: Section 667 The Wrathful Hell Demon

Passing through the outer defensive circle does not mean that the defense inside will be loose. On the contrary, the guards here are even more dense, even reaching five steps, one post and ten steps. If it is not for Li Yuanhong's true eyes, it can detect in advance. At these police posts, I am afraid that Li Yuanhong had been discovered by these secret and mobile posts.
Now Li Yuanhong is moving at almost the same speed as a snail, even in order to avoid those patrols, Li Yuanhong even has to lie on the ground with a cloak for ten minutes.
Fortunately, it was night, and the previous missile attack attracted the attention of the guards here, so Li Yuanhong finally came to an abandoned village before dawn.
This small village should be a farm before the end of the world. There are not many houses in it. There are only a dozen houses. Two of them are relatively large. They should be the place where the farmer lived. But now there are no dust and two. There is nothing more than the dry bones of flesh and blood, and the furniture that humans no longer use.
Li Yuanhong had planned to visit the two big houses before, but finally gave up because the two houses were too conspicuous in the whole village. Once the devil came to search, it would definitely be the first place to bear the brunt.
Li Yuanhong searched the village, and finally found a hidden cellar in an inconspicuous place, so Li Yuanhong got in.
When he got into the cellar, Li Yuanhong discovered that it turned out to be a wine cellar with barrels of wine and some bottled wines that Li Yuanhong didn't recognize. Although the apocalypse broke out, it still maintained its pre-apocalyptic state.
Li Yuanhong simply cleaned a place, and then began to rest. All night's fatigue, coupled with tight nerves, even Li Yuanhong, who had evolved to level 39, could not stand it.
When Li Yuanhong was resting, the sky turned upside down. Because a unicorn demon suddenly disappeared, although only a drop of devil’s blood was found, these demons believed that the unicorn demon was dead. After all, such a strong explosion. It was not easy to resist, but only a drop of blood was left at the scene, making the demon responsible for the search bewildered. It stands to reason that a demon was blown to pieces, and the bones should be returned and blood sprayed everywhere. , But there was only a drop of blood at the scene, which was obviously against common sense.
Just when the little devil didn’t know how to proceed, a hellhound came. This hellhound was not the kind of three-headed hellhound around the big devil. The three-headed hellhound was one of the leaders of the hellhound. The bottom work of dog nose detection is needed, and those three-headed hellhounds who think they are noble will not come.
This Hellhound came to the scene and asked briefly about the situation, and then began to sniff around, but Li Yuanhong handled the scene too cleanly. The Hellhound did not hear anything. You know, Li Yuanhong is the same as the three-headed hell. If a dog has dealt with, he knows that hellhound is a creature that has a better sense of smell than a dog's nose. How can it leave a smell for the other party to track. It's just that when the hellhound smelled the drop of blood, he suddenly said, "The one-horned demon was injured by a sharp weapon."
The dog said this because the drop of blood was tainted with the smell of Li Yuanhong's Shenyue knife, but only a drop of blood could not determine the life and death of the unicorn demon, so the dog could only say so.
"Wounded by a sharp weapon? Who is it?" asked a unicorn who was in charge of the search.
"I don't know, but it's not the weapon we use, because this weapon has the smell of the time stone. We use the time stone to build weapons. I think this kind of luxury can only be done by lords." Hell Dog said .
"You mean, someone came in?" the one-horned demon asked again.
"I'm afraid it is! Maybe it is impossible to explain the smell of the weapon in the blood." Hell Dog said.
"But with such a tight defense around here, how did outsiders get in?"
The one-horned demon asked this because he was responsible for the defense of this area. If there were any mistakes in the area he was defending, he would be responsible.
"I can't answer this question. It still requires the adults to find the answer. If there is nothing, I will retire!" Hellhound does not want to take extra responsibility. You must know that the highest commander here is the Lord Hell Cthulhu. If you have a bad temper, you will be slapped half to death by his evil spirit whip. After that whip is squeezed, the scars on your body will feel burnt by hellfire, and it will not heal for a long time. There was a demon who was not very obedient. He was caught by the evil of and made a mistake. Then he went down with the whip, and his body was incomplete. The devil howled for three days before he died. According to the person who collected the body, the body Three days later, the scars were still as if they had been newly beaten, and the rancid smell of flames was emitted from the wounds.
Since then, no demons have dared to offend this Hell Lord Cthulhu, and they have done everything cautiously, for fear that something bad will fall into the hands of Lord Cthulhu.
As for today’s matter, it’s definitely a big deal. You have to know that a single-horned demon who is already at level 40 has disappeared alive, leaving only a drop of blood, and there is a three-meter deep hole on the ground. It is impossible to conceal it. It is difficult for Master Cthulhu to know the loud noise at night and the explosion light like a small sun.
Since I can’t hide it, I can only find the perpetrator as soon as possible. The bombing here is obviously not magic, because there are a lot of explosive fragments of missiles scattered around the big pit, and the smell left by the explosion of chemical substances. The smell made Li Yuanhong's smell disappear without a trace. More importantly, there is no magic wave left by the magic explosion around the big pit. This is obviously not the way they attacked by the demons. That is to say, someone sneaked in and was discovered by the unicorn demon, so the opponent faced the unicorn demon. Launched an attack.
Now that you know that someone has sneaked in, you must never let it go, so all the demons on duty are mobilized and begin a carpet search.
Of course, the small village where Li Yuanhong was located was no exception. It was searched no less than five times inside and outside, especially the two big houses, which were almost turned upside down, and even the floor was lifted one by one.
Not to mention, that big room really had a dark room hidden in it, and there was even a large safe in it that contained a lot of gold and silver jewelry and pre-apocalyptic currencies. Unfortunately, there was no intruder they were looking for.
The search storm continued for a day, and it was a little quieter when night fell, but the inspections were much stricter than before. Li Yuanhong also sneaked out to take a look during the period, and then returned to the wine cellar to continue quietly rest. It’s not how tired Li Yuanhong is, but he has to wait for those demons tired of searching to act. You know, now the demons are crazy, searching almost without any gaps. If you don’t pay attention, you may hit those search teams. Li Yuanhong didn't think that he would be like the one in those novels who abused a small group of patrolmen, and then smiled without leaving a trace.
So Li Yuanhong could only wait and wait for those demons to go crazy before going deep.
However, Li Yuanhong underestimated the craziness of these demons. This search took three days. Those demons were like being possessed. For three consecutive days, they moved nearly a hundred square kilometers around the pyramid, and even many houses were razed to the ground. .
This is actually not that these demons are idle and have nowhere to vent their energy, but in these three days, there have been two little demon leaders who were responsible for the inspection that day, and they were beaten to death by the evil of hell. If the successor does not Sell ​​some strength, and behave well in front of the Heretic God's Majesty, I am afraid that he will not be able to get rid of the whip.
However, tossing will consume energy, whether it is a person or a demon. Three days later, after nothing was found, and after a few more small bosses were beaten, the endless search finally came to an end. It seems that such an intensive search has already scared the intruders away. Whether humans or other creatures, it is impossible to hide safely under such intensive search.
The reason why Li Yuanhong was hiding safely was that this wine cellar was really secretive. It was a good fight against those tunnel entrances during the anti-Japanese war. If Li Yuanhong had a real eye, he would not be able to find it at all, let alone. Those aliens who don’t understand the earth’s culture.
Secondly, Li Yuanhong always carries the robot spider with him, so every time he goes out to explore the cave, he is the hidden spider. Li Yuanhong does not need to take risks himself. Therefore, although Li Yuanhong is hiding in the wine cellar and the aliens outside, Li Yuanhong is Be clear.
The aliens are tired, and Li Yuanhong should also come out to breathe. After all, when Li Yuanhong came out this time, he already has a general understanding of the external situation, especially the warning circle that is released from the sky domain. It is really difficult to do, don’t look at Li Yuanhong. A missile destroyed a forty-level unicorn demon, but when the war really started, those unicorn demon wouldn’t be foolishly waiting for the missile to hit the head, if it wasn’t for Li Yuanhong to attract the unicorn demon His attention, the sharp sound of the missile, had already startled the unicorn devil away.
The defense of the inner circle that Li Yuanhong is going to go next is probably more tight than the outer circle, so when Li Yuanhong came out, he chose another gloomy night.
When Li Yuanhong dodged wave after wave of patrols and avoided one after another, he finally saw a huge mountain that almost blended with the night in the distance.
It is a mountain peak, because there are vegetation on this mountain. If you see it during the day, you can also see the green vegetation on the mountain. If someone tells you that this is a man-made pyramid, no one will believe it, but the fact is that this is indeed A European pyramid comparable to the Egyptian pyramid, the Bosnian pyramid.
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