: Section 82, it turns out that zombies will also be bullied

Li Yuanhong rode a white tiger and saw the camp in the forest. No one was walking in the camp, but the wooden house was smoking outside. Li Yuanhong shouted to the wooden house: "Is anyone in the house?"
Li Yuanhong yelled twice. At this time, a wooden door of the wooden house near the outside opened. A big man came out and looked at Li Yuanhong with curious eyes. However, this man did not approach, but shouted to Li Yuanhong: "Are you a Chinese citizen? ?"
This person’s voice is very weird, very similar to the Korean drama I watched before. I just remembered that North Korea and South Korea both speak the same language. Fortunately, Xiao Yiling instilled language skills in him at the beginning, otherwise he would not listen. Understand what they say. Li Yuanhong replied to the brawny man: "Yes, I am from the Huaxia Kingdom. I just came from Hunchun City."
The man asked more curiously: "Aren't you making madmen there?"
Li Yuanhong was taken aback and understood immediately, so he said: "Those lunatics you mentioned are infected with the virus. They are no longer alive, they have become zombies."
"For the zombies, it was caused by the virus, and we also have zombies there." Li Yuanhong replied.
"Then what are you doing here?" the strong man asked.
"The zombies on your side came to our country, so I came to see what the reason was." Li Yuanhong replied.
The man was even more surprised and asked: "Aren't you afraid of those zombies?"
"Hahaha, what's to be afraid of, they can't run me again, can they run if they can't beat me!" Li Yuanhong said confidently.
The big man in the door looked at Li Yuanhong with envy. At this time, Li Yuanhong asked, "How do you call this friend, won't you invite me in?"
"Oh, please come in, please come in, see I have forgotten this!" The man let Li Yuanhong into me.
When Li Yuanhong entered the room, he saw that the decoration in the wooden house was simple, with a wooden table, a few wooden chairs and two wooden beds. In addition to the strong man, there was a woman and a little boy in the house. The man let Li Yuanhong into the house. Sit down and introduce himself. This man is Li Zhizhong, the woman in the room is his wife Cui Zhenxian, and the child is his child Li Xianbin. This wooden house is a temporary wooden house for forest rangers. Li Zhizhong and his family escaped from Qingyuan County. There are two others who escaped with him. With the original rangers, there are less than 20 people here.
Li Yuanhong learned from the side that the population of Qingyuan County is actually not as large as expected. In North Korea, the county is equivalent to the county-level city of China. Due to border trade, the population is larger than other cities, but it is not. It will exceed 300,000, but nearly 100,000 people successfully fleeed from the city. This is also thanks to North Korea’s extraordinary military strength. The entire North Korea has a population of less than 30 million, but the number of troops has reached one million. Near the border, there are three regiments of troops stationed here, but this is a mountainous area, so all infantry regiments are stationed here. At that time, the zombies erupted, and the army responded very quickly. It is estimated that it is related to the state of war preparedness. Soon the survivors in the city were organized to evacuate the city from the railway system and evacuate to the secret military base during the war preparation exercise. However, due to the train capacity It was limited. It was impossible to transport everyone away, only more than 50,000, and the remaining people ran to the nearby mountains to hide.
While Li Yuanhong was chatting with Li Zhizhong, the people in several other wooden houses came to see Li Yuanhong after hearing the news. After all, there were not many people who could not be afraid of zombies running around in the last days, and these people came to see Li Yuanhong for another purpose. .
Soon Li Zhizhong's cabin was filled with people. One of the young people asked curiously: "I said, Brother Li, are you really afraid of zombies?"
"Hehe, how can we not be afraid! But it is not enough to be afraid. If we don't fight with them, we will be destroyed by them sooner or later. Therefore, whether we are afraid or not, we must face it, you say yes!" Li Yuanhong Said with a smile.
Another middle-aged man then asked: "Zombies are getting more and more powerful, how did you kill them?"
Li Yuanhong pointed his head with his finger and said: "Of course I have to fight with them. Although the zombies are powerful and not slow, their intelligence is not high. We can think of various ways to deprive them of their advantages. For example, we can set up traps and let the traps kill them, so that we don’t have to fight against them. When you let go, killing the zombies is also good." Li Yuanhong took out a crystal nucleus from his pocket: With this kind of thing, kill them to get the crystal nucleus, and then you can take the crystal nucleus and exchange it with me for what you want, and you can even exchange it for the evolution fluid that makes you stronger."
"Is it true? Can you get food?" the middle-aged man just asked.
Li Yuanhong said, "Of course, there are not only food, but also weapons. As long as there is a crystal core, you can get what you want!" Li Yuanhong said with a smile.
Upon hearing Li Yuanhong's words, the crowd below immediately began to discuss. Originally, they had run out of food recently. They drove down the mountain to look for food only yesterday. As a result, there were zombies in the nearby villages, so they did not dare to enter the village and returned without success. But this also left a mark on Li Yuanhong, or Li Yuanhong would not find them either.
Li Yuanhong chatted with these survivors about the experience of killing zombies for a while, and then remembered the zombie who had been hung from a tree, so he asked: "By the way, what animals are there near you that like to hang prey on the tree? "
"Hang food on the tree? You are not talking about cheetahs, right?" Li Zhizhong said.
"Cheetah? Do you have many cheetahs here?" Li Yuanhong then asked.
"There are a lot of them in every mountain, but they usually don't show up where people are. A friend of mine was on the opposite mountain and saw a female leopard with a litter of baby leopards." Li Zhizhong said To.
Li Yuanhong stroked his chin with his hand. If the leopard killed the zombies, did the zombies that ran to his own site be driven by some animal? Since the end of the world, humans have been chased and beaten by zombies, but there are still things that can drive zombies away.
Li Yuanhong chatted with these foreign survivors for a while and talked about the current situation of Hunchun, telling them that if you want to exchange supplies, you can go to Hunchun. If you don’t have a crystal nucleus, you can also exchange the specialties here in Hunchun. . After the appointment, Li Yuanhong turned and left. After all, Li Yuanhong was here to explore the cause of the spread of zombies. Although he did not complete it, he established contact with the survivors here. Li Yuanhong believed that he would provide himself with many resources he wanted in the future.
After leaving the door, Li Yuanhong saw the white tiger, staring at the depths of the forest. The tiger teeth were exposed and his voice was roaring. This is a manifestation of the tiger's demonstration. So Li Yuanhong followed the white tiger's gaze and looked into the forest. I saw in the forest, I could vaguely see what was hidden. Although I couldn't see the appearance, Li Yuanhong could keenly feel the sharp eyes of the hidden creature. This hidden creature saw Li Yuanhong and everyone come out, scurried a few times in the forest, and then disappeared without a trace.
Seeing that creature disappeared, Li Yuanhong didn't care, so he went up to Baihu's back, waved goodbye to everyone, and went down the mountain.
Li Yuanhong followed the way he came and drove back to Hunchun City. Li Yuanhong didn't walk fast because Li Yuanhong wanted to know the terrain nearby so that he could ambush the zombies later. But as Li Yuanhong walked along, he felt as if there was something staring at him. This made Li Yuanhong very curious. Since the end of the world, it was the first time that he was always being followed by others. So Li Yuanhong suddenly accelerated Baihu to a corner of a mountain road, turned abruptly, and then hid in a hidden place. Li Yuanhong wanted to know who was following him.
Li Yuanhong had just hidden himself, and when he saw him behind him, a figure ran out. This was a big cat, covered with black and yellow stripes, with a big king character on his head. This is another Siberian tiger. Is it because the white tiger invaded his territory, so he came to fight with the white tiger?
The Siberian tiger swerved over the foot of the mountain and suddenly found that Li Yuanhong and Baihu had disappeared, so the Siberian tiger stopped abruptly and let out a low roar at the place where Li Yuanhong was hiding. It seems that he has discovered the hiding place of Li Yuanhong and Bai Hu.
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