Chapter 1802: Sudden flame!

With a muffled sound, Felton's big foot that was about to step on the giant bear was suddenly withstood by Felton, and while he resisted the opponent's trampling, Coke opened his mouth and burst out with a "roar" A big mouthful of red flame!
The blazing flame scorched Coke’s mouth toward the top, igniting a large area of ​​fur on the giant bear in the blink of an eye, and these ignited fur quickly spread to the giant under the swelling of the cold wind. Bear all over!
The spread of flames made the giant bear no longer have time to take care of the Felton trio at his feet, twisting his huge body and rushing across the cracked ruins to extinguish the flames on his body, but due to the cold wind of Siberia. , The more it struggles, the faster these flames burn. After a short time, not only did the three Felton under its feet smell a scorching smell, but also Lincheng and Bai Ling in the distance Smell it.
"How can Coke breathe fire?!"
Smelling this familiar burnt smell, Lin Cheng hadn't spoken yet, but Bai Ling on the side suddenly asked him.
Hearing Bai Ling's surprised tone, Lin Cheng shrugged and said: "To be honest, I just knew it, but it was originally a person with special form ability, and nowadays, both you and Fang Xiucheng experts in special form research It's still at the most basic level, and no one knows what kind of changes will happen to people with special abilities in their cultivation to the deepest level..."
Hearing Lin Cheng’s words, Bai Ling still frowned,
But that’s incredible, right? If those with special form abilities can breathe fire and cast ice at a deep level, those with fire or ice control will still Does it have a meaning?"
"Of course it makes sense."
Hearing that, Lin Cheng smiled disapprovingly, and said: "You must have seen a lot of people with the flame ability. You should have a good understanding of the threat of such people. Then I want to ask you, with a coke Judging from the degree of the flame that was sprayed just now, it is probably in the position of the flame capable person?"
"This one……"
Hearing what Lin Cheng said, Bai Ling calmed down immediately, and after thinking for a few seconds, he said, "It's probably between four and five dans?"
"Doesn't this end?"
Spreading his hands, Lin Cheng said with a smile: "Coke's strength is at least around eight levels, but the flames it emits are only four or five levels. Is this not enough to explain the problem?"
Hearing this, Bai Ling raised her eyebrows and asked: "You mean... erupting flames is just a small auxiliary means for Coke?"
"you could put it that way."
Nodded, Lin Cheng said: "You must know that Coke itself is a powerful person with a special form ability of about 8 dan. If it is another occasion, the flame it sprays is not enough to create such a huge threat, even It’s impossible to stop the enemy for a second! I guess, Coke actually erupts in flames very early, but it also knows that this little trick doesn’t work much in most situations, and it consumes nothing. There is no benefit beyond one's physical strength."
Speaking of this, Lin Cheng touched a cigarette, lit it, and said, "In fact, when Coke first awakened and transformed into a special form, I was thinking, what is the origin of the fiery red hair and flame-like tail of this guy? Where did it come from? I’ve seen a lot of mutant beasts, but it’s unique after being transformed like Coke, so I thought later that there must be a deeper secret in it waiting for the two of us to dig together, but it’s not I thought that this wait was three years, and now the answer is finally revealed, but the power looks a little unsatisfactory..."
"Is it bad? I think it's already very powerful."
Seeing Lin Cheng's tone at the end of the speech was obviously a little regretful, Bai Ling said silently: "The three of them had nothing to do with the giant bear, but just because of the unexpected flame of Coke, the whole situation was changed. They are all pulled back, so you still feel dissatisfied?"
"The reason why the giant bear was drawn is just because it was careless, and it does not represent how strong Coke's fire ability is."
Listening to Bai Ling's dissatisfied tone, Lin Cheng shook his head and said, "But I have to say that the time when Coke chose to erupt the flame is very good. I think the reason why it suddenly turned back in the process of escaping is precisely Because it finds itself waiting for the opportunity to suddenly appear."
Originally, Bai Ling wanted to criticize him again when she heard the first half, but when she heard the second half, she didn't have this idea, but promptly asked: "You mean, starting from the return of Cola. , All of this is actually in its calculations?"
"It should be like this."
Nodded, Lin Cheng's face was a little emotional, "I just thought about it carefully. When the guy at Cola turned his head, it was when a north wind was coming. That guy must be very clear that his fire ability is under normal circumstances. It is difficult to cause decent damage to the giant bear, so I have been concealed before, just taking Daisy up and down to fight guerrilla warfare, until the north wind blows, it finally waited for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! As for Felton Although that guy hadn’t communicated with Coke in advance, his on-the-spot reaction and ability to withstand stress were vividly demonstrated just now. If he hadn’t helped him fight the kick just now, Coke probably didn’t have enough time to brew that. A ball of flame! So—"
Seeing the giant bear burned by flames in the distance, its scorched black roaring weaker and weaker Cheng suddenly smiled, "All of this is the result of teamwork. Although the three of them were in the previous battle The performance was a bit poor, but fortunately they finally understood the importance of teamwork."
Listening to Lin Cheng's words, Bai Ling raised his eyebrows and joked with a light smile: "It's rare to see, you, a poisonous-tongued fellow, can even boast."
"Too lazy to talk with you."
Shaking his head, Lin Cheng didn't pay attention to Bai Ling's ridicule, and continued to pay attention to the situation in the distance.
During the conversation between Lin Cheng and Bai Ling, the giant bear that was completely wrapped in flames had been burned at least three times ripe. If it hadn't been for its thick skin, it would have been burned by this lingering fire. The burned bear is dry, but even so, it is in a very bad situation now. The wounds on the back that were previously cut by Coke and Daisy have long been smashed by the burning skin, and the pierced eyeballs are in the flames. The burn was completely closed, but the pain was not something human to suffer. Fortunately, because it itself had become a big fireball, Felton and the three of them did not dare to get close to it for the time being, otherwise they would use Coke and Felton's temper It is estimated that he would have rushed to take advantage of his illness to kill him.
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