: Section 80 Mercenary

In the early morning of the next day, many people walked out of the house with their eyes on the pandas. Although the gunshots last night did not last long, many people stayed up all night. After all, the gunshots came too suddenly and the protests just happened during the day. It will inevitably affect people's nerves. But people who got up early found that nothing had changed on the street, the soldiers on patrol were the same, and the sceneries on the street were the same, just like the sound of gunfire last night, just an illusion. But soon, someone found a clue from the notice board in front of the city hall.
Since Li Yuanhong moved the survivors back to Hunchun City, in order to facilitate information release, Li Yuanhong deliberately set up a notice board in front of the city government. Any new regulations or policies Li Yuanhong has will be announced on the notice board. , Announced two new pieces of information.
The first piece of information is about recruitment information. The information lists several jobs, all of which are manual labor, and the remuneration is listed above. However, most people have no idea about the amount of labor remuneration, because the above The settlement unit used is the crystal nucleus, and no one knows how much the crystal nucleus is worth. However, a careful person found that there was a job position in the recruitment information column, which was a salesperson. This means that you have to spend money to buy food in the future, and then you can evaluate its value based on how much food the crystal core can exchange for. .
The second announcement was about the gunshots last night. It announced the crimes of Ma Tianyu and his party members. The announcement showed that Ma Tianyu was shot to death during resistance, and other brains were shot to death on the spot. This means that the former ruler of Hunchun City is basically annihilated. Of course, the common people don't pay attention to these. The common people are more concerned about whether they can eat enough and whether they can live safely in these last days.
Li Yuanhong did not pay attention to the outsiders' reaction to the news released today. Li Yuanhong has assigned someone to be responsible for these matters. At this time Li Yuanhong was sitting in the office of the former mayor, waiting for someone to arrive. Before long, there was a knock on the door, and Li Yuanhong said in a steady voice: "Please come in!"
The door of the office opened, and a figure appeared at the door, this person was Gao Zhiyuan. Seeing Gao Zhiyuan, Li Yuanhong got up to greet him: "Brother Gao, you are here, please sit down, please!"
So the two of them sat down in front of a coffee table, and Li Yuanhong took out a bag of tea leaves from the coffee table: "This is the Dahongpao left by the previous mayor, which is used to warm up in winter." After that, Li Yuanhong personally served Gao Zhiyuan. Make tea.
Gao Zhiyuan was a little bit at a loss, so he said straightforwardly: "What's the matter with Brother Li coming to the ground with me?"
"Brother Gao, I have always wondered. This time Boss Ma planned a rebellion. Almost all the big bosses from the previous base were involved. Why didn't you participate?" Li Yuanhong also asked straightforwardly.
"It turned out to be this, but it is actually very simple. People like Ma Tianyu should not seek power with them. They seek power only for enjoyment. Once the base is threatened, what they think first is not fighting, but how to protect themselves. , And this kind of people can share blessings and not share adversities. If you form an alliance with him, sooner or later I will be sold by him." Gao Zhiyuan said.
"So, what are your plans in the future? I know you will definitely not participate in my work arrangements." Li Yuanhong said.
"Why can you see it?" Gao Zhiyuanxiao looked at Li Yuanhong with interest.
"It's very simple. Your character is not the kind of person who obeys the rules. You can't stay in a place where factories emphasize order." Li Yuanhong also looked at Gao Zhiyuan and said.
"Hahaha, it seems that Brother Li has seen me clearly!" Gao Zhiyuan laughed heartily.
"But I have a job. I wonder if Brother Gao is interested?" Li Yuanhong said.
"Talk about it." Gao Zhiyuan said.
"In the future, I will arrange some jobs. This kind of job is similar to bounty hunters in the United States. We pay for something or information. In short, it is a similar job, and you can choose the job you like. After completing the task, take it. Our commission." Li Yuanhong said simply.
"Oh? Are there any restrictions? I think things are not that simple!" Gao Zhiyuan said.
"Yes, after all, the entrusted work will be risky. Therefore, the tasks received are divided into levels, and the tasks that different people can accept are also limited. How to determine the level requires a special organization to manage. The organization is the Mercenary Association, and those who can take over the tasks must be those who have registered with the Mercenary Association, so that this system can go further." Li Yuanhong introduced.
Upon hearing Li Yuanhong’s introduction, Gao Zhiyuan came to be interested, so he asked: "Then what can you do with me?"
"The mercenary association is easy to handle. I just need to arrange for someone to register, and then determine the level of the mercenary based on the number of times and difficulty the mercenary group or individual mercenary completes the task, but no one is doing demonstrations now, after all, the mercenary has to complete it. All tasks are risky. I used to hope that you and Boss Ma would be the first batch of mercenaries. It's a pity, hey!" Li Yuanhong sighed.
"Then I can ask, did Boss Ma die in battle?" Gao Zhiyuan looked at Li Yuanhong.
"Is it important how you die? Let's leave those things alone, I will ask you if you are not interested in establishing a mercenary group!" Li Yuanhong looked at Gao Zhiyuan instead.
"Hahaha, I have been seen through by you, what reason do I have for rejection!" Gao Zhiyuan readily agreed.
"Okay, I didn't mistake Gao brother, he is bold!" Li Yuanhong raised the tea cup in his hand: "Come on, Gao brother, I will use tea instead of wine, I wish us a happy cooperation!" Li Yuanhong said.
"Happy cooperation!" Gao Zhiyuan also raised his tea cup, touched Li Yuanhong, and drank it in one fell swoop.
In this way, the first mercenary group of Li Yuanhong base was born. Driven by Gao Zhiyuan, the idle armed groups soon established mercenary groups one after another, and Li Yuanhong's first neutral organization mercenary association was also established.
After working on the mercenary group, Li Yuanhong breathed a sigh of relief. Originally, Li Yuanhong wanted to wait for the system mission system to start and work on the mercenary system. However, this rebellion made Li Yuanhong realize that these armed groups are not under his control. You must find something for them, otherwise these people will make trouble sooner or later if they are idle, so Li Yuanhong must find something for them, so Li Yuanhong remembered the task system of the tavern, so Li Yuanhong set up a mercenary association in advance.
The next thing is to find work for these mercenary groups. In fact, Li Yuanhong has already thought about it. Recently, Li Yuanhong has just recovered Hunchun. The infrastructure construction task is very heavy, but the situation of the surrounding zombies must be understood clearly. Only in this way can Li Yuanhong Specify the next strategy. Otherwise, wait until the zombies come to the door and arrange it. It's all too late, so Li Yuanhong handed over the task of investigating the surroundings to the mercenary group, and the mercenaries, this kind of task very much, This type of mission is not very risky, but it is possible to get fishing outside, so why not do it. So the first batch of tasks released by Li Yuanhong was quickly taken over by these newly established mercenary groups.
After throwing out the chores, Li Yuanhong began to devote all his energy to the construction of Hunchun City. In fact, the top priority of the Hunchun Base is to build defenses and restore energy supply. Before Hunchun built an ice city wall, it was only a temporary building. Open, the ice city wall will no longer exist. If the zombie comes, Hunchun will become a lamb to be slaughtered. Therefore, Li Yuanhong re-arranged Hunchun and demolished many communities. The materials removed can be used As the material for the wall, and at the same time, the vacated area is used for arable land and defense. Therefore, the entire Hunchun City has become a large construction site.
Due to the tight construction time, there are a lot of labor. There are no idlers in Hunchun anymore. Even people with insufficient physical strength can find logistical work that is relatively easy to work. And people have found that the wages given by Li Yuanhong are not low. Working by one person can easily feed a family of three, and there is surplus. Not only that, Li Yuanhong also has a lot of reward mechanisms, such as working more, there will be bonuses, if you can make constructive suggestions, there will be bonuses and so on. In addition, Li Yuanhong is free for many basic people's livelihoods, such as housing and medical treatment. Therefore, many people work hard, hoping to make more money through their own efforts, and then they can also buy the evolution agent and become an evolutionary.
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