Chapter 676: Pingcheng’s "Rules"

"Oh oh... ah?!"
After being pushed hard by Chen Sanxing a few times, Wang Hu, who had been dizzy from the cold for a while, finally woke up. After waiting for a long while, he finally came back to his senses. Then he sat up and sat up. Busted the thick snow on his body.
"I'm sorry, Mr. Lin, I just slept in a daze..."
After taking the cigarette that Lin Cheng handed over and smoking two sips, Wang Hu was completely relieved. First he apologized very embarrassedly, and then raised his head and looked at Pingcheng in the distance, his expression could not help. A somewhat complicated expression emerged.
"May I ask you, are there any rules in this Pingcheng that require special attention?"
Seeing that these two guys had recovered their minds and sat aside sullenly smoking, Lin Cheng shook his head speechlessly, and could only repeat his question again.
"Rules? There are no rules, right?"
Hearing Lin Cheng's question, Wang Hu was stunned for a moment, then turned his head and glanced at Chen Sanxing, "San'er, do you remember the rules of Pingcheng?"
"I don't know the other safe areas, but the rules in Pingcheng are just the same in the final analysis, such as medical examinations, body searches, and payment of entrance fees..."
Seeing Wang Hu and Lin Cheng all looking at him, Chen Sanshen didn't dare to linger, and quickly recalled some rules for entering Pingcheng, and then said to them.
"I'm not asking this! But..."
Seeing that Chen Sanshen didn't seem to understand his problem, Lin Cheng couldn't help shook his head, but suddenly felt a little puzzled about what he just said, "What is the situation of paying the city fee? Isn't Pingcheng a safe zone? , It stands to reason that you should be obligated to accept the survivors who came to seek asylum? Why are you still receiving the'protection fee'?"
"That's it—"
Seeing Lin Cheng puzzled, the frozen Chen Sansheng could only explain patiently while rubbing his hands: "In fact, during the period just before the end of the world, Pingcheng did not refuse the survivors who fled. There is no charge, but as Pingcheng’s reputation in the north becomes more and more popular, there are more and more people who want to come to Pingcheng to eat and eat. During the most serious period, Pingcheng will have vicious fights almost every day. And the bloodshed that followed! Seeing that if this continues without zombies, Pingcheng himself may explode internally. The managers of Pingcheng have no choice but to issue a series of compulsory measures, and paying the entrance fee is only one of them. Measures..."
"That's it."
After listening to Chen Sansheng's explanation, Lin Cheng nodded clearly, "Then what are the other coercive measures?"
Hearing this, Chen Sansheng couldn't help frowning, "Don't tell me, I can't remember when you suddenly asked me like this, you give me a minute to think about it--"
"Think of a fart! Why didn't this northwest wind wipe off your useless brain?"
Seeing that Chen Sansheng got stuck at a critical moment, Wang Hu immediately yelled at him with hatred for iron and steel, and then turned to Lin Cheng and said, "The other measures are nothing more than the prohibition of bringing hot weapons into the city. , After entering the city, it is strictly forbidden to use abilities at will, the curfew will be imposed at ten o'clock in the evening, and the criminals will be directly exiled outside the city when they are caught once..."
"Huh! Isn't that okay? Is it already very strict?"
After listening to Wang Hu talking about the compulsory measures implemented by Pingcheng, Lin Cheng couldn't help but roll his eyes. Just taking out one of these restrictions was enough for those with lawless abilities outside, let alone uncomfortable. With so many restrictions, every person who enters the city is almost equivalent to stepping back into civilized society from the wild again. This change is definitely a boon for the survivors who seek refuge, but it is for those speculation with ulterior motives. In terms of the author, it is tantamount to being locked in a tight-fitting curse!
Seeing Lin Cheng's surprise, Wang Hu waved his hand indifferently: "Strictly speaking, these compulsory measures will only benefit the development of Pingcheng without any harm. For those who only want to find a place to live, survive. This is even more so for the author! The only people who feel unfriendly are the lawless elements, but we should be regarded as great people in any way... right? Ahem--"
Speaking of this, Wang Hu seems to be a little lacking in confidence, mainly because Lin Cheng doesn't like to play cards according to common sense. He has no idea what actions this unfathomable young man will do in the next second, so He could only tentatively say as he hoped: "...So these rules can't hinder us at all, and apart from these restrictions, Pingcheng is still very prosperous and stable, all kinds of things that you rarely see outside. Scarce items can be seen everywhere in Pingcheng. As long as you have money, Pingcheng is no different from heaven to you!"
"Money? Then in the current what is considered valuable?"
Before Wang Hu's words were finished, Lin Cheng had actually grasped the meaning of his words, but as a free and loose person, he had a lot of things to do when he went to Pingcheng, even he himself He didn't know what kind of movement he would make next, so he didn't plan to respond directly to the other party's temptation, but directly moved the topic to money.
Without Lin Cheng’s response, Wang Hu couldn’t help feeling a little worried, but the opponent was not controlled by a person of his level. He could only pray secretly in his heart, and then expelled the incident temporarily. In my mind, he said: "At this stage, the most valuable thing in Pingcheng is naturally strengthening liquid! As the largest survivor base in the northern region, Pingcheng has either actively or passively enlisted a large number of high-level abilities. In the eyes of these abilities, money Beautiful women are no longer a pursuit, as long as they have strength, these things are needed in Pingcheng! And if you want to have extraordinary strength, strengthening liquid is naturally indispensable! In this kind of huge gap in market demand Next, the value of the strengthening liquid can be said to be stronger than real gold and silver. As long as you have a batch of strengthening liquid, it is completely enough for you to live in Pingcheng even more at ease than before the end of the world!"
"Sure enough..."
Hearing this, Lin Cheng couldn't help but raised his eyebrows. When he was in the Blue Ocean Base, he had already discovered the amazing added value of the fortified liquid and its full trading attributes. It was only because the Blue Ocean Base’s market was too immature and at the same time. The scale is also too small. Although he has a large amount of strengthening liquid storage, he can't exchange enough items of equivalent value for himself, which makes him feel a little regretful until he leaves.
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