Chapter 1196: Shameless

Suddenly, just as Lin Cheng breathed a sigh of relief, there were bursts of cracking noises from the two ice walls that sandwiched the fire man. Then, before Lin Cheng moved, the two ice walls Suddenly split up, and flew out in all directions!
Quickly dodged to avoid the broken ice shot. When all the dust settled, Lin Cheng looked up and saw that the fire man was still standing in place at this time. The two ice walls just now didn't seem to bring anything to it. hurt……
"War armor form!"
Seeing ordinary means, it is obvious that he can't help the other party. Lin Cheng suppressed the impetuous state of mind and muttered silently in his heart. He saw the broken ice scattered around him quickly floating towards him, accompanied by a short moment. With the sound of Frost assembling, I saw Lin Cheng's transformation, from a 1.7-meter guy to an ice armor warrior with a height of nearly three meters!
After turning into the battle armor form, Lin Cheng controlled the ice fists of both hands to fight a few times, then his eyes rolled and fell directly on the fire man who was about to attack him!
Just as Huo Nan was about to leave, Lin Cheng's figure, who had turned into a battle armor form, suddenly disappeared in place. Accompanied by a burst of extreme air-breaking sound, Huo Nan suddenly felt a shiver behind him. He was about to turn around, but listened. With a "shoo", an ice skate more than two meters long instantly cut from the top of his head!
Since the speed of this ice skate was so fast, Huo Man didn't have any room to turn around. He could only reluctantly hide to the side, but when he heard a sound, he was caught on the left half of his body before he could escape. Cut it off!
As half of his body was cut off in the blink of an eye, Huo Man couldn't help but let out a painful howl, but Lin Cheng's eyes that caused all this did not change at all, and he did not give the other party any chance to breathe. Turning from vertical to horizontal, he cut off the only half of the burning man again!
With a soft sound, the horrible howl of the fire man burning with flames suddenly stopped, and then, the only remaining lower body was still standing firmly in place, while the upper body was slowly sliding to the ground!
With the upper half of Huo Nan falling to the ground, Lin Cheng retracted his long sword and walked to take a look. He saw that Huo Nan, who was cut into three pieces by him at this time, had no breath, but he couldn't help but scratch his mouth. After a sneer.
Cut off the opponent's head casually, Lin Cheng bent down and took Huo Nan's head in his hand. He looked at his head whose flame breath was obviously weakened by 90%, but his palm suddenly trembled, and a chill followed his palm and quickly moved towards the opponent. Go in your head!
As the cold air continued to pour into Huo Man’s head, bursts of water vapor also continued to appear. As for Huo Man, the guy who was left with his head at this time seemed to have died completely, and he had nothing to do with Lin Cheng’s actions. resistance.
However, if it does not resist, it does not mean that Lin Cheng will stop. Lin Cheng, who knows how troublesome this guy's awakening ability is, keeps losing the cold air into the opponent's head, obviously intending to freeze this flame head into Hockey is willing to give up.
But as the cold air entered Huo Nan’s head faster and faster, Lin Cheng’s brows became more frowning, because he found that this method did not seem to have any effect. According to past experience, he had so much cold air infused even if it was a The iron furnace was also freezing, but the flame head didn't mean to go out at all, but the brightness of the flame was obviously much dimmer than before.
More importantly, with the passage of time, the frost on his right hand holding the flame head has melted a lot. If he continues, he is not sure whether the opponent can be frozen, but his palm is probably about to be scrapped!
After inserting a few energy beans into his mouth, Lin Cheng controlled the cold energy in his body to pump it into the flame head more quickly, while trying to keep the frost in the ice spring on his right hand from being melted by the flame. Minutes later, Lin Cheng suddenly gritted his teeth and threw the flame head to the ground with a "boom"!
Just as he threw the flame head to the ground, he saw a puff of white gas emerging from the palm of his right hand. He lowered his head and glanced at the ice layer of his right palm that was almost completely burned through. Lin Cheng's expression was very ugly. .
Although the fire man who was cut into three segments by him can no longer cause any threat to it, the vitality of this guy is really exuberant and terrifying. He swallowed five or six energy beans before and after to accelerate the recovery of physical strength. The cold air froze the burning head, which was annoying to think about.
"Rolling around..."
Just as Lin Cheng was thinking about this difficult guy to collect the opponent's ability points, the flame head that was thrown on the ground by him suddenly rolled up, and its two pieces were left aside by Lin Cheng and ignored. The torso moved both as the flames head Before Lin Cheng could catch up, these three remnants were put together again!
Just as the three remnants of the fire man were re-assembled into one body, a hot aura suddenly appeared from the opponent, and the ice layer in the cave that had just been reinforced by the forest city melted a layer in an instant!
"My Nima..."
Looking at the fire man who had come back to life again, Lin Cheng had no idea what to say. Yes, the opponent was completely a scumbag in terms of combat effectiveness, otherwise he would not be easily killed by him. Two times, but the problem is that this guy is not afraid of death at all. On the contrary, his mentality is obviously a little out of balance after these two'tortures'.
Under the irritability, Lin Cheng didn't bother to play any tricks with the other party. He stepped on tiptoe, and rushed towards the other party again!
The moment he rushed to Huo Man, Lin Cheng swung the ice skate in his hand, severely cut it towards the opponent's neck!
I thought that the fire man who came back alive the second time would have any tricks waiting for him, so Lin Cheng's hands are full of strength, but he doesn't want to be accompanied by a soft sound of'噌'. The head of the fire man who has just been'resurrected' is easy. The ground was cut off by his long knife again!
Falling to the ground, Lin Cheng opened his mouth while looking at the head of the fire man slowly rolling on the ground, but he didn't know what to say. He could see it now. This guy should also understand that it is not a matter of skill alone. My opponent, so he was ready to use his immortal body to play rogues with him, anyway, no matter how he cut it, he could resurrect indefinitely. In the long run, Lin Cheng himself would be the first to be uncomfortable.
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