: One hundred ninety four

Daiqin thought of the city of Balin Zuoqi, the nearest to him, and he stupidly broke into it. If it weren't for the Golden Winged Eagle to rescue him, he would have been trapped inside and couldn't get out. There are not only many zombies inside, but there is also a special existence. Even the mouse dare not pass through the underground of that special existence. I am afraid that this special existence will be discovered, and there will be no way to escape if you want to escape.
This time, Li Yuanhong irritated Daiqin. He planned to draw the zombies out of the city. More than 200,000 zombies were estimated to be walking sideways in this area. Anyway, he was hiding in the mountains and was not afraid of zombies' attacks. So Daiqin prepared for the work of leading the body.
On this day, Daiqin asked his wolves to attack the survivor camp everywhere, first for deterrence, and more importantly, to lead the zombies out of the city, it requires flesh and blood. For Daiqin, the survivors in this country are all traitors' Houyi, and it is not a pity to die, so killing is just a game for him.
But soon, the information returned by the wolf pack was that a cavalry began to hunt giant wolves everywhere, causing heavy losses to many giant wolf teams, making Daiqin very angry, so Daiqin sent mice to follow these cavalry secretly, thinking It is necessary to find out where these cavalry stand, so as to destroy each other at once.
That night, a mouse returned and reported to Daiqin "squeaky". Hearing the news, Daiqin was shocked. The news that the mouse brought back was too shocking. The cavalry was indeed the team that wounded him last time, and the team was the guy who shot him last time. This is not surprising. Because there is only this team that has the ability to attack their wolves nearby. But the mouse reported that the other party was looking for a treasure here, this treasure was a strategic material storage warehouse, and the location was in the mountain where he was located, but the other party did not give a specific location. In the vast mountains, even with the help of mice, Daiqin could not find such an arsenal. Therefore, Daiqin decided to let the zombies surround him after the opponent found the arsenal, so as to be a fisherman.
The next day, a team of cavalry came to the mountain mightily. There were more than 100 people in the team, with bright armor and bright armor. Following the team were a few empty horse-drawn carts, obviously used to load things. of.
Soon the team entered the mountain, followed a mountain road with twists and turns to a gorge. At the end of a gorge, the team stopped, then the leader got out of the car, took out a map and compared it, and finally Stopped in front of a large cave, and then waved, the team filed in and walked into the cave.
Daiqin, who was hiding on a mountain far away, knew that the other party's destination had arrived, so Daiqin was not waiting. He whistled in the distance, and saw a few giant wolves roaring back, and then turned his head and ran away. About half an hour later, I heard the roar of zombies from afar, and several giant wolves kept running in front of them. These giant wolves all had dead bodies in their mouths. These people obviously just died not long ago. Keep dripping blood, leaving blood on the road.
The giant wolf ran to the entrance of the cave. Except most of the giant wolves put down their bodies and ran away, the two giant wolves broke into the cave directly with their bodies in their mouths. Not long after, fierce gunfire sounded in the cave, followed by the roar of the giant wolf. The sound of fighting continued for ten minutes before everything returned to silence.
Listening to the roar of the wolf, Daiqin felt more at ease, because the roar of the giant wolf was not only a roar of battle, but also sent a message to Daiqin that there were indeed ammunition in the cave, and there were a lot of them.
After getting this information, Daiqin's mouth finally turned up. It seemed that the price of sacrificing two giant wolves was not in vain. The opponent's arsenal was not a trap, and this place was about to become the home of zombies, and the people inside must be dead. After the zombies are scattered, I can come back again, take away those guns and ammunition, and equip my own troops. By then, relying on these weapons, Daiqin believes that he can sweep this area.

At this time, you can finally see the swaying figures of zombies on the road. The corpses are tracking the bloodstains along the mountain road. In the center of the corpses, there is a red Cadillac convertible, and a huge parasol is inserted in the convertible, which is elegant. His car suddenly became nondescript. Under the parasol, sitting a thin and thin zombie, this zombie was wearing a long robe, almost his entire body was wrapped in it.
Around the weird car, there are some zombies like fat people who follow them. These zombies are very similar to fat zombies, but they are not as fat as balls, and they are not so tall. These very strong guards are only about two meters tall. The size and body are exceptionally strong. The bulging muscles declare the strength of strength and the vigorous pace, which also means that the speed of these zombies is definitely not comparable to that of ordinary zombies.
This car was not driven by itself, but was pulled by two guards. The pulling car was pulled with iron ropes. The straight iron ropes were wrapped around the two guards, but the two zombies still did not show the slightest sluggishness. meaning. It can be seen that this kind of zombie is excellent regardless of power or speed.
The team of zombies slowly entered the valley, and the blood on the road stretched to the cave. Seeing that the zombies were about to encircle the cave, Daiqin's heart became more and more excited. He hoped to see that the person who was still injured could be surrounded by the zombies soon. Being torn by zombies, if you can see the scene with your own eyes, it will satisfy your desire for revenge even more. But Daiqin would not be so stupid that he ran into a pile of zombies, so he just showed his head slightly at the top of the mountain and looked down.
The team of zombies quickly surrounded the cave, and the zombie sitting in the car finally let the car stop 500 meters away from the entrance of the cave, and then slowly supported by the guard next to him, got out of the car. The face of the zombie wrapped in the robe was slightly revealed. It was a dry face resembling a skeleton. All the water on the face seemed to be sucked up, leaving only the dry and cracked skin that tightly wrapped the entire skull, that hollow. In the frame of the eye, two eyes, like shrunken glass balls, stared into the dark hole in front of them.
This zombie looked at the entrance of the cave for a long time before waving his hand at the zombie in front of him, so the zombie in front rushed into the cave, and the entrance of the cave was filled with zombies in an instant. And when the zombie gave the order, he didn't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, and he glanced at the place where Daiqin was hiding. This glance made Daiqin feel a chill. Although his eyes had long lost their luster, Daiqin always felt that the glance was just looking at him, and it was a ridicule and contempt, as if his own tricks had already been seen through by the other party.
Soon after the zombies entered the cave, the roar of the zombies turned into a roar, indicating that the zombies were attacked in the cave, but Daiqin never heard the gunshots. Is this too abnormal? As time passed, the roar of the zombies slowly subsided, and this time the mutant zombies waiting outside became uneasy. This time it went out of the city and did not bring all the zombies. There were only less than 50,000 zombies. Although these zombies are not something that the survivors around here can fight against, in the last two days, there have been a few strange things that have always made it mindful. Restless. Especially today, this zombie's trick of being lured out of the city has long been seen through by this zombie, so the look in his eyes just now was a contempt for the guy who lured him out of the city, but when I got to this cave, the mood that made me uneasy suddenly It appeared, especially the group of corpses who had just entered the cave. Although there were only less than a thousand corpses, it was also a powerful force. However, these thousand zombies were silently gone. Those roaring zombies were not What enemy is fighting, but the anger brought by the declining companions.
This mutant zombie faced the weird cave and was entangled in his heart. I don't know if it should retreat, but if it retreats like this, the thing that makes his heart palpitations cannot be removed. Therefore, the mutant zombie sent out a batch of zombies again. Enter the cave.
As a result, these zombies roared again after entering the cave, and soon the sound of the zombies disappeared in the cave. All of this was so strange. The mutant zombies began to learn the movements of human beings, pacing in front of the car, looking at the cave of the black hole from time to time, where there seemed to be a monster hidden, devouring any people and creatures who dared to enter the period.
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