: One hundred and eighty-eighth you have a chance to survive

Seeing Uncle Wula’s talk, Li Yuanhong became more excited. He quickly took a sip of porridge and smoothed the food in his mouth. He hurriedly interjected: "This person is good. I must meet you when I have a chance. But Uncle Wula, I’m not going to tell you. For this question, I think our camps are mainly yurts, and many yurts are built very close to the city wall. This is not safe. I suggest that the buildings near the city wall be replaced by earth and stone houses, which can not only build high-rise buildings, and form a second Layers of protection, and the earth and stone houses are relatively fireproof. Once someone outside the city uses fire to attack, it will not be involved in the city. Otherwise, the yurt will be easily ignited. Also, the streets need to be re-planned, and it is now a bit chaotic. Once the enemy comes in, this way It’s messy layout and it’s not easy to defend. You can find Xiao Chen and see if there are any good cases in the ancient walled city. This period of time happened to be that Daiqin was recuperating. Let us have some time. I think this time is still Enough."
After hearing Li Yuanhong's words, Wula couldn't help but nodded, and then said: "Okay, I've written it down, I will ask Xiao Chen when I look back."
The breakfast was quickly finished, and Li Yuanhong got up and left. This time Li Yuanhong had to go back to mobilize supplies, so he had to hurry up before Daiqin recovered his injuries. Li Yuanhong kept most of the cavalry, and returned with only ten cavalry. At the same time, he brought back ten breeding sheep and cattle. After all, a pasture can be built now, so as long as there are breeding cattle and breeding sheep, Li Yuanhong believes that With the help of the system, the ranch will soon grow. Therefore, Li Yuanhong used a large carriage to load these cattle and sheep on the way back. Of course, Li Yuanhong left some weapons and armors in the space to Uncle Ulla, so that they could familiarize themselves with these weapons in order to speed up training.
The way back went smoothly. This time Li Yuanhong deliberately avoided places with many zombies, so he approached the army base the next afternoon.
I was rushing forward, and suddenly heard a killing call near a forest in front of him. Li Yuanhong hurriedly watched and found that the road in front was turning around a forest for fun. He vaguely saw many zombies attacking around a group of people. There are not many zombies, there are less than two hundred, and the survivors surrounded by more than 100 people, but even so, the survivors are still beaten back steadily, and from time to time someone screams and is dragged in by the zombies. The corpses swallowed.
Li Yuanhong knew that if he didn't help him, this group of people would probably die here, so he ordered five cavalrymen to guard the livestock vehicles, and led them to charge the zombies.
When Li Yuanhong's horse team was approaching the zombies, the zombies heard the sound of horseshoes, and some of the zombies turned around and attacked Li Yuanhong with their teeth and claws. These zombies were not low in level, and the lowest was also at level 4. No wonder those survivors could not beat them, but For Level 5 Li Yuanhong, these zombies are not enough to see. If there are giant zombies or long-haired witch zombies, Li Yuanhong will be very careful, but these ordinary zombies, Li Yuanhong has no difficulty in killing them.
Five war horses plus a white tiger, as if entering an uninhabited state, the zombies were stabbed to death by knives and spears before they got close. With just one charge, they tore a hole in the zombie's enclosure.
At this time, the survivors saw someone coming to save them, so their hope of life increased. Among the group of people, one person shouted: "Everyone is working hard. Someone is coming to save us. The shields are defending in front. Attack from behind, and then slowly retreat towards the gap. Don't leave your back to the zombies, so no one can run away."
Originally, some people planned to run away from the gap. At this time, someone came out to organize and the entire survivor team stabilized. Li Yuanhong heard this voice and felt a little familiar, but now is not the time to pay attention, so he continued to step up time to attack the encirclement. Zombie.
The main target of the zombies’ attack was still this group of survivors, so Li Yuanhong killed the zombies very easily, and soon the cavalry killed the zombies in opposite directions. This time, at least more than 20 zombies were killed and survived. On the other side, due to Li Yuanhong's rescue, the pressure is rare, and the efficiency of killing zombies has improved. Although some people are still being pulled away by zombies from time to time, they are much better than before, and more than a dozen zombies have been killed by survivors.
Li Yuanhong knew that such an attack was not a solution, so he put away the steel knives and took out two Lianzhu crossbows. When the white tiger turned his head again, Li Yuanhong waved his hand, ten crossbow arrows shot out, and ten zombies fell to the ground. Then Li Yuanhong put away the Lianzhu crossbow, raised the knife again, and killed the corpse again.
After rushing three times in a row, coupled with Li Yuanhong's continuous shooting of crossbow arrows, the two hundred zombies were finally killed. Many survivors cried with each other. None of these people thought that they could survive under the siege of zombies. There are also many people who are not showing joy. These people are more or less scarred. Obviously these people have been infected. It is very likely that they will become zombies in a short time. There is an unwritten rule in the last days that all injured will be executed, but now, after the corpse group has just been defeated, these survivors obviously do not want to face this cruel single-choice question so quickly.
At this time, Li Yuanhong looked at the group of survivors. One of the survivors walked out. This person was carrying a big knife in his hand, covered in blood. Obviously this person did not kill the zombies just now. This person went straight to Li Yuanhong. I recognized that this person was the big man who was stopped by himself to ask directions at the military base. No wonder the voice of this person just now felt familiar to me.
The big man walked up to Li Yuanhong, and said, "Thank you brother for saving my brothers. If you didn't make it in time, they would have died here!"
The voice of this big man was somewhat obviously depressed, and there was no joy of being saved at all. Li Yuanhong heard something wrong, so he said: "This guy is not polite. I asked you for directions in the base last time. I haven't thanked you yet. I don't know what this brother is called!"
The man smiled miserably: "There is no need to ask my name, anyway, you will soon forget it!"
"Oh? Why does this brother say that?" Li Yuanhong asked.

The man rolled up the sleeve of his arm, and four clear scratches appeared on his arm: "My life will be alive soon. Someone will cut off my head after a while. I don't want to become that disgusting Guys, so I have to find someone who can do it happily. It just happens that although you and I have a relationship, but there is no deep friendship, it is just suitable for cutting off my head. If I tell you the name, wouldn’t it increase your heart burden? In this way, you may hesitate to start, which will easily make me suffer zero crime."
Li Yuanhong listened to this guy's theory, and he estimated that this guy must be chattering, and he can come up with such a theory without telling his name, which is really impressive. So Li Yuanhong smiled slightly: "Maybe I can make you immortal!"
The man smiled bitterly: "Brother, don't make me happy. Remember to start quickly. I think your knife should be very sharp. It should be no problem to cut my head with one knife! By the way, this Is the knife made by Master Yu?"
Li Yuanhong admired this guy more and more, dying and caring about other people's knives.
"I'm not joking, you really have a chance of not dying." Li Yuanhong still said with a smile.
This time the man looked at Li Yuanhong squarely: "What you said is true?"
"It's true, but if you continue to talk, you may be really hopeless."
"Ah! Well, I'm not too long-winded, what opportunity do you quickly say!" The light of hope reignited in the man's eyes.
Li Yuanhong took out an injection and said: "This is a zombie virus antidote, but this injection must be injected within ten minutes of being infected with the zombie virus, so I don't know if it will work for you!"
When the man heard it, his face turned pale, and he quickly said, "I didn't remember the time since I was injured just now. I really don't know how long it has been!"
"So it depends on your luck!" After speaking, Li Yuanhong handed the injection to the person. The brawny man did not refuse, and took the injection and injected it directly into his arm. Then he threw the empty injection and laughed loudly: "I'll bet this time to see if Chu Zhenshan's life is hard or not!" After that, the man sat cross-legged directly on the ground, as if waiting for the arrangement of fate.
The man sat on the ground and suddenly remembered something: "By the way, brother, how much do you have this potion? I have many brothers injured. Can you give them one injection?"
Li Yuanhong thought for a moment, and then said: "You can give them injections, but it can't be said to be an antidote. This is still in the research and development stage, and the secret should not be revealed. So, if you call the injured people over, you will say that this medicine is newly developed. The poisonous potions of this can directly block people to death before they become zombies, or leave a whole body for everyone!"
"This is a good idea!" Chu Zhenshan promised, turning around and summoning all the injured subordinates. There were many injured, at least nearly forty people were injured. Li Yuanhong gave the antidote to these people, made a record, and waited for the effect after the injection. Chu Zhenshan let these all sit cross-legged, his eyes closed and waiting for death to come. Obviously Chu Zhenshan was very prestigious among these people, and all the injured obediently followed suit.
One minute and one second passed. About twenty minutes later, some people's complexion began to change, their complexion became paler and more ugly. Obviously this was a sign that the corpse was going to change. Li Yuanhong had already prepared for it. The crossbow continuously fired crossbow arrows, and shot the people who were about to become corpses in the center of their eyebrows, ending their lives. It took another ten minutes to see that no one changed, indicating that the antidote had worked. Generally, it takes 30 minutes for the virus to change from infection to corpse. Obviously, those who survived 30 minutes are all fine.
Li Yuanhong walked to Chu Zhenshan and patted him on the shoulder. Unexpectedly, this guy was awakened from a dream for a while, opened his eyes and immediately scanned around, and kept shouting, "Where are the zombies? Where is it?" He said, pulling the steel knife behind.
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