: Section 134 Food Crisis and Trade War

When Shang Qiuyuan saw Li Yuanhong, he quickly stood up: "Brother Li, why are you here?"
"It's been a long time since I haven't been here. Let's see how your development is!" Li Yuanhong replied casually. Although Shang Qiuyuan's eyebrows were not as tight as the frown just now, his anxiety still remained.
Shangqiuyuan hurriedly gave Li Yuanhong to the sofa and poured tea. Seeing him in a hurry, Li Yuanhong was a little absent-minded, and even almost overflowed the tea when he poured tea for himself.
"Qiu Yuan, did you encounter something?"
"Oh, ah, it's nothing big!" Shang Qiuyuan said with a little disdain.
"No, if it's not a major event, it won't make you worry so much. Let's talk about it. There are some things that you cannot resist alone. The so-called team is to face the difficulties together." Li Yuanhong stared at Shang Qiuyuan and said.
"Brother Li, I think we have encountered a trade war!" Shang Qiuyuan said.
"trade war?"
"That's it. Recently, our grain sales have increased sharply. This has not only caused our inventory to drop sharply. If we look for such a momentum to develop, we will be sold out in more than ten days. At that time, our economic lifeline will be controlled by others." Shang Qiuyuan said with some worry.
"Do you know who is buying our food in large quantities?" Li Yuanhong asked.
"I asked Liu Hu to check it for me, and I didn't find anyone buying our food in large quantities. Because of this, I said it was a trade war."
"Why do you say that?"
"If it is normal trade, under no special circumstances, no one will buy a material in large quantities, unless the price of this material needs to be increased, but our grain prices have always been stable, and grain sales are controlled by us, so other Even if the merchants sell food, they will not be higher than ours. However, once our food is gone, we will lose the right to price the food, and the market price of food will soar. The most important thing is that the other party uses very Concealment, so we can't make corresponding countermeasures." Shang Qiuyuan said.
Li Yuanhong thought for a while, and then said: "In fact, it is easy to check. Our food sales have increased. Then there are only two situations. One is that there are more people buying, and the other is that the amount of people buying food is increasing. We can investigate from these two aspects."
Shang Qiuyuan still shook his head helplessly: "We have all investigated. There are not many new caravans. The amount of food they buy has not increased much, and the previous caravans did not suddenly increase their purchases, and they are all stable."
"What about the deviation in your survey? The people I said increased purchases were not the caravans, but the daily consumer groups. If they each increase by one catty, then the entire city will be 20,000 catties, and this increase, It's something you didn't pay attention to, so you ask the statistics department to check which residents have suddenly purchased more food recently!" Li Yuanhong said.
"Oh, why didn't I expect it! I'll check it out!" After finishing Shang Qiuyuan stood up and walked out.
"Wait a minute, after you have collected the data, go to the meeting room of the Chamber. We will discuss the next action plan with Liu Hu."
"Okay!" Shang Qiuyuan agreed, and walked out of the office.
Two hours later, Shang Qiuyuan brought a bunch of materials and came to the chamber office. At this time, Li Yuanhong, Wang Jingrong and Liu Hu were sitting in the office waiting for him.
"How is the investigation?" Li Yuanhong asked directly without waiting for Shang Qiuyuan to sit down.
"Well, I have found some eyebrows. As expected, the daily food consumption of more than 2,000 residents is abnormal." Shang Qiuyuan replied.
"So many, how come there are so many guys eating inside and out!" Liu Hu said in surprise.
"Let Qiu Yuan finish, many things may not be what you think." Li Yuanhong didn't look angry at all.
"Well, I checked. These people are all residents living in No. 1 and No. 5 districts. Their consumption is not too much. On average, each person consumes half a catty more food per day. They bought them together in the past ten days, so it suddenly appeared. If they were scattered to buy them for a month, it would not be so obvious!" Shang Qiuyuan said.
"Well, this means that the food consumed by these people exceeds 50% of the normal consumption. No wonder the food consumption has suddenly increased. Qiu Yuan, what do you think of this matter."
"I think there must be an organization behind this incident, otherwise these people will not suddenly increase food purchases together." Shangqiuyuan guessed.
"Jing Rong, what do you think? You have been a criminal investigation."

"This should be an economic case, which is my weakness, but this kind of collective behavior, they must know each other, otherwise ordinary people will not participate in the situation where they do not know, and this kind of scattered purchase must have benefits, otherwise They will not maintain their desire to buy. After all, food storage takes up a lot of space. Before the end of the world, I only bought enough food for a few days.
"Liu Hu, what do you think?" Li Yuanhong asked Liu Hu again. Liu Hu used to be a public security officer, and he was also skilled in criminal investigation.
"I agree with Jing Rong's point of view, and there is another one, that is, I think this organizer lives in these two communities so that he can speak out and influence the behavior of others." Liu Hu said.
"By the way, Shangqiu Yuan, are there any discounts for the residents here to buy food?" Li Yuanhong asked Shangqiu Yuan.
"Well, in order to take care of the residents here, we sell food at parity and market prices. The parity price is 10% lower than the market price. Only our working residents here enjoy such treatment. Outsiders and mercenaries, yes Don't enjoy it."
Hearing this, Li Yuanhong had an idea, and then said to Liu Hu: "Liu Hu, you can privately investigate who the people in these two communities sell the food to. Remember, do it privately, not publicly."
"Okay, I'll make arrangements now." Liu Hu stood up.
Li Yuanhong hurriedly said: "Don't worry, it's not over yet. In the near future, I want to let the survivor army of our base go out to participate in actual combat. You will arrange a change of defense today to remove the survivor army and replace them with swordsmen and archers. Let these replaced soldiers strictly check the incoming personnel to see if there are people entering or leaving the city, and they have carried more than normal items. If they are purchased from us, they must check the receipts to prevent the outflow of privately traded items. "Li Yuanhong ordered.
"Okay, what else does Brother Li give?" Liu Hu didn't go out in a hurry.
"No, you go out and do these two things first!" Li Yuanhong ordered.
Liu Hu strode out of the meeting room.
Li Yuanhong said to Shang Qiuyuan again: "Qiu Yuan, if those who buy rice come to buy rice, can you add something to their rice, the kind that has a special smell but is harmless when people eat it." Li Yuanhong Speaking of.
"Brother Li, what are you going to do?" Shang Qiuyuan did not understand Li Yuanhong's intention.
"These people have only two possibilities for buying food, one is to transport it away, and the other is to store it on the spot. If it is transported away, we can find out when we leave the city. If it is stored on the spot, how do you find out?" Li Yuanhong Looking at Shang Qiuyuan with a smile.
Shang Qiuyuan still didn't understand, and then turned to look at Wang Jingrong. Wang Jingrong thought for a while, and then suddenly realized: "Brother Li, do you want to use those little milk dogs?"
"Any little milk dogs, they're almost as tall as one person, I don't dare to hug them anymore, it just happens that they are full all day long, so they should do something." Li Yuanhong said.
Shang Qiuyuan looked at Li Yuanhong and Wang Jingrong with a foggy face: "What do you two say?"
"Don't worry about it, have you thought about putting something in the rice?" Li Yuanhong asked.
"Think about it, I got a pack of expired curry powder some time ago, which happens to be sprinkled in the rice. This thing has a great taste, but it is not harmful, and it will be washed off when the rice is washed, and it will not affect the taste and texture." Shangqiuyuan's methodical analysis.
"Well, yes, yes, remember to leave some samples for Wang Jingrong, he is useful."
"no problem."
At this time, Wang Jingrong interrupted and said, "Brother Li, which little milk dog do you plan to bring to work?"
Li Yuanhong thought for a moment: "Let Shan Ying come over. This guy used to be familiar with you. You can direct it. The other two are not used to it. They don't listen to other people's orders easily."
"Well, or just leave it here in the future!" Wang Jingrong said expectantly.
"I'll talk about it then, I will definitely give you police dog troops in the future!" Li Yuanhong promised a blank check.
When Wang Jingrong heard this, he immediately opened his eyes and smiled, and thanked Li Yuanhong again and again.
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