: Section 8 The Tactics of Two Old Guys

When he arrived at the valley base, Chief No. 2 kept looking around from the observation port, his expression was similar to that of a curious baby. In fact, we can't blame the No. 2 Chief, there are too many inexplicable things in this base.
The armored car quickly drove to the magic tower. Li Yuan got off the armored car and entered the magic tower with the No. 2 head, and then asked the guarding soldiers: "Is Dr. Han still doing experiments?"
"Yes, but she should come out in a while," the guard replied.
"Oh, let's wait outside for a while!" Li Yuanhong turned around and said to the second chief.
"Okay, I'm really tired after walking all the way!" said the number two chief while looking at the magic tower.
After sitting down, Chief No. 2 began to chat with Li Yuanhong. At this moment, the door of the laboratory opened. Dr. Han lowered his head and walked out with a report.
Li Yuanhong hurriedly said hello when he saw him: "Doctor Han, Doctor Han, who are you here!"
When Dr. Han looked up, he saw the second chief who was smiling and looking at him, and shouted in surprise: "Uncle Liu, why are you here!"
At this time, Li Yuanhong knew that the second chief was surnamed Liu.
"Why, I can't come!"
"I didn't mean that, but I was a little surprised!" Dr. Han ran up in small steps and asked about the length of the No. 2 chief, very affectionate.
As he was talking, the door of another laboratory opened, and an old man with white hair came out. Hearing movement here, he looked up and saw the second chief: "Oh, you are not dead yet. Yeah!"
Hearing the sound, Chief No. 2 also raised his head to look at Dr. Yuan, and said in surprise: "So your coffin is still alive!" After speaking, the two old men hugged tightly.
Li Yuanhong looked aside, and he was an outsider, not to mention that these few people knew each other.
The two old people hugged each other and separated for a long time. Then the second chief said to Dr. Yuan: "Old Yuan, do you know who this Han girl belongs to?"
"Whose family?"
"It's Commander Han's daughter!"
"Oh, no wonder, I said that I always feel familiar looking at the girl!" Dr. Yuan suddenly realized.
"I said old fellow, how did you survive?" After the two old men sat down, they began to talk again.
"This is a bit long!" Dr. Yuan said how he was saved and how he came here, and Dr. Han next to him added from time to time.
Li Yuanhong was chilled to the side, neither walking nor not walking. At this time, the second chief looked up and saw Li Yuanhong standing next to him, and then said to Li Yuanhong: "Don't stand there, what should you do? What, didn’t you watch our brothers chat!"
Li Yuanhong smiled awkwardly, and then said: "Chief, you talk, I'm going out to smoke a cigarette, smoking is not allowed here!" So Li Yuanhong escaped from the embarrassing environment with the help of smoke.
As soon as he walked out of the magic tower, a person followed him, and it was Head Luo: "Come on, give me one too!"
Li Yuanhong took out a box of Hongtashan, took out one and held it in his mouth, and then threw the remaining box of cigarettes to Chief Luo.
Head Luo was also welcome, took out a cigarette and stuffed the rest into his pocket. After lighting the cigarette, Captain Luo took a fierce sip and said: "It's been a long time since I smoked a cigarette!"
"Why, there are no cigarettes in your place?"
"Yes, they are all locally grown soil smoke, and the amount is still very limited."
"What's the matter, didn't you occupy the entire island?"
"How easy is it, we only occupy half of the island, and the other half can't be shot down! We consume too much ammunition, we no longer have the ability to attack, and now we only have defense, so I came here this time, just want to see, here Can you help!"
"Oh? Leader Luo is not afraid of leaking secrets when he says this!"
"Hehe, what's the leak? The chief will tell you sooner or later, I will let you know in advance so that you can prepare in advance."
"Thank you Captain Luo, can Captain Luo talk about the current situation outside?"
"It's a mess. There are only five legions that can be contacted now, including you, and none of the others can be contacted. The vicinity of the magic city has been completely occupied by zombies, and it has become a no-man’s land. Humans near Wuyang City have also survived. Not much. Last time we carried out a rescue mission. We picked up nearly 30,000 people from near Humen in Wuyang City. However, more people were surrounded by zombies during the retreat. I could only watch Those people were killed by the zombies. To be honest, I really don't want to experience the feeling of powerlessness!" Head Luo said in a low voice.
"Damn apocalypse, sooner or later I will let those zombies disappear completely!" Li Yuanhong swore.
When Li Yuanhong was chatting with Head Luo, Chief No. 2 was also chatting with Dr. Yuan, but the topic they were talking about was Li Yuanhong.
"I said, old fellow, what do you think of Li Xiaozi?" Chief Number Two asked.
"Oh? Why are you interested in him? This little guy is very good, very capable and mysterious!"

"Yes, know the laser gun I studied. I have basically completed it. Do you know how I did it?" Dr. Yuan sold it.
"How was it done?"
"I added magic to the gun, haha, you can't think of it! And that magic is given to his wife by the kid, and then his wife is teaching it to us!"
"What? He knows magic? Who did he learn from?"
"How about he is very mysterious, and I read the magic tutorial at the time. It was definitely not a temporary idea. It was a very systematic summary. Without hundreds of years of experience, it is impossible to write such a textbook. of!"
"Oh? It seems that I underestimated this boy Li!" Chief No. 2 said with his eyes lightened.
"Look at your old boy's eyes, do you want to solve him? I can warn you, that boy is a treasure, don't make bad ideas!"
"Why is it a treasure?"
"I see if this laboratory is not. I have never seen a lot of test equipment here in my life. It is estimated that those foreigners' laboratories can't find such test equipment. Moreover, you do not have to worry about the danger when you do experiments here. The kid said, this is the lowest test ground, and there will be more advanced ones in the future."
"Oh? Where did he get these test equipment?"
"How about he is mysterious? This laboratory seems to have appeared out of thin air."
"I heard you say that this kid has a lot of secrets, how about his character? I heard that he has several mistresses, and they are all assigned to important positions by him."
"Oh? Who said this? Who are his mistresses?" Han Yuyao, who was silent next to him, showed interest.
"It was the deputy governor Wang Haikuo. He has a lot of mistresses, including Bai Yuqian, Du Sanniang, and an 18 or 9-year-old girl. I heard that she is the Minister of Logistics."
"Hahaha!" When Dr. Han heard it, he leaned forward and happily said: "Fortunately, the deputy governor doesn't know my existence. If you know me, then our four mistresses can join the table and play mahjong!"
"Why Yuyao, this is not true?"
"Of course it's not true, that little plum, that's all right, but seeing a woman is like a wood, and his girlfriend still chased him upside down, let him get some mistress, I guess it will be the rest of his life. Besides, you I know all these people mentioned, that they rely on their own abilities, especially Erya and Bai Yuqian, who have boyfriends."
"It seems that this is a false accusation!"
"If you make false accusations, it doesn't count. In fact, Uncle Liu can go to the common people to investigate. Also, I heard that Vice Governor Wang's reputation is not very good."
"Oh? How do you say it?" Chief Number Two asked.
"I don't count this. After all, I am not a personal witness. There are many survivors in Hunchun City. They know more about the survivors who came from the former military base Li." Han Yuyao said very well.
"It seems that I have to go to Hunchun City! By the way, old man, you just said that your laboratory is very advanced, how advanced is it?" Chief No. 2 changed the subject and asked Dr. Yuan.
"How advanced is it? Let's put it this way. If the laboratory I used before was the Stone Age, then the laboratory I am using now has entered the feudal iron age. There are several spans in between. How advanced do you say."
"Huh? Is it such an exaggeration?"
"Uncle Liu, Uncle Yuan is right!" Han Yuyao also interrupted.
Chief No. 2 thought for a while, and then asked: "Old Yuan, you said that I will arrange the old man Bai to come, do you think it is feasible?"
"The old man Bai is not dead, not only is he fine, but also a few old guys from the Chinese Academy of Sciences are fine. These guys are fine all the time asking me for a laboratory, how can I get them!"
"Well, I think it's feasible to let them come here. There are several empty laboratories here, enough for them, and it's absolutely safe here. In addition, Li Xiaozi does not belong to any school. He respects us old guys and let him go. There is no risk of being stolen by doing research here."
"Well, I just heard you say someone robbed you. This really reminds me. It seems that the protection here needs to be strengthened. In this way, except for the guard sent by the fellow Li Xiaozi, I am sending a regiment back."
Dr. Yuan thought for a while, and then said: "I don't think it is appropriate. First, if you send a regiment over, the target here is too big. When the fails to find out, it will attract their attention instead, and it is not easy to coordinate and command. It's better to do this..."
"Hahaha, when did your old boy learn to be so old and cunning? Okay, just do what you want!" The second chief laughed and agreed with Dr. Yuan's idea.
Li Yuanhong was standing outside the magic tower, chatting with Captain Luo, but he didn't expect to be calculated by the two old guys inside.
Li Yuanhong listened to Head Luo talking about the outside affairs, secretly drawing a topographic map in his heart, thinking about how to develop his base, especially I heard that Lao America and Lao Russia have news, and these two countries are not doing well. , Li Yuanhong had an inexplicable excitement. However, Li Yuanhong suddenly thought of something, and then asked: "I said Captain Luo, you said that the two guys, Lao Mei and Lao Ru, will not be forced to throw atomic bombs into the corpse!"
Head Luo was also taken aback when he heard it: "Damn, it's really possible. According to the urine characteristics of these two countries, it's really possible to do something like this! No, I have to talk to the head." After that, Captain Luo squeezed out the cigarette, turned and walked towards the magic tower.
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