: Section 145 Dead in the Jungle

The gully stretches very long, the more you go in, the steeper the mountains on both sides, ordinary zombies can't climb the steep walls on both sides, only long-tongued zombies can climb the walls on both sides. But this group of zombies are dominated by shadow zombies and ordinary zombies. There are not many zombies with long tongues, so the zombies are crowded in the valley and move slowly. As it deepened, the strong smell became stronger and stronger. Finally, after all the corpses entered the canyon, the leading zombies found a bunch of fresh animal internal organs. The hill composed of many animal internal organs was at least two meters tall. High, how many are the innards of fish, and some of the innards of wild boars. Of course, zombies will not distinguish these. For them, fresh blood food is the best food, so the passion of the corpse group is burned to the apex. The corpse group is out of order, crowded to the blood food, climbing on both sides The long-tongued zombies on the stone wall also jumped off the stone wall one after another, rushing toward the food pile.
As the crowd of zombies crowded, a zombie stampede event occurred. Many low-level zombies were directly trampled on their feet by strong injuries, and these strong zombies squeezed into the food pile. But because there were too many zombies, the food pile was rapidly decreasing. In less than five minutes, the two-meter-high food pile had almost bottomed out, and the zombies behind were still trying to squeeze forward.
At this time, a flame of fire slashed across the rock, straight down to the corpse group, and soon more rockets appeared on the cliff. The zombies who focused on looting food were unaware of this, knowing that the first rocket hit the zombies all the time, which attracted the attention of the zombies next to them. As more rockets fell, the corpse group finally woke up from the frenzied feeding state, but at this time the corpse group was surrounded by flames. In fact, the zombies did not pay attention. When they entered the valley, the valley was full of dry branches and weeds, and some branches still had traces of oil soaking. When these branches and dry grass met Mars, they immediately burned up, and the bodies of the zombies also Contains a very high fat layer. Under the baking of flames, the torches are lit one by one.
There were bursts of roars of zombies in the canyon, but the strong flames quickly buried these roars. The fire collapsed a lot of the mountain walls. The flames lasted for an hour before slowly extinguishing. When the fire was burning, some zombies wanted to escape from the road, but these zombies were all directly nailed near the exit by arrows flying from the rocks. Such a group of more than 30,000 zombies were buried here. In the canyon.
On another hillside, a group of zombies were chasing a group of people. The group of people struggled to climb a section of the hillside. The of this hillside is not high, only more than 30 degrees, and there are no tall trees on this section of the hillside, only green lawns. The hillside is also very flat and there are no potholes. It used to be a logging yard. The timber was cut out, so it became bare. Fortunately, there is grass to cover it, otherwise it will become ugly.
This group of people climbed the hillside and was tired, but they still couldn't give up, because behind them were nearly 10,000 fat zombies and many ordinary zombies. Although the fat zombies didn't run fast, they couldn't hold up the pace. , A little slack, the zombies will soon catch up.
The is less than two kilometers, and the entire mountain is about 800 meters. Soon these people climbed to the top of the mountain. At this time, all the zombies also entered the slope. At this moment, the top of the mountain was uploaded. With the sound of vibration, ten stone were seen rolling down side by side on the top of the mountain. The stone were two meters high and rolled down the unobstructed hillside.
The fat zombies were still climbing, and suddenly they encountered a boulder that was rolling down quickly. They only knew that the fat zombies were running rampant and would dodge there, so they erected their shoulders and prepared to compete with the boulders, but the fat zombies were originally focused on climbing the mountain. Instability, coupled with the inertia of the boulder sliding down, directly drove these fat zombies who dared to block the way. And the ordinary zombies who followed the fat zombies were blamed for the crushing of these huge rocks. In an instant, flesh and blood flew across the hillside, leaving long flesh and blood grooves where the boulders rolled over.
After this wave of boulders rolled over, the matter was far from over. More boulders spilled down. These boulders almost covered the entire hillside. Even if there is a gap, it is not enough for fat zombies to escape, even ordinary zombies. Barely able to dodge, but the clumsy ordinary zombies know what they are hiding there. Many zombies have not been crushed to death, and their legs have been broken by the boulder, and they have lost their fighting ability.
The boulder has passed five waves before it is over. At this time, there are fewer than 20 zombies that can stand and walk on the hillside, and there is no fat zombie here, and most of the zombies that can move are all crushed. Crushed. More zombies died under the falling rocks.
At this time, a group of people appeared on the top of the mountain. They were holding long spears and began to walk down the slope. Whenever they encountered a zombie that was not completely dead, they would give the zombie a shot and directly pierce the head to completely let the zombie die. Quickly, on the entire hillside, more than 10,000 zombies were buried by Stonehenge.
In the entire mountainous area, traps like this abound. What kind of pits, flame pits, and falling rock traps make zombies hard to guard against. One hundred thousand zombies were almost completely killed in two days, even if they didn’t die under the trap. In the mouth of evolutionary animals. On the third day, Li Yuanhong finally led the team and began to march into the city.

At this time there are still some zombies wandering in the city, but the number is not large, only a few thousand, and they are scattered. Li Yuanhong concentrated his troops to clean up street by street for safety. Although the speed is relatively slow, it is absolutely safe. Especially when cleaning the zombies in the building, Li Yuanhong let the swordsmen clear the way, the gunmen followed closely, and the archers were at the back. Many zombie attacks were directly stopped by the swordsmen’s shields. .
It took Li Yuanhong two days to clean up the city, but the results are obvious. Shuangchengzi is worthy of being a material transfer station. Various materials are piled up like a mountain on the cargo yard. Oil, ore, various machinery and equipment, medicinal materials, grain, etc., are simply a treasure house of materials. Li Yuanhong no longer has to worry about shortages of materials this time, especially those machinery and equipment, there are a lot of equipment for pharmaceutical factories and paper mills, Li Yuanhong I have always wanted to build a paper mill and a pharmaceutical factory to produce various medicines and parchment, but now I finally got my wish.
While cleaning up the city, when Li Yuanhong cleared the small building where the giant zombies were, a gunman ran over: "Report to the captain, a porcelain house was found in the ruins ahead!"
"Porcelain house? What porcelain house?" Li Yuanhong was taken aback. This ruin should be the home of the giant zombies that had been burnt down. It stands to reason that zombies would not engage in construction. Why suddenly there would be an extra porcelain house here.
"I don't know, this building is very strange. It's in the middle of the ruins. I can't see how it was built. Moreover, this porcelain house has no doors or windows, so I don't know how to enter." The gunman answered truthfully.
"Okay, let's go take a look!" After speaking, Li Yuanhong followed the gunmen to the ruins.
When I came to the porcelain house, it was a very rough porcelain. The appearance of the porcelain was not smooth, and the overall porcelainization was uneven. Obviously the craftsmanship of the person who fired this porcelain house was very rough. The whole porcelain house is only two meters high, three meters long and wide, square, and many places have been painted in black by fire, which is not beautiful at all.
Li Yuanhong stepped forward and tapped the outer wall of the porcelain house lightly with his finger. There was a hollow sound inside. It was obvious that the inside was empty. Li Yuanhong looked around again. The porcelain house was integrated with the ground and wanted to open the porcelain house. , Can only chip through the wall. Anyway, it wasn't any precious porcelain, it should be of little value, so Li Yuanhong signaled the two pikemen to come forward to the pikemen and raised their guns to the porcelain wall.
Unexpectedly, when the steel spear pierced the porcelain wall, sparks burst out, and the porcelain wall was only pierced with two white spots, which surprised Li Yuanhong. If the cold weapon doesn’t work, then the gunpowder will explode. In short, Li Yuanhong intends to open this strange porcelain house to see what is hidden inside, because the soldiers who searched just now reported that the sixth-order crystal nucleus was not found, that is, to take the lead. The giant zombie disappeared, and there was another porcelain house here. Li Yuanhong suspected that the level six giant zombie was in this room.
With a loud noise, the porcelain house was finally exploded with a big hole. As the porcelain house was exploded, Li Yuanhong smelled a strong burnt smell, spreading from the porcelain house, for a long time, this pungent The smell slowly dissipated. In order to prevent accidents, Li Yuanhong sent sword soldiers into the search with a shield, and soon the sword soldiers walked out: "Report to the captain, three cooked zombies were found in the porcelain house."
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