: The 685th vampire

After listening, everyone wanted to know what was in the box, but because the lid was covered, no one knew what was in it.
"For the sake of confidentiality, the contents of this box cannot be publicized. You will come up one by one and open the box to watch. After reading it, you can't publicize it. We are currently investigating the city. Once we find the nest of these monsters, We will use this deadly weapon to attack these monsters." Commander Luo said loudly.
After listening to Commander Luo, there was a commotion among the people below. After all, the impact of the last raid on these was too great. If it were not for the net rope gun troops that appeared in time, I am afraid that the entire city would have been taken by these blood slaves.
Of course, these officers did not know that blood slave transmission was limited. But the infected soldiers also began to go crazy, reminding these soldiers of the scene of the beginning of the last days.
At this time, Commander Luo's voice rang again: "Okay, now come up one by one. Note that it must be kept secret. After reading it before, the lid of the box must be closed to prevent leakage."
They were all soldiers, absolutely obedient to the execution of the order, so the officers in the room came up to open the box, and then showed a surprised look, but did not speak, and then closed the lid of the box one by one and returned to their seats to sit down. .
Soon, a logistics supervisor came up. This supervisor was the secretary of the former No. 2 Chief. Due to his unfavorable work, he was replaced by the No. 2 Chief. Although he was not with the Chief, the No. 2 Chief had read his old feelings and arranged him. An unused position in logistics. Although this position is a beautiful position, it can't get oil and water, but in the army, if you don't command the army, no matter how big the position is, there is no real power, and almost the official road will end.
The supervisor walked up to the front podium and reached out to lift the lid, but when his hand touched the lid, it was like being shocked, but the supervisor didn’t care, because it’s late summer. The clothes I wear are somewhat chemical fiber, which is easy to electrify.
Open the lid, there are only two bullets inside. These two bullets have no difference in style from ordinary bullets. The difference is that the bullet is not smooth, but there are many lines on it. These lines are of a certain kind. Magic array, but now these lines don't have any magic fluctuations, no one knows what the magic array does.
With doubts, the logistics supervisor closed the lid again, but when he closed the lid, his hand was electrocuted again.
When he returned to the seat, he realized that his fingers were a little black, and he didn't know when he rubbed them. So the supervisor took out a handkerchief, wiped the black ash on his hand, and his fingers returned to snow white. The white was even whiter than the girl's hand, but the whiteness seemed a bit withered.
Soon, everyone finished watching, and then Commander Luo came back on stage.
"Everyone in the room has seen it. Don't underestimate this weapon, but this weapon has powerful lightning magic portrayed on it. As long as this weapon penetrates the body of the blood slave, it can turn the blood slave into fly ashes immediately. However, the manufacture of this weapon takes time, so there are not many stocks now, so we must use this weapon on the blade. Therefore, we must find the enemy’s nest as soon as possible and fight these monsters. So everyone in this room, find it as soon as possible The enemy’s lair."
"Yes!" the people below replied in unison.
The meeting will soon dissipate, but Chief Luo said that weapons samples will be sent to various units soon, so that they can select some elites to master the characteristics of this new weapon. However, logistics should not be idle, and materials must be prepared for this weapon. Produce and prepare for supply.
The logistics supervisor listened and moved in his heart. Although he didn't quite believe that this lightning bullet could kill the blood slave, but in case it hurts, he was still ready to get the bullet-making materials list and go to his master to report. .
That's right, this logistics supervisor is now a blood slave.
When he was transferred to logistics by the No. 2 Chief, he was not angry, always feeling that he was framed by the No. 2 Chief. For this reason, he often goes to and out of the bar to drank his worries. During a drink, he met an acquaintance who was a member of his training team when he was an ordinary soldier in Yanjing. Later, when he heard that he was transferred to a combat unit, he had no contact. Knowing that the end of the world broke out soon, the two sides have lost contact since then.
When meeting old people, they should naturally drink well. During the drinking process, this logistics supervisor is naturally full of complaints and dissatisfaction with the chief.
The comrade-in-arms, naturally, gave him 100% sympathy, and even an attitude of injustice for him, so that the logistics supervisor showed closer to the comrade-in-arms.
After several contacts, the logistics supervisor completely let go of his vigilance against this comrade-in-arms. During a drink, the comrade-in-arms suddenly asked: "I said, grandson, do you want to get revenge."
"Yes, of course. I have a good future. I was ruined by that grandson's words. It's strange that I can swallow it. But I, a logistics soldier who has no real power, can I get revenge!"
"I said Lao Sun, if I could help you get revenge, what would you do?" The comrade-in-arms fixed his eyes on the main logistics pipeline.
This logistics supervisor was a little horrified by the comrade-in-arms. He always felt that the eyes of this comrade-in-arms made him feel terrified. Those eyes were not like human eyes, but like beasts, the eyes of bloodthirsty beasts.
"How much do you want, as long as I can give it, just say it!" The logistics supervisor also gave up, even if his family was bankrupted and his reputation was ruined, he would have to vent his ill will.
"You don't need money, you just need to ask someone. As long as that person agrees, you will have no problem with revenge, and you may also become a mutant evolutionary."
"Really? Okay, I'll see you!" The logistics supervisor is now willing to give up everything. Isn't he just seeing someone? Even if this person is the biggest gang boss, he doesn't care now.
"Okay, let's go now!" The comrade-in-arms didn't talk nonsense, and pulled him out of the bar and disappeared into the night.
Following this comrade-in-arms in the Spring City, he quickly came to the outskirts of Spring City, and then walked forward, and soon out of Spring City, here is not very safe, and mutant creatures may appear at any time.
"Are you there? How far do you have to go?" the logistics supervisor asked with some worry.
"It will be here soon, just ahead." The comrade-in-arms replied casually.
Not long after they left, the two came to a church, which has been abandoned. After the end of the world, almost no one came here. Now it is overgrown with weeds, and even feels a little ghostly.
"We're here!" The comrade-in-arms turned his head and smiled, revealing his white teeth and his wild eyes, which made the logistics supervisor feel the cold behind his back.
"I...I still won't go." The logistics supervisor felt something was wrong and retreated a bit.
"How can I leave now that I'm here!" the comrade-in-arms said involuntarily, and took the logistics supervisor to the church. Perhaps the voice was a little loud, and it started the bats in the church "pull and pull" flying over the two of them.
Forced by their comrades, the two came to the door of the church. As soon as the comrade stretched out his hand, he pushed open the heavy church door. The sound of "twisting" the door opened echoed in the empty church.
There was a black hole inside, and when the door was opened, there was a lot of dust falling down. It didn't look like a human inhabited place at all.
"I... I said, did we come to the wrong place? There seems to be no one here!" The logistics supervisor kept beating drums in his heart, and his mouth fluttered.
"Let's go, the person I was talking about is waiting for you inside!" His comrade-in-arms smiled yinly, and then almost forced him into the church.
With the help of moonlight, you can faintly see the scene in the church. The chairs inside are still intact, and they are not swayed. Maybe when the end of the world broke out, no one here came to pray, so it was kept relatively complete.
Along the passage, the logistics supervisor was pulled to the main podium in front of the church. In front of the main podium, there was a huge statue of Jesus. Just as the logistics supervisor was looking for the high man in the mouth of his comrades, suddenly the main podium on the church was lit up. , A candle was lit at some time.
And just when the light was on, the logistics supervisor saw a figure standing in front of the main stage.
"Master, the person has already been brought!" The comrade-in-arms saw the figure appear, and immediately bowed to salute.
"Jie Jie Jie, good coming, you are doing your business well, stand aside!" The person who appeared gave a harsh laugh and said in a sharp voice.
His comrade-in-arms stood aside and exposed the entire person in front of the logistics supervisor. It was the logistics supervisor who saw the person's face clearly. This look shocked the logistics supervisor.
I saw this person's pale face, a hooked nose and a pair of coldly blue eyes. How to look at it gave people a sense of caution, and this person showed a careful smile when he saw the logistics supervisor. Four big fangs with some to be exposed at the corners of the mouth appeared, which made the logistics supervisor feel that they were not human.
"You said you want me to help, don't you!" the man asked.
"Yes... yes, I don't know if you can avenge me and kill someone!"
"It depends on whether you are willing to pay the price."
"What's the price?"
"Blood, your blood!"
When the supervisor heard this, his heart was relieved, after all, he didn't want his own soul.
"How much?"
"Not a lot, just one bite!"
A bite? It was the first time that the logistics supervisor heard that such a unit was used to describe blood measurement, but after thinking about it, there shouldn't be much in one bite, so the logistics supervisor nodded and said, "Okay, no problem."
As soon as the logistics supervisor’s voice fell, the figure suddenly changed and turned into a huge bat. He suddenly wanted the logistics supervisor to rush forward. Before the logistics supervisor could make a sound, he was bitten in the neck by the bat. , The four fangs pierced deeply into his veins. Then the blood was like a flood that opened the gate, rushing frantically to the neck, the logistics supervisor felt that his body was getting cold, and the whole person began to turn pale, as if death was coming towards him step by step.
Finally, before the last point of health was about to be lost, the blood stopped flowing out. Instead, a stream of other fluid was injected into the body of the logistics supervisor. Then an indescribable pain began to flow along the blood vessels to the whole body. spread.
The huge bat flew away from the body of the logistics supervisor, and the logistics supervisor collapsed to the ground feebly and wailed in pain, while the weird man and his comrades stood indifferently, watching everything coldly.
It didn't take long for the logistics supervisor to finally stop wailing, slowly stood up from the ground, and then bowed to the strange man and said, "Master!"
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