: Section 21 Hospital Rescue

The next morning, Li Yuanhong came to Wang Jingrong again and looked at the special policeman who was still lying on the bed. He had recovered a lot. Although he could not go to the ground to move freely, he was an elite police officer. The replies are all over the place.
Li Yuanhong nodded his head and praised: "It's a special police officer. It's okay so fast. If it's me, I'm not starving to death, I have to lie down for seven or eight days. By the way, what are your plans for the next step?"
Wang Jingrong did not immediately answer, but hesitated for a long time, and then made up his mind to say: "I originally wanted to do something after I recovered, and then meet with other teammates to find a national relief base, but now I see. Come, I can't wait anymore, so I want to ask Brother Li to help me save someone, and then I will follow Brother Li's arrangements from now on."
Li Yuanhong looked at Wang Jingrong’s firm expression and thought for a while and said: "You tell me who you want to save and where is the person to be saved. If it is within my ability, I don’t mind reaching out. After all, it’s the end of the world. It’s a person to save one more person, and you don’t have to pay back."
Wang Jingrong nodded and said, "Okay, I'll wait until Big Brother Li saves people. The people I want to save are Huang Ju's lover and children. Huang Ju's lover is named Han, Han Yuyao, and his child is Huang Xiaopeng. They should be there. At Tongzhou County Hospital not far from here, the Yellow Bureau and I acted in the evening before the virus outbreak. So the Huang Bureau’s lover took the children on duty in the hospital, so they should still be in the hospital."
Li Yuanhong nodded: "Then do you probably know where they are in the hospital?"
"I will draw you a sketch, so that it will be convenient for you to find."
Li Yuanhong thought for a while and said, "If you can remember the location of the pharmacy, mark it for me by the way."
Wang Jingrong nodded, but the paper and pen came over and began to draw. Although it's a simple sketch, everything is clear. At first glance, he is trained. Obviously, Wang Jingrong is not an ordinary special police officer.
Li Yuanhong took the map and saw that the county hospital has a triple building structure. The gate faces the south. The entrance is the emergency building and the inpatient department of surgery. The pharmacy is also in the lobby of the outpatient building. On the left is the outpatient building, and then the comprehensive inpatient building. The person looking for is on the third floor of this building.
After Li Yuanhong put the map in his underwear pocket, he called two pikemen and two archers, and planned to set off. As a result, Li Luoxia leaned forward and had to go with him. Li Yuanhong wanted not to bring it, but he thought it might be necessary. I agreed to open the lock or something. So a group of six people set off.
On the road, Li Yuanhong puts safety as the top priority in everything, allowing archers to use their eagle-eye skills to detect the movement of zombies from a distance. Once a large group of zombies are found, they should avoid them far, although only a distance of more than 2 kilometers. After walking for more than an hour, I came to the street opposite the main entrance of the county hospital.
Across the street, I saw the entrance of the opposite hospital, blocked by various vehicles. It seems that when the virus broke out, a driver mutated zombies, which caused chaos at the door. Looking at dozens of wandering zombies at the door and the flesh and blood of a place, you can see the scene at that time. terror.
Looking at the zombies blocked at the entrance of the hospital, entering from the front entrance might not work, and the person Wang Jingrong wanted to save was in the inpatient building at the back of the hospital, so Li Yuanhong took everyone around back. It took half an hour before Li Yuanhong came to the back of the hospital.
Li Yuanhong first grabbed the top of the wall and looked inside. The top of the wall was less than 3 meters away from the back-floor window, and it was relatively remote, and no zombies wandered over. With a beckon, everyone jumped into the wall. Aiming at the waist, Li Yuanhong came to the back window of a hospital room and looked inside secretly. Now the room has been powered off and it is rather dim, but you can still see a mess inside. I saw blood stains on the hospital bed in the room, and the bedding was overturned to the ground. There were a few human-shaped bones scattered on the ground, but there was only one zombie in the room standing and shaking near the door. Obviously the people in the hospital ran out and led the zombie. Got out.
Li Yuanhong has looked at the layout of the back wall and found that there are protective nets on the windows on the first floor. If you enter from the rear window, you have to remove the protective nets. This will definitely attract the attention of the zombies, so Li Yuanhong asked Li Luoxia softly: "You Can you climb to the third floor? If you climb to the third floor, find an empty room, put down the rope, and we climb up."
Li Luoxia looked at the back wall, then nodded and said, "No problem."
I saw Li Luoxia follow the drip pipe, like a civet, to easily climb up to the third floor, then she picked up a window on a stairway, secretly looked inside, and then she leaned on the window edge, swung down a window, three windows in a row, Li Luoxia opened a window gently and turned over to enter. Less than five minutes later, a rope tied with sheets stretched out from the window. Li Yuanhong first asked Lu Yi to go up and guard, and then went up by herself. Finally, the others were picked up.
Entering the room, this is a two-bed hospital room. Although there are blood stains in the room, the blood stains extend outside the room. There are no bones in the room. It seems that someone has led the zombies out. Li Yuanhong asked the gunmen to open the way in front and came to the door. When passing the bathroom near the door, Li Yuanhong found a mutilated body lying in the bathroom. It seemed that he was wearing a hospital gown, and the blood stains in the house also extended to the bathroom. In order to prevent any accidents, Li Yuanhong asked the gunmen to stab the corpse with a spear, but the corpse really moved. Li Yuanhong was shocked, and he quickly asked Lu Yi to fill the corpse with a shot in the head.
Li Yuanhong thought to himself: "When did the zombies learn to pretend to be dead? It seems that you need to be careful in this search, otherwise you will encounter danger."
After the episode, Li Yuanhong became more careful. Through the half-covered door, Li Yuanhong saw more than a dozen zombies swaying outside, most of them were zombies wearing medical uniforms, and there was only one nurse pretending to be a child zombie. . Li Yuanhong retracted his head, and groped his beard-covered chin with his right hand, his eyebrows locked tightly, trying to get rid of these zombies with minimal movement.
Li Yuanhong looked at the layout of the house carefully. This ward is about 6 square meters. Because there is a bathroom at the entrance, a small corridor measuring one meter and five meters long and one meter wide was formed, so Li Yuanhong had an idea. Li Yuanhong asked the two gunmen to lift a hospital bed and gently lay it horizontally to the exit of the small corridor, then spread the bedding on the bed on the small corridor, and then gently pushed the door of the hospital room open. When everything was ready, Li Yuanhong stood behind the hospital bed, took out a stone, hit the door frame with a "pop", and then the stone fell on the bedding without making any extra noise.
At this time, the zombies in the corridor near the door, after hearing the sound, slowly swayed over and entered the ward. As soon as he entered the door, the zombies smelled the smell of people, and immediately rushed towards everyone with a low growl, but the speed of the zombies could not be raised due to the quilt under their feet. As a result, they charged with great momentum and turned into slow motion. By the time he rushed to the hospital bed, he had no impact, and was dealt with by the gunmen who had been waiting. This zombie was followed by two zombies, and there was no wind and waves, and it was easily resolved, and because of the cushioning of the quilt, the sound of fighting was reduced to a minimum.
Lift the zombies out of the small corridor, vacate the battlefield, and then lead the corpses again, five or six times, and a dozen zombies in the corridor were finally emptied. Everyone was sweating at this time. Although there was no risk in fighting, moving the body was considered physical work. But fatigue is not without gain. Among the dozen zombies, there are 5 first-level zombies. This adds 5 crystal nuclei to Li Yuanhong. Li Yuanhong secretly calculated whether to go back at night and make an evolution fluid. Then I started my evolutionary life.
After resting for ten minutes, Li Yuanhong began to search the third floor, looking for someone to save. During the process of cleaning up the zombies just now, no child zombies and doctor zombies were found, indicating that the person to be rescued may still be alive. When everyone searched the westernmost room on the third floor, they saw a sign hanging on the door frame: Doctor's Duty Room. It seems that the person to be saved is probably in this room.
Li Yuanhong pushed the door and found that something was blocked behind the door. If you want to open the door, you must either remove the blocked object from the inside or slam it open, but if you hit the door, it will inevitably cause a lot of movement, which is not advisable. .
Li Yuanhong looked at the door of the duty room. It was a 1.9-meter-high wooden door. Above the door frame, there was a half-meter-high glass skylight. So Li Yuanhong stepped on Lu Yi's shoulder and looked into the house through the skylight. At this time, there were three people lying in the house, two large and one small. And leaning on the door, it seemed that there was a bed on the top of the door, and all three of them were leaning on the other end of the bed without movement, not knowing life or death. The windows in the house are also closed, but it seems that the windows are not closed. After all, it is still in late September. The daytime in Yanjing is still very hot. Without electricity, the room must be very hot. It is normal to open the windows to breathe. It seems that the people inside May still be alive.
Li Yuanhong called Li Luoxia and asked, "Is it possible to enter the room from outside?"
Li Luoxia did not answer. He first entered the next room (this is a nurse's station, which has already been cleaned), stretched out his head and looked at the terrain and said, "No problem." When going out, Li Yuanhong grabbed Li Luoxia, then took off his climbing pick and handed it to Li Luoxia and said, "Be careful. After you go in, wrap these people in blankets to prevent the corpse from hurting you."
Li Luoxia took the pickaxe and said with a "Yeah", she jumped out of the window with crimson on her face.
So Li Yuanhong led everyone to wait by the door, as if being roasted by fire. Although the time was only ten minutes, Li Yuanhong felt as if several hours had passed. When he heard the sound of a slight movement of the bed in the room, Li Yuanhong let his heart go. With a "card", the door lock was opened and the door opened a gap as wide as one person. Li Yuanhong was the first to squeeze in. Seeing the three people on the ground were wrapped in a quilt, I was relieved. Then she said softly to Li Luoxia: "Thank you."
Li Luoxia handed the mountain pickaxe in her hand to Li Yuanhong's hand, then she blushed as if thinking of something, bowed her head and said nothing. Li Yuanhong took the climbing pick, pinned it in his waist, and moved the bed completely with Lu Yi who entered behind, opened the door, then walked to the three of them, and looked at them. They were all in a coma, and their lips were somewhat Dry and cracked, but obviously not as powerful as Wang Jingrong. Li Yuanhong looked into the room and sent a few bottles of glucose injections, liquid bottles, and a few instant noodle bags on the floor. I think these three people will survive by relying on these, but it is estimated that they will be out of food for several days. If they don't come, these three people may not be able to survive.
Li Yuanhong went to the nurse's station next door, searched for a few bottles of glucose, and asked the gunmen to feed the three people separately. Within half an hour, all three of them opened their eyes. It seems that the man has been saved.
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