: The 232nd corpse tide surrounded

That night, those zombies who heard the rescue signal of the two giant zombies finally arrived in Spring City. At this time, the giant zombie leader in Spring City was very irritable. In the morning, his own men inexplicably led the corpse group out of the city, and they never returned. This behavior of acting without order at all made the giant zombie leader feel angry, and there is an impulse to wait for you to come back and I will take your skin. But at night, the two giant zombies and the group of zombies led by them were still missing. The leader of the giant zombies was a little unable to sit still, so he wanted to rush out of the city with the group of corpses, so that these two would not let the zombies worry about it. The guy searched to find out.
But a zombie next to it stopped it. If Li Yuanhong was on the scene, he would definitely recognize it as a corpse monster.
The corpse demon persuaded the leader of the giant zombies, the two giant zombies' subordinates, carrying 300,000 giant zombies, shouldn't be a problem, if someone could shake a group of 300,000 corpses, this power should have been discovered long ago. But recently, the zombies swarmed and wiped out the nearby human gathering place one after another, and there was no human organization to resist, so there should be no armed forces that can harm the two giant zombies nearby. So don't lead the zombies out of the city easily, in case you go wrong with the two giant zombies.
As soon as the giant zombies heard the corpse demon's persuasion, they thought that the humans who dare to provoke 300,000 zombies should have not been born yet, otherwise their subordinates should have reported to themselves long ago.
Just when the giant zombies just felt relieved, suddenly a few ordinary zombies broke in. Hearing the report of the zombies, the giant zombies and the corpses were shocked. These 300,000 zombies had an accident, and there was a risk of being wiped out. But a major event. Although 300,000 zombies are not a big deal for the entire city, it has a very large impact on the overall interests of the zombies. If these zombies are ignored, the sum may form a domino effect, and humans will It will continue to invade the entire city and stop it at that time. I am afraid that the cost will be very high, and there is a snobbery that can attack 300,000 zombies. This is also a huge threat to Spring City. Therefore, the giant zombies and the corpses decided at the same time, must To rescue.
Soon, the giant zombies mobilized two million zombies and went out of the city mightily. From Spring City to the place where the zombies are besieged, it takes only three or four hours. Two million zombies can definitely sweep all human forces. Besides, these two million zombies are still armed to the teeth, not those unequipped zombies. .
Giant zombies and corpses are sitting in a luxurious bus at the same time, enjoying the comfortable travel mode of modern humans. There are also many large trucks in the team. The road is full of iron and boulders. The zombies are also holding knives, guns and clubs. Some zombies even wear helmets. These have never appeared in the previous corpses. The corpses and giant zombies will look at the mighty team outside the car, and they will absolutely believe that any human who dares to offend themselves will be affected. Relentless blow.
When the whole team came out of Spring City and came to a plain area, faintly in front of the group of corpses, there were mixed sounds. For this kind of sound, the zombies are still very familiar with the movement of the rat group. In the city, the zombies From time to time, the group will have conflicts with the rat group. For example, last night, the rat group was so bold that it dared to attack the zombies openly. In the end, the group of rats fled in embarrassment under the siege of the zombies. Although the zombies suffered dozens of deaths and injuries, the zombies proved that The ground is the territory of zombies, and little mice are never allowed to set foot.
Hearing that there were rats in front of them, the giant zombies and the corpses did not care. These little guys must have only a harassment effect on themselves, and there was not much harm, so the giant zombies ordered the team to move forward and ignored them.
Soon, the giant zombies saw the rat group in the dark night. Due to the darkness of the night, the scale of the rat group was not clearly seen, only that the rat group was so bold that it attacked the zombie group. This kind of daring to join the army of the corpse group The prestigious behavior in front of you must be given a blow, so the giant zombie issued an order: "Attack with all strength, absolutely cannot be merciful."
Then, fierce fighting broke out in front of the corpse group. As soon as the two parties met, they were dead and alive. They were merciless. They usually saw the cowardly mice in the corpse group. Today, it was as if they had taken a stimulant, all of them red eyes, desperately rushing upwards. As the battle unfolded, the area of ​​engagement between the zombies and the rat group became larger and larger, and finally the entire battle line extended to a length of one kilometer. The battle was not limited to ordinary zombies, even long-tongue zombies and shadow zombies joined the battle group. The most surprising thing about giant zombies and corpses is that the scale of the rat group this time seems to be out of the normal range. It is by no means a scale of hundreds of thousands. The battle has lasted for half an hour since the battle, and the rat group was killed and injured. Already more than a million giants, the two sides have formed a nearly two-meter-high corpse pile on the front line. Now the battle between the two sides is carried out on this corpse pile. There are any fighting skills here, which are tooth and claw duel. , None of the corpses on both sides were intact. The blood formed a stream, which stained some small lakes nearby.
The corpse demon who felt something was wrong, stood up and got off the bus. At this time, the team had stopped advancing because of the battle. The corpse demon summoned a zombie and said, "Go ahead and catch a mouse. Remember, if you want to live, I want to interrogate!"
The zombie roared and strode forward. It took another twenty minutes before the zombie came back with a half-dead mouse. Seeing the appearance of a mouse, the corpse demon shook his head helplessly. In this way, it is estimated that if he casts a spell, the opponent will have to be killed by magic power, but it can only be used to let these brainless zombies catch the mice alive. That would be tantamount to letting the learn to dance, and it would be nice if he could get back to life.
The corpse monster carefully controlled the intensity of the spell. He wanted to detect the reason for the rat’s attack. After all, this timid creature would never run here to fight against himself for no reason, but the corpse monster only detected one sentence: "Save us king!"
This sentence made the corpse demon even more confused. The king of the rat group obviously had a problem, but why did he attack himself? Did that zombie among us arrest their king? The corpse demon wanted to continue to investigate further, but found that the mouse was dead.
The corpse demon was helpless, so he said to the zombies holding the mouse: "This mouse has been rewarded to you! By the way, the giant zombies leading the team will be anxiously over, I want to have a meeting."
When the zombie heard it, he immediately agreed with excitement. Then, in front of the corpse demon, he stuffed the giant rat into his mouth in one bite, and then chewed it with flesh and blood. The corpse demon ignored the impolite way of eating. Walked back to the car, waiting for the arrival of other giant zombies leading the team.
Soon, the giant zombies who led the team rushed to the car: "My lord corpse, what's your order."
These subordinate zombies asked the corpse demon politely.
"Who of you caught the rat king?" the corpse demon asked.
The giant zombies below all looked at each other. I don't know what kind of trick this corpse demon did to catch the Rat King? They have nothing to do. Even if the rat king was caught, it would have been eaten a long time ago, and it would still be alive. So these giant zombies look at me and I look at you, shaking their heads to express not knowing.
The corpse demon also knew the virtues of these subordinates, and did not intend to ask why. Therefore, seeing the following subordinates shaking their heads, they did not delve into this issue, so they continued: "Now we are going to rescue, but we have lost too much time here, I decided to completely solve these pesky mice You guys, lead your troops, attack from the left, you guys, attack from the right, you guys, lead the fat zombies, and attack the rats with stone rain."
The zombies below led their orders to retreat, and the entire group of corpses began to move, preparing to give the rats a final verdict.
Just as the corpse group was about to launch a full-scale attack, suddenly there were rats in the left and right directions of the corpse group. These rats were also rushing toward the corpse group madly. The corpses rushed. This shock caught the corpse group by surprise. The corpse group that had just been mobilized suddenly fell into chaos. This attack also surprised the giant zombie leader and the corpse monster. By this time, the corpse monster finally understood the phrase "Save our king". What does it mean, this is obviously the human being who caught the rat king and then led the corpse group over. The corpse demon poked his head out of the car and looked outside. There were zombies all around, it was impossible to hide the rat king, and the rat was good at burrowing, and it was impossible to underground. There was only the sky. The corpse demon looked up at the sky, the dark night sky, out of the black night and the sky full of stars, could not see anything, the corpse demon could only give up looking for the rat king.
Since the Rat King cannot be found, they can only annihilate these hateful rats, but now they are besieged on three sides, making the corpse group somewhat powerless. The corpse demon then suggested to the giant zombie leader: "Your Majesty the Zombie King, I think that if we want to break the game now, we can only annihilate the rats and then break them one by one. Otherwise, the current stalemate will only waste our strength."
"You said to choose which direction to break through?" The giant zombie leader urn asked angrily.
"I think we have made a breakthrough from the front. The frontal rat group has been fighting with us for a long time. They don't have the endurance of ours. They must have reached the end of the river. At this time, step up the offensive and it will work."
"Okay, just follow your plan."
The corpse demon got the order and immediately got off the car and began to deploy the manpower. Since the left and right forces were constrained, the corpse demon could only deploy the central guard corps to join the battle. These guard corps were mainly fat and fat zombies and guard zombies. These large men formed the impact party. The formation, rushed to the front of the team, and soon these huge bodies joined the battle in front of the group of corpses. As soon as these large men entered the field, they crushed the group of rats, and even the corpses on the ground were trampled into mud by them. , With great strength to break the trend of the Ten Thousand Army, the rat group has already appeared in decline. The balance of war began to pour over the corpses, and seeing their troops gain the upper hand, the corpse demon and giant zombie leader couldn't help showing a grinning smile.
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