: Section 6 Explore the University

Perhaps women are always approached by animals, especially beautiful girls, and the one who approached them is a female fox. It didn’t take long for the mother fox to get acquainted with Li Luoxia. The rumbling of the quarry’s guns disturbed the fox every day. With the cleanliness of the family and the temptation of Li Luoxia, the fox family was abducted by Li Luoxia. From then on, Li Yuanhong's base was completely fox-leap, dog-snarling wild boars, and it was an apocalyptic zoo.
After solving the quarry matters, Li Yuanhong planned to take advantage of the heavy snow to seal the mountain, and then find another arsenal, but another thing held him back.
When Li Yuanhong was about to go out this day, Doctor Han came over. When Dr. Han met, he said straightforwardly: "I said Xiao Lizi, the base is now on the right track. Is it to consider building a school so that the children should not be scared away all day long. When they grow up, ligature I can't write it!"
As soon as Li Yuanhong heard it, he was also very dizzy lately. He just wanted to gather materials quickly and build the hero system, but he forgot the existence of these little guys. So he said, "Dr. Han, the school must be run. I wonder if Dr. Han has anyone recommended?"
"There is no candidate. I am also busy experimenting during this period. I have been a little negligent in educating the children. If it weren't for going home yesterday, Huang Xiaopeng, who was watching my house, looked like a mud monkey. I would have forgotten about education. This mother is incompetent!" Dr. Han said with a sigh.
"Can't say that. This should have been my responsibility. I will build the school as soon as possible so that the children can go to school." Li Yuanhong promised.
It’s easy to say, but difficult to do. The school is not built. First of all, the teacher is the most troublesome. Li Yuanhong didn’t know that the teacher among the survivors was the teacher, and then the textbooks. On the way to escape, Li Yuanhong didn’t pay much attention to the collection of books. So textbooks are very problematic.
So Li Yuanhong approached Li Luoxia and Wang Jingrong, and asked Li Luoxia to find out among the survivors in the village to see if anyone had ever been a teacher, so that he could arrange teaching at that time. Then he said to Wang Jingrong: "Today I will go around with you to search. When collecting materials, I will also search for useful books." Li Yuanhong said to Wang Jingrong.
"Okay, Brother Li!" Wang Jingrong answered readily.
After the arrangements were made, Li Yuanhong and Wang Jingrong set off together. To collect books, small villages would not work. Generally, they had to go to the town. Li Yuanhong also wanted to go to the surrounding towns to see if it was possible to take the town. The town closest to the base has to go outside the mountain. It is more than 50 kilometers away from the base. Although it is not very far, it is less than an hour’s drive before the end of the world. But in the end of the world, there are often car crashes and traffic jams on the road. .
Seeing this situation, Li Yuanhong decided to temporarily clear the passageway. The cars stuck on the road are all raw materials. The outer shell of the car is made of steel, and there are raw materials such as copper and rubber inside. Collect these and wait to build the hero system. , Definitely use it. As a result, this delay passed one day.
In the evening, Li Luoxia came to report that she actually found two teachers, but they were not elementary school teachers, but university teachers.
"University teacher? What university?" Li Yuanhong asked somewhat surprised.
"Yanbian University." Li Luoxia replied.
"Okay, hurry up and invite those two teachers over. I have something to ask them." Li Yuanhong suddenly had an idea.
Soon, two bookish men and women, a man and a woman, came in. The man had no impression. When the woman captured the village, Li Yuanhong knocked out a woman, who seemed to be this woman.
"Two teachers sit down, you are welcome." Li Yuanhong asked the two teachers to sit down. The two are obviously a little bit cautious. It is estimated that after the end of the world, they were persecuted by Wang Ermazi, causing some shadows in their hearts. These will take time to recover.
"Two teachers, don't know how to call them?" Li Yuanhong asked.
"My name is Xu Yang, and her name is Gao Xia. We are teachers from the Teachers College of Yanbian University." The male teacher said.
"Oh, Teacher Xu, Teacher Gao, what subjects do you two teach?" Li Yuanhong then asked.
"I teach Chinese, and she teaches mathematics." Xu Yang then replied.
"Okay, great. In this way, you will still be your teachers and be responsible for teaching, but this time you need to teach some elementary and middle school students. Also, can you tell us about your school. Li Yuanhong started Asked two teachers about the situation of Yanbian University.
The Hunchun campus of Yanbian University is a branch campus of Yanbian University. It is located 20 kilometers east of Hunchun City. It is mainly responsible for the education of junior college students. This made Li Yuanhong a little discouraged because these majors are not what Li Yuanhong needs. Most of them are foreign language majors. Majors related to tourism, but Li Yuanhong still intends to check it out. After all, there is a library in the university. Evacuation of the library will be a big gain.
The next day, Li Yuanhong took the pikemen and archers, and drove two armored vehicles, heading for Yanbian University. Since Yanbian University is already close to Hunchun City, Li Yuanhong walked very carefully. Li Yuanhong didn't want to be surrounded by zombies accidentally.
When I came to the entrance of the university, it was quiet. It has been more than two months since the end of the world. At this time, there were no signs of living people on the campus, and there were many zombies wandering. Li Yuanhong looked into the campus with a telescope, and took out the campus sketch drawn by Mr. Xu Yang yesterday. In contrast, Li Yuanhong quickly fixed his target: the school library.
Li Yuanhong is at the north gate of the school, which is the closest to the library, and it is far from the school building and dormitory area, so there are not many zombies.
Li Yuanhong instructed the armored vehicles to slow down, try not to make too much noise, and slowly approach the library. Two armored vehicles each had two archers to clear away zombies from a distance, and two gunmen were responsible for close defense. Many, soon the convoy drove to the door of the library.
Li Yuanhong brought the gunmen to the door of the library, and found that the library door was inserted from the inside, obviously there were people inside. The library is a round building surrounded by an artificial lake. There is a bridge on the north and south sides to connect to the library. At this time, the lake has dropped to less than one meter, and the lake is frozen. Obviously, the topography of the library is very conducive to defense, but there is no material reserve in it, and once it is besieged, it is considered a dead place.
Li Yuanhong asked the gunmen to see if there were other entrances. Soon, on the side of the library, he found a small door, which was locked from the outside. So Li Yuanhong called Li Luoxia, and of course she couldn't do without Li Luoxia when going out to unlock, so Li Luoxia also followed this search. This kind of ordinary door lock with no technical content, Li Luoxia solved it in 30 seconds. After the door opened, the gunman slowly touched the library.
Due to the blackout, the library was dark. Fortunately, Li Yuanhong had a flashlight, so he could see the situation in the library clearly. This back door is a special passage dedicated to the delivery of books. Along the passage, you will soon arrive at the cargo elevator of the library. There is a passage next to the elevator to the lobby on the first floor of the library. Li Yuanhong walked along the passage to the hall. The hall was quiet. Through the sunlight coming in from the door, Li Yuanhong found that the doors on both sides of the library were not only plugged in from the inside, but also blocked by many desks and bookshelves. Real.
The first floor leads to the second floor. In addition to the elevator, there is a larger circular staircase leading to the second floor. So Li Yuanhong went directly to the second floor. When he went up to the second floor, he could see many book shelves, but now there are books on the bookshelves. , But missing. The second floor was also quiet. There was no way. Li Yuanhong began to climb up again and climbed to the fourth floor. Li Yuanhong only saw some books scattered among the bookshelves. Li Yuanhong walked over and saw these books that were thrown on the ground. For some professional books, Li Yuanhong looked at the labels on the bookshelf. They were tourism majors and English majors. Li Yuanhong collected all the books that were dropped on the ground into the space.
I continued to climb up, and finally when I was approaching the fifth floor, I heard movement upstairs: "Qian Hong, bring some more books, the fire is going to die out, it will kill me." A relatively arrogant voice said.
"Why don't you go, you always instigate me!" another reluctant voice replied.
"Who don't you go, that person yesterday, you ate the most, of course you went." Another voice said.
When Li Yuanhong heard of cannibalism, his eyes immediately showed fierce light. Li Yuanhong never let go of the and cannibalism in the last days, so he speeded up his pace and rushed upstairs.
In the lobby on the fifth floor, there are five people around a fire. All five people are dressed as students, but these people are wearing thin clothes. Outside the clothes, these people use the curtains found in the library. Tie a lot of books to your body to increase protection from the cold, just like armor made of books.
Several people suddenly saw someone rushing up, but they were taken aback, and then they began to run in panic. Li Yuanhong shouted, "All squat on the ground. Whoever dared to run again will be shot immediately."
When they heard that the other party had a gun, they didn't dare to resist, and squatted on the ground honestly. Li Yuanhong walked into the fire. The fire was lit with books and desks. Beside the fire, there were a lot of bones piled up. At first glance, the skeletons were human bones. Obviously, these people had already begun to eat people.
Li Yuanhong looked at these people with gloomy eyes: "You eat these bones?!"
"Yes...we ate it, but these people weren't killed by us, they starved to death." One of the five quibbled.
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