: Section 52 The Future of the Town

When the town residents saw the few people who had been tied up, they stopped talking and looked at Liu Hu with suspicious eyes. Liu Hu then said to the town residents: "Let them tell everyone what the situation is. "Then Liu Hu motioned to Ma Fengyong.
At this time, Ma Fengyong walked to the most active follower and said softly in his ear: "Tell the truth, don't try to fool you, you still have a way to survive if you tell the truth, I don't mind feeding you to a zombie if you tell the truth! "
Ma Fengyong's words almost made this follower pee his pants and nodded vigorously. So Ma Fengyong lifted this person up, came to everyone, and said: "Everyone knows this person, let him talk about what he and Xue Dinggui have done in the past two days." Ma Fengyong pushed and pushed this person to him. Earlier, this attendant reluctantly stood firm, and tremblingly talked about the two plans of Xue Dinggui, including the collusion with Zhang Feng to murder Liu Hu, and said it completely.
A word of speech immediately detonated the crowd. Everyone hated these people and Xue Dinggui very much. There was a condemnation below. Some people even picked up bricks and threw them at these people. Then the scene deviated from the style of painting appeared. The flying cabbage gang, rotten vegetable leaves, rotten eggs, everything is replaced by turning tiles. This can’t be blamed on the Northeast people’s arrogance, but the apocalyptic. Vegetables and eggs are not easy to find. Even if there are, it’s not enough. Eat it, how am I willing to throw it, I can only let a few unlucky ones bear it.
Seeing that the scene was a little out of control, Liu Hu hurriedly stood up and stopped them. If not, these people were buried alive. There is no brick punishment in China, but I heard that the third brother's family has such a criminal law, but Liu Hu doesn't want to set a precedent. , So he shouted: "Everyone is quiet, these people are just accomplices, Xue Dinggui is dead, so don't embarrass them, after all, everyone lives in this town together, it is considered emotional."
Liu Hu waited for the scene to calm down a bit, and then continued: "Today, we solved these bandits, but the real foreign trouble has not been solved yet."
As soon as Liu Hu said these words, everyone present was taken aback, Zhang Feng, the robber was solved, what other foreign troubles were there? So someone asked below: "Mayor Liu, besides the robbers, what are the extravagances?"
"Of course it's zombies. The convoy that came yesterday brought me a news that the zombies in the city began to spread, and the zombies began to evolve. With our current defenses and weapons, we can't resist the attack of the zombies. The movement of zombies, we are facing the attack of zombies at any time here." Liu Hu finished speaking, and paused.
There was silence below. At this time, someone asked Liu Hu: "Mayor Liu, this is not because they scare us!"
For psychological comfort, someone nearby also followed the trend and said: "Yes, yes, it must be to scare us." Everyone also nodded.
At this moment, someone came from a distance and responded loudly: "This is not to scare everyone, but the fact." I saw the person behind, and several people followed. These people were carrying a bed with a corpse on it. , A zombie corpse, a zombie corpse more than two meters tall. The bed board pressed by the corpse creaked as if it was about to be fractured at any time.
The visitor was Li Yuanhong, followed by Wang Jingrong, Song Fengyu and others. There was a gunshot in the town just now, and several zombies were attracted. Among them was a fat zombie, and it was a second-level one. Fortunately, Wang Jingrong As an alert at a commanding height, a bandit who was riding a motorcycle trying to escape just now was snipe down by him. As soon as the second-class fat zombie appeared, it was discovered by Song Fengyu's investigation team, and Li Yuanhong was notified that Li Yuanhong hadn't used magic arrows for a long time, so this zombie became Li Yuanhong's practice target. Seeing Li Yuanhong’s magic, Li Luoxia was envied for a while, so she was forced, Li Yuanhong had to give the magic arrow magic book to Li Luoxia. In fact, Li Yuanhong meant to give Li Luoxia a long time ago, but he hasn’t learned it yet. In addition, chasing girls seemed to send flowers or something. As for sending books, it seemed that they were all things from the last century, so Li Yuanhong didn't put it into practice.
The book delivery was just an episode. Li Yuanhong asked people to carry the zombies, came to everyone, and threw the zombies to the ground, which caused a lot of discussion among the people around them, and they speculated about what it was.
Seeing Li Yuanhong coming, Liu Hu quickly stepped forward and asked, "Brother Li, who are you carrying?" Since Liu Hu has never seen a fat zombie, he thought it was a human.
"This is a zombie, a mutant zombie, not a human. This kind of zombie has a great impact, and the roadblocks you set up can't stand the collision." Li Yuanhong explained.
When they heard that this was a zombie, everyone present immediately talked about it. Some people didn't care what they could do with a zombie. The big deal is to use a spear to die. If you don't need a gun to die, you can't get it close!"
When Li Yuanhong heard it, he did not refute, but said to everyone present: "This zombie has a very strong defense. If you are there, are you interested? Use your weapon to stab him."
Upon hearing this sentence, many people raised their hands and expressed their willingness to give it a try. Li Yuanhong picked a strong guy who looked like Kong Wu, the guy rolled his arm and rolled up his sleeves, and then said to Li Yuanhong, "I'm going to start getting involved. !"
Li Yuanhong randomly made a please gesture, the strong man fought his arms, shouted fiercely, and slammed the self-made spear at the fat zombie. Li Yuanhong didn’t worry that this brawny man could break the second-class fat zombies. After all, he was carrying a spearman and fought against the quasi-second-class fat zombies. He almost didn’t break his defenses. Moreover, this brawny has not evolved yet. Grade zombies, it's probably good if they can get white spots.
The brawny man exerted all his strength, and he did not disappoint Li Yuanhong. He pressed tightly on the zombie’s skin, leaving a white spot. This suddenly made the brawny man wonder if he was not full, so he tried hard. There was a tough shot, but the result was still the same. The people around immediately fry the pot and talk a lot. Some people suspected that this was not a zombie, it was Li Yuanhong's fraud. Some people suspected that this young man had colluded with Li Yuanhong. In short, the suspicions continued.
Later, Li Yuanhong asked a few people to come up for the experiment. These people were the ones who screamed the loudest. Finally, Li Yuanhong blocked the crowd, opened the head of the zombie, and took out the crystal nucleus inside. It was quiet, and many people's eyes showed horror. The appearance of this kind of zombie might completely destroy their entire town. So someone asked suspiciously: "I said, that young man, where did the zombie kill? ?"
"It's just outside, less than one kilometer away from the town." Li Yuanhong said truthfully. This sentence not only shocked the townspeople, even Liu Hu was taken aback. Liu Hu thought it was Li Yuanhong deliberately arrested. Unexpectedly, the zombie would appear near the town. If Li Yuanhong were not here, I’m afraid the town really Is in danger.
After all, Liu Hu was a criminal police captain. He quickly recovered from the shock, then cleared his throat, and everyone said, "There is a big event today. I want to explain to everyone that everyone has seen it. This kind of zombie is not at all. Our town can resist this kind of defense, and this is still a zombie. If there are more, our town will not even have the chance to escape, so I am going to leave the town with Captain Li Yuanhong to find a new gathering place. But, To leave, this involves the interests of everyone present, so I cannot decide everyone's destiny with my personal will. Therefore, here, I hope that everyone will jointly determine the future of our town."
Liu Hu’s words made everyone present fall into contemplation. After all, this is equivalent to leaving their hometown. Although there are a lot of them, they all escaped from other places, but in a stable environment, no one wants to leave easily. The so-called warm water boiled frogs, It is exactly this truth.
When the scene was at a deadlock, Bai Yuqian came up and spoke, her voice was soothing, she deserved to be the host of the TV station, and everyone present felt intoxicated: "I support Liu Hu's resolution. Waiting for death, everyone has seen the power of this zombie. We go out, and maybe we can find a way to survive. If we are here, we can only wait for death."
Bai Yuqian's speech immediately received many people's responses, and then Ma Fengyong also stepped forward to express support. For a while, various approval voices occupied the home court. In this way, the fate of the town was decided.
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