: Section 638: Leader

Night came soon. In order not to fall from the tree, the veteran used tender branches to make a rope, and then tied himself and the recruit to the trunk, so that he would not have to worry about falling from the tree when he went to bed at night.
However, they quickly posted that the night was not peaceful, not to mention those zombies wandering around under the trees, and there were many mutant animals that were invisible during the day, also coming out of holes.
Originally, these animals passed by, but there was still a mutant wildcat fighting with the zombies.
The wild cat can no longer be regarded as a cat. He has become almost like a little tiger, and his head is the size of a goat before the end of the world. This is a real power battle. The wild cat belongs to the wind attribute, smart and agile. The first zombie was cut off by the wild cat's sharp claws without even touching the wild cat's hair.
However, when the wild cat was about to dig out the crystal nucleus in the zombie's head, suddenly there were many zombies around. It turns out that the zombie who was facing the wild cat just now felt that he could not fight this mutant night cat, so the zombie began to roar and summoned his companions to help out. Unfortunately, his roar just came out, the wild cat took advantage of the zombie's roar, and the neck was exposed. In the neutral position, one claw cuts off the throat of the zombie, and then another claw, the zombie's head comes down.
Although the wild cat killed the zombies in time, the roar of the zombies still came out. The surrounding zombies received the alarm and gathered around. The wild cat looked around. There were more than a dozen zombies coming. It can handle it.
So the wild cat reluctantly glanced at the zombies he killed, and then suddenly jumped, stepped on the trunk next to it, jumped over the top of the zombies' heads, and disappeared into the night after a few jumps.
Those zombies who had lost their goals, wandered down the tree for a while, and were attracted by the roar of zombies from other places, so the tree underneath became clean.
But at this time the veterans knew that they would never fall asleep safely. The appearance of the wild cat reminded the veterans that in the end of the world, mutated animals will also eat people, and there are many mutated animals that can climb trees like wild cats. Once he and the soldier are asleep, they are waiting to become the rations of mutant creatures.
"Boy don't sleep!" The veteran immediately called the recruit.
The recruits thought that something serious had happened, so they quickly got up and got their guns, ready to fight.
The veteran nodded, this kid's combat awareness is not bad, and it is a good hand to cultivate.
"Don't be nervous, there are no enemies, but we can't sleep defenselessly like this. We must have a guard on duty. In this way, you will be on duty in the middle of the night and call me at 12 o'clock in the morning. I will be on duty in the middle of the night." The veteran said .
The latter half of the night is when people are most susceptible to sleepiness and the most physical exertion. The veteran is in the middle of the night, obviously to take care of the recruits.
The recruit was completely unaware of this, and nodded, "Okay, I was in the middle of the night!"
So the veterans went to sleep with their clothes, and the recruits opened their eyes wide and began to warn, but it didn't take long for the recruits to start fighting with eyelids.
Fortunately, it was only in the first half of the night that the recruits passed through in a daze.
The veteran has more experience than the new recruits after they have been fucked. If they sit withered like this, they will fall asleep before long. So the veterans start to use various methods to keep themselves awake. Of course, none of these methods can make any noise. Otherwise, it would be death.
Fortunately, nothing happened overnight. When the day was dark, the creatures that were active at night began to return to the nest, and even the zombies disappeared without a trace.
The veteran can finally take time to rest for an hour. He decided to leave the tree today. Waiting here is not a solution. He needs to save himself.
After getting up, the veteran took out the compressed biscuit that he didn't eat yesterday, broke it in half, and then handed the larger piece to the recruit: "After eating, we will go down the tree and return to the shore."
"Is it safe now?" The recruit looked at the veteran in confusion.
"It's not a solution for us to wait for rescue here. If we wait for two days and the rescue doesn't come, we won't be able to walk anymore. We must help ourselves." The veteran said.
"Okay!" The recruits are now blindly following the veterans.
The veteran sorted out his suit, and then began to crawl under the tree quietly. The new soldier followed closely, but fortunately, the woods are now quiet and there is no danger.
When the veteran came under the tree, he found that the corpse of the zombie killed by the wild cat was still there, but it was not eaten by other animals. So the veteran came quietly to the corpse of the zombie, took out a bayonet, and stabbed it in along the temple of the zombie, and soon a crystal core appeared in the hands of the veteran.
"Well, it's not bad, although it is not over level 30, it is estimated that it will be soon, this crystal core is worth some money!" The veteran said to himself, and then the veteran threw the crystal core to the recruit.
"Take it, go back and change the evolution fluid, so you can become an evolutionary."
"Don't you want it?" The recruit took the crystal core difference and looked at the veteran.
"I'm old, it doesn't make much sense to ask for this thing. Where did you come from so much nonsense, if you hold it, you can hold it, but don't show it in front of other people when you go back. Wait for the base and go directly to the merchant to exchange it. ,Understand?"
"Ming...understood!" the recruit replied, seemingly understandable.
The veteran didn’t say much, so he took the recruits and started to walk along the edge of the woods towards the beach. The woods disappeared soon afterwards, so the two of them acted more carefully. Every time they walked, the veterans took it. Go out of the telescope and look around, so that no zombies appear around.
But when they came to a small hill, their vision was blocked. If they took a detour, they would go around a long way, which would increase a lot of risk, and more importantly, they had no physical strength anymore and only eat for two days. After taking a compressed biscuit and walking for a few kilometers, the two felt weak.
"We climb the mountain!" The veteran said to the recruit.
"Okay!" Now the recruits are following the veterans, and he doesn't think about the others anymore.
The two struggled to climb the hillside, but when they reached the top of the hill, they suddenly saw a dozen zombies under the hillside.
These zombies were obviously newly infected, because these zombies were still wearing their military uniforms, although the uniforms were torn out of shape.
"There are zombies!" The recruit shouted out.
This shocked the zombies, and all the zombies turned their heads in the direction of the two of them. Although their eyes were dark and lustrous, they still felt terrifying.
The veteran knew that he had awakened the zombie, and it was too late to run, so he put the gun in front of him and started shooting at the zombie.
The recruits also hurriedly raised their guns and shot at the zombies. However, the two shots are obviously different. The recruits are sweeping and have no accuracy at all. It is definitely luck to hit the zombie. If the bullet hits the zombie's head by chance, it will be luck.
However, the veterans shot all points. Although they couldn't shoot headshots, they all shot on the zombies, and the veterans chose those zombies that rushed to the front to shoot, which kept them at a certain distance from the zombies.
Fortunately, these zombies are newly infected zombies, and neither speed nor defense is very high. The two guns are used to deal with high-level zombies, and to deal with this kind of new, zombies that do not even reach the tenth level. It was a sweeping sweep, but the two of them didn't have many bullets, and soon the recruits' guns made the sound of empty guns.
The veteran still fired rhythmically, and nearly a dozen zombies were killed by the veteran, but there were still a few zombies that hadn't died yet, and they still crawled the ground towards the two.
"Take the gun and send them a ride, don't let their souls be trapped in that ugly body!" The veteran handed the gun to the recruit. There were at least a dozen bullets in his gun.
The recruit took the rifle. Although the zombies had fallen to the ground, and although they were not completely dead, they still looked very scary. This made the young recruits tremble. After all, face-to-face killing and mixing in the army and shooting randomly are two things. Kind of concept.
"Shoot, this is what you have to face!" The veteran's voice was severe this time.
"I...I..." The recruit still hesitated.
"If they don't kill them, they may yell, and they may attract other zombies, and it will be us who will die!" The voice of the veteran became more severe.
The young man finally gritted his teeth and squeezed the trigger. The bullet directly penetrated the zombie's head, exploding the entire head, and the splashed brain directly contaminated the soldier's body.
However, the recruits did not stop shooting, but screamed frantically until the bullets of the gun were also shot out.
When he heard the "click" air shot from the barrel, the recruit suddenly turned his head and began to vomit, although there was nothing in his stomach.
"Well, good job. Starting today, you will be a leader." The veteran patted the recruit on the shoulder.
At this time, the recruits realized that the so-called leader is to kill zombies, or people who are about to become zombies, that is something he never wants to do. I joined the army because the army can provide food, which is better than starving to death in a slum.
"Come on, boy, our road is still long!" The veteran took out a magazine from his waist and inserted the empty magazine back to the other side of Dao's waist. At this time, the recruit's gun had already been used up, and all his bullets had been shot out. As for those magazines, they had been thrown away when he fled.
On the next road, it went smoothly. Although there are occasional zombies, they are all new-born zombies. These zombies can't guard against the bullets of the veterans, and the veterans deliberately train the new recruits. Many times, they encounter the unscheduled zombies. Zombies, let the recruits shoot and kill these zombies.
After passing through the road that was bombarded yesterday, the place was in a mess. The corpses of the zombies were fortunate to say. The corpses of the human soldiers were completely shattered and there was no human form at all, and the landing tanks did not escape the destruction of the artillery fire. , Almost all became scrap iron.
Such a tragic situation shocked the recruits. The veteran took a look, and then said to the recruits: "Remember, a good commander, his mission is not only to defeat the enemy, he is also the key to everyone's life, once he gives an order, it means someone You will pay the price for this, so you must be cautious with every order! Understand?" The veteran looked at the recruit expectantly.
"Hmm!" The recruit nodded fiercely.
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