big the gap between his realm and others is.
"Good sign, really money is the most convenient, the strength can be piled up hard." Summer is now thinking about breaking through their realm, and then find a way to break through the strength of several other brothers, after all He also has Xianqiong in his hand. This thing should also work for others.
carry on!
that's it.
Summer has been taking breakthrough Dan.
After he took a hundred breakthroughs and five hundred polyxians.
His realm was stunned by his hard life to the ninth step of Xianjun.
This is the first time he has improved his strength.
The first step of Xianjun, to the nineth order of Xianjun, took only one day.
If this news is passed out, it will definitely make everyone crazy. This kind of thing is completely unimaginable.
This growth rate.
Break the rules.
But this is summer.
The biggest advantage of the king of the world is this.
Of course.
Even if it is the king of the world, it is impossible to have no side effects.
That kind of anti-phagic will make his dantian very painful and his body hurt.
But for people like summer, this pain is nothing.
"I finally succeeded, I am exhausted, if I can't get the ninth order of Xianjun, then I am afraid I will really die." The summer body was soft and there.
At this time he is also very happy.
He once again verified his potential.
Once again, I have raised my overall strength.
The realm is elevated.
His overall strength has all been improved by the former.
"Let's take a break and see if there is any way to try it. If you can break through the realm of Xiandi, then it will turn over." The realm of summer is already the 9th order of Xianjun.
However, there is still a big gap between Xianjun Jiujie and Xiandi.
He believes.
If you can break through to the level of Xiandi, then your overall strength will also undergo earth-shaking changes.
The sky is falling.
In the summer, he also took out the sky and he wanted to see his current reserve of the power of the fairy.
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