Chapter 2003: Into town

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Driving a snowmobile into Imbetsu Town slowly, Rinshiro did not completely lower the throttle, but drove the off-road vehicle with the steering wheel and wandered around the town a few times, making sure that the monster would not suddenly rush into him. He stopped in front of the tallest building, and after everyone got off the car, he threw the off-road vehicle harvest capsule into the storage capsule.
The town was really just a town. After getting off the car, Lin Cheng did not directly enter the building. Instead, he turned around and scanned the town, only to find that there seemed to be nothing to pay attention to here, because almost all of the town was buried in snow. Even if he wanted to see the original appearance of this town, he had no chance.
But this is also a good thing for them. Since the town and almost completely fell into the wind and snow, their probability of encountering danger here has also been reduced a lot. The reduction in the number of surrounding buildings makes them completely unnecessary to worry. Walking on the street was suddenly attacked by monsters rushing out of the house. Even though the wind and snow were still the same, everyone's mood at this time was inexplicably better.
At this time, the sky had gradually darkened. Lin Cheng, who realized that the town had little exploration value, did not waste time. He turned around and led everyone to the front building. Only when he reached the entrance below the building, he found out. , The inside of the glass door was actually blocked with messy tables, chairs and benches. From the outside, you couldn't see anything inside.
"There are survivors in this?"
Looking at the tables, chairs and benches stuck in the door, Lin Cheng raised his eyebrows and suddenly became alert.
And Bai Ling’s reactions were similar to him. Everyone is no newbie. It is clear that the threat of survivors in today’s apocalyptic is no less than that of monsters. Since the entrance of this building has been deliberately used A large number of tables, chairs and benches are blocked, which means that there is a high probability of survivors inside, which does not allow them to be careless.
"Give up entering from the main entrance and look around to see if there are other entrances."
Although he was confident in the overall strength of his team, Lin Cheng was not arrogant. After realizing that there might be survivors in the building, he immediately gave up entering from the main entrance, but planned to try to find the entrance from other places, because too many lessons learned. He, when facing strange survivors, no matter how good the other party is, he must firmly hold the initiative in his own hands as much as possible!
Following his order, everyone in the team dispersed immediately and began a careful search around the building. A few minutes later, everyone in the team reunited, but Lin Cheng couldn't help frowning because of the news that everyone brought back.
"All the places that can enter the building are blocked from the inside. Except for this gate, the smaller entrances were even welded directly from the inside with metal. Obviously those people were prepared when they came here. I came here with the intention to use this place as a long-term refuge."
The results given by Bai Ling and others did not go beyond Lin Cheng’s expectations. It is now the third year of the end of the world. The survivors at this time are different from those three years ago in terms of strength and survivability. For those who can survive to the present, it is not difficult to find a place where they can survive. At the same time, they must have many ways to strengthen the defense of the refuge. Lin Cheng and the others may only see the outermost layer. Basic defense measures.
"Forget it, we drove around the town with a swagger just now. If there were any survivors here, as long as we weren't blind, we would have been spotted a long time ago. Instead of hiding and fighting guerrillas, it's better to go straight. The survivors who can live to the present must be old fried dough sticks, and they must not dare to easily attack us if they are not completely sure, and we can take this opportunity to observe these survivors. If they are not the most vicious generation, we may be able to They heard a lot of useful information."
After thinking about it for a moment, Lin Cheng said what he was thinking, and Bai Ling and the others fell into contemplation after hearing his thoughts. After half a minute, they looked at each other and then nodded to Lin Cheng together, and decided Just do what he wants.
All the opinions were approved, Lin Cheng didn't linger, and walked directly to the glass door. With a flash of silver light in his hand, he heard a "Zila" sound. He cut a circular hole in the thick glass door instantly.
"Let's go, go in and see the situation."
Putting away Thousand Blades, Lin Cheng got in first, and the others followed. Soon only Coke was still outside, but it did not come in with everyone, but went directly to the ground at the entrance of the door. One lying licked his paw.
This is the tacit understanding between Lin Cheng and Coke for a long time. When he enters an unfamiliar environment to explore and explore, Coke will usually be used as a response and sentry to guard the entrance, so as to ensure that Lin Cheng can be timely even if he encounters danger inside. Evacuate through the coming road without being blocked. Although there are more and more teams, this tacit understanding has completely formed a habit, and Lin Cheng has no plans to change it.
There is Coke on the watch outside, not only Lincheng, but Bailing Daisy and Felton are also very relieved. Although everyone has a different impression of Coke, everyone is well aware of one thing, that is Coke. Although it seems that the sense of presence in the team is getting weaker because of the sleepiness, but its strength is the strongest besides Lincheng Bailing, the proper number three combat power, the dog!
"The four of us have all come in. It's not dangerous to just leave Coke on the watch outside, right?"
Because Daisy has a lively personality and a beautiful appearance, she quickly became acquainted with Coke when Daisy joined the team. Although Lin Cheng and Bai Ling have been with Coke the longest, they are the ones who get along with it most. But it was Daisy, so after discovering that Coke was left alone on guard and facing the worsening blizzard, Daisy couldn't help but ask without taking a few steps forward.
"It's okay, even if the sky falls, that guy can't die, don't worry."
Smiled and touched her head to indicate don’t worry. Lin Cheng’s attention was already in the building at this time. If you say that the team that has the deepest relationship with Coke has no one but him, but because of Coke knew too much. He knew that there could be no existence in this town that could hurt it with that guy's dexterity, so he didn't worry at all that it would be taken away and stewed in a hot pot.
Because the sky outside was completely dark, after entering the building, as everyone got deeper, the light inside quickly became pitch black. Daisy, who had no night vision ability, could only hold Lin Cheng tightly. The corners of her clothes were to prevent falling behind, and the dark environment where she couldn't see her fingers gradually made her nervous, and the steps she walked were lighter and lighter, as if she was afraid of disturbing some terrible existence.
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