Chapter 9428: Startle

Xia Xing looked at the green man in front of her, all with black lines on her face.
have to say.
The scene is really too speechless.
My little brother looked at the huge green man in front of him, and he also stunned: "We are not here to fight, but to inquire about some things. If you are willing to tell us, then you do not need to fight, if you are not willing to say, then Convince you to talk. "
Pony's words were very domineering.
"Human, you are provoking me," the huge poisonous beast sounded like a thunder.
He hit it with a single punch.
The poisonous water was so overwhelming that it hit the pony directly.
at the same time.
Pony's body spins quickly.
The surrounding airflow changes.
The venom flew out in the direction of the air flow, and all were kicked out by the pony.
"Good job," Summer sighed.
"Xiao Piao's leg work is already so good." Hong Feng said with emotion.
He and Xia are also used to seeing a variety of masters, but the masters they saw before and the pony brother's leg work now is really not enough.
"My little brother has three thousand points of fairy power, but he has mastered the innate force in advance, and coupled with his leg skills, he is really strong." Summer felt, my little brother's fairy power Much faster than he grew up.
And pony has control of innate power.
Even in the current summer, innate power cannot be used perfectly.
At this point.
My little pony has even gone beyond summer.
In addition, Pony's legs are magical, and his means are very strong, so up to now, the enemies he has encountered have been deterred by his powerful means.
The poison beast was repelled in one round of attack, and he immediately condensed his second round of attack.
boom! boom!
My little brother is completely fighting with the poisonous beast.
"Moon, go and support the blood knife." Summer shouted.
At this time in the blood knife, a person has been struggling to resist the attacks of the little green men.
Feitian Mingyue rushed to hear the summer's order.
He came directly to the blood knife and killed a small poisonous beast who wanted to sneak in the blood knife: "Bibi see?"
"Okay!" Blood Knife's face also showed excitement.
The last time he fought with Feitian Mingyue, he lost the oral conviction.
Since it is a battle, you cannot avoid winning or losing.
The two of them can be regarded as evenly matched men.
Meet again at this time, the two's means must also be used.
At this time, the two of them also worked hard.
On the other side.
Those in the Qing government are constantly attacking. They are very fast. On the surface, these little poisonous beasts are eating them. In fact, these little poisonous beasts have been surrounded by them.
Summer stood there, watching the battle here quietly.
He didn't rush to shoot, but now all the changes on the battlefield are under his control. No matter who is in danger, he can rush to the rescue as soon as possible.
The poisonous beast was kicked out by the pony.
But the poisonous beasts are getting more and more brave.
The most important feature of these poisonous beasts is the protracted war. Maybe he can't treat you for a while, but as long as you have the slightest mistake, they can immediately seize the opportunity to poison you.
Once poisoned, it begins to be the home of poisonous beasts.
"Are you still not convinced?" My brother kicked the poisonous beast out again.
The poisonous beast is now snoozed by the endless means of pony brothers: "Don't accept it!"
He's still stiff now.
The light flashed.
The pony rushed to the front of the poisoned beast, and the body of the poisoned beast was directly trampled down by the pony.
at this time.
The war completely fell to their side in the summer.
at this time.
Another poisonous beast emerged from the ground.
"One male and one mother, two." Hongfeng said.
Summer's body also rushed to the newly emerged poisonous beast.
That poisonous beast also smashed his overwhelming venom directly into summer.
There is no dodge in summer.
Just kill the past along the venom.
A person, the strongest place, is also his weakest place. This poisonous beast believes that under this attack, anyone is dodging and defending, so the position after his attack is also his weakest place.
Laws merge.
Summer's body is transformed into ice.
Penetrating directly past his weakest spot.
This poisonous beast was directly frozen by summer.
At this time, summer was also full of venom.
Jie Wang decided.
All the venom was devoured by the king of the kingdom, and summer's body did not suffer any damage.
After this female poisonous beast was frozen, the male poisonous beast seemed to have gone mad.
"I didn't kill him, but if you continue to make trouble, I might kill him." Summer shouted.
The male poison beast stopped his attack: "What do you want?"
Said summer.
A light flashed, and all the little poisonous beasts on the scene stopped.
But at the same time.
There were countless small poisonous beasts around, and at a glance, millions: "Humans, talk is fine, but if you dare to hurt her, I promise you to bury you here."
Everyone was also stunned. Just a few thousand heads, they were struggling so hard. What if millions of them came together? The whole area will be swallowed up here.
"I just want to talk about it, there is no need to make such a big battle." Summer's right hand waved, and Tian Han Jian appeared in his hand.
Miles frozen!
For a moment.
The ice froze the entire area.
The millions of small poisonous beasts around were all frozen.
Poisonous beasts are deterring the summer, which is also a tooth for a tooth.
The light flashed, and the cold sword disappeared, and the surrounding ice disappeared.
He just wanted to deter them, and it was impossible for them to completely freeze these poisonous beasts.
"You let her go first," said the poisonous beast.
Summer's fingers moved slightly, and the ice dissipated.
The mother poisonous beast was also unblocked directly.
"Come with me!" The male poisonous beast walked inward, and they followed in summer.
A very nice environment.
"If you want to talk, just ask." Said the poisonous beast.
"I want to find out what happened recently inside, as well as things related to Wan Linwei." Asked in the summer when the door opened.
"It's really a little different recently, especially some time ago, I felt the anxiety of all the fairy beasts here. As for Wan Linwei, the movement suddenly increased recently." The male poisonous beast said.
"How long?" Summer asked.
"If there are problems at the beginning, it should be two years, but if there is a lot of movement, it should be the most recent month, especially the previous two days. I don't know why, Fenglin Mountain shook a bit."
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