: Section 77: Behind the scenes

Li Yuanhong was interrupted by the person next to Wang Xiaoer's questioning, and was not angry, but turned to that person and asked, "Oh, before answering this question, can this big brother tell me, what is your name? "Li Yuanhong smiled, dangerously.
The man saw that Wang Xiaoer suffered a loss just now, so he had taken precautions early and said loudly: "You don't care who I am, you just need to answer our questions!"
"Hahaha! I don't even know who you are, how can I know if you are from Hunchun! Forget it, since you were also assigned by someone else, I will not ask your name. Then I will ask too. One question for you, you said I took the supplies from Hunchun City, can you tell me what supplies I took?"
"Of course it is all kinds of instant noodles, canned food and ham in the supermarket. By the way, there is also the grain in the grain store!" the man said proudly.
"Oh? How did you know that I took these things? Why don't I remember that I took these things!" Li Yuanhong began to fight haha.
Seeing that Li Yuanhong didn’t admit it, the man said proudly,
Because I saw it!

"You saw it! It's impossible. When I came to Hunchun City, there was no one in this city. Are you a zombie?" Li Yuanhong asked with exaggerated expression.
"I'm not a zombie! I saw it, I saw it!" This person retorted a little weakly.
"Hahaha, the young and old present, I have to announce a bad news here. According to the report of our wild zombie hunting team, they discovered a new type of zombie, which has human wisdom and is good at disguising. If you don’t use special equipment to distinguish, it looks no different from ordinary people. I suspect that this person is a fake zombie. If you come, grab him and go for a zombie examination!" Li Yuanhong suddenly fell, Gao Shouted to the soldiers behind.
The situation became so fast that the triumphant person just caught off guard. Before he could tell the difference, he was by the soldiers who came up, and even his mouth was blocked.
At this time, Li Yuanhong saw that the person was arrested, and then said to the commotion below: "Everyone may ask, why do I say he is a zombie? Think about it, there are so many supplies in the city, why don't you I dare to take it. It’s not because there are zombies. When I came to the city, there were zombies hidden everywhere. I wanted to take supplies. It was impossible not to be vigilant. I knew if there were anyone around, and according to what he said, I There is more than one place to go. Those of you present are all thinking about it, whoever has nothing to eat, follow me around in the city full of zombies! If there is, there is only one possibility, that is, zombies! "Li Yuanhong sonorously pronounced the evidence of the man just now.
Li Yuanhong's words stirred up the crowd below. After all, Li Yuanhong's words were so incredible that many people simply couldn't believe it. But then, Li Yuanhong's other words calmed the crowd.
"I did search for some supplies from Hunchun City. I also plan to set up a position. This position does not need to work, but can eat all meals. There are also vegetables and canned meat every week. Not only that, but also this year. Pork and chicken are given priority for this position. These are all free. Who of you will apply for this position?"
Li Yuanhong’s words made many people think that this was simply a pie in the sky, but for those who are lazy, Li Yuanhong was forced by them to make such a promise. The following words further confirmed the reverie of these people.
"This position has a limited number of places. I only have 500 places here. First come first served. If you want to sign up, please stand on the left side of the crowd!" Li Yuanhong's words were somewhat tempting, and the crowd below began to diverge. Many people crowded out the crowd and came to the place designated by Li Yuanhong.
Li Yuanhong saw that there were almost three or four hundred people separated from the crowd, so he shouted again: "Is there anyone who wants to apply for this position? Not only does this position have high salaries, but also good benefits, not only can I enjoy high benefits? In the future, the family will also have free benefits!" Another piece of Li Yuanhong’s pie was upset.
Sure enough, another part of the crowd squeezed out the crowd. Seeing this, Li Yuanhong smiled in his heart: It seems that the old saying is good. It is a common problem to see that the bait is not harmful, and it is true.
Seeing that the flow of people has basically stabilized, Li Yuanhong took a trumpet and shouted at the diverted crowd: "You are welcome to join our army. From today, you will be an honorable soldier! Your instructor Wang Jingrong I have been waiting for you for a long time!" After saying this, hundreds of soldiers burst out from the corner of the street and surrounded the diverted people. Then Wang Jingrong walked out and shouted at the bewildered crowd. To: "You are welcome to join our army. From now on, you will not have to be distracted by food, but you have to give your courage to fight those zombies. This is your glory!"
As soon as Wang Jingrong's words fell, these people immediately blew up their nests, some were crying and shouting, some were cursing loudly, some were rolling around. In short, they were full of ugliness. Wang Jingrong ignored these and directly ordered the soldiers to take them away.
Most of the rest of the people in the square came with the excitement of watching the excitement. Even if there are still a few sneakers and skiers, they don’t dare to let go. In case they are arrested, that’s a life-threatening job. , So the team was quiet. Li Yuanhong then shouted to the team in the square: "Don't worry, as long as you participate in labor, you will be rewarded generously, and you will never go hungry or cold. Of course, if you want to get something for nothing, it won't work for me. What problems do you have? , I welcome to report to me according to the normal channels, but if you want to take the opportunity to make trouble, I am not afraid! If everyone is okay, just go away!"
As the troublemakers were taken away, the people in the square began to disperse. The leaders standing next to Li Yuanhong also wanted to leave, but Li Yuanhong almost scared them to the ground with a word: "Where are you going, I haven't answered your question yet!"
"We are okay, we are okay!" The previous arrogance was gone, and these people nodded and bowed.
"You are all right, I just have a question to ask you! Come, those few people please come in for me!" Li Yuanhong said with a gloomy expression.
Several people were trembling and were taken into the municipal government building by soldiers. Li Yuanhong didn’t want to take a few people to perform the operation. These people are just a few early pawns. If you can’t kill them, it will have little effect on the overall situation. To completely solve the hidden dangers in the base, we must find out the black hands behind these people. Although Li Yuanhong guessed the black hands behind these people, Li Yuanhong could not arrest people for no reason. That is the same as destroying the popular support. He never used force against the people, just didn't want to hurt the people's hearts.
Li Yuanhong returned to the city government, first came to the room of the person who was tied up, and then said to him: "Do you want to live or die? Nod if you want to live, and shake your head if you want to die."
As soon as that person heard it, he nodded his head quickly like garlic. Seeing this, Li Yuanhong didn’t make it difficult for him, so he took out his gag cloth, and then asked the main envoy behind the scenes, what plans to follow, and so on. Of course, this kid just wanted to fool Li Yuanhong. What is Li Yuanhong like? So foolish, so he said to this person: "You'd better not play any tricks. I don't know who you are behind you and who are behind you. The reason why I ask you again is just to make a statement. Prior to this, Wang Xiaoer had already recruited. He said that Boss Ma contacted their boss to make trouble, so you had better not be scornful!"
Of course, Wang Xiaoer did not make any confession, it was Li Yuanhong who was defrauding this person based on the information he had. After being cheated by Li Yuanhong, that person was honest this time, so he gave the original explanation.
In a conference room, the six people who took the lead in the protest were locked in this room and no one was watching them. Several people were restless in the room. I don’t know what Li Yuanhong would do with them. At this time, Wang Xiaoer was uneasy. He walked to the door, secretly opened the door, and looked out. There was no guard at the door, and no one in the entire corridor, but from the opposite room, someone cried out. At this moment, I suddenly saw the door diagonally opened. Two soldiers walked out, holding an empty basin in their hands, and said as they walked: "Damn, this kid's mouth is quite hard. I guess he will say tonight, Captain Liu Hu. In the past, the criminal police team used to deal with this kind of person, so he must not run away, so he must tell the troublemaker behind him."
"Yes, dare to do things to us, absolutely make them look good!" said a soldier in Leng.
Holding the basin, the two turned around the corner and disappeared deep in the corridor.
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