: Section 47 Give Lao Tzu a knife

As the giant zombie leader entered the valley, the snow-covered rocks on both sides of the mountain tops slowly revealed the magic muzzle. These guns began to slowly adjust their ranks, pointing the muzzle into the valley.
Standing on the top of a mountain in the valley, Li Yuanhong was holding a golden bow at this time, searching for his target. He must kill the leading zombie with one arrow. As long as the leading giant zombies are dealt with, the other giant zombie leaders are easy to do. However, the golden bow only has a range of two kilometers, so Li Yuanhong must wait for the giant zombies to enter his range.
This golden bow can only play its role in Li Yuanhong's hands, because even if a normal person can shoot at a distance of two kilometers, he can't see the target that far, so only Li Yuanhong, who is just an eye bonus, can do it. Aim at the target at two kilometers.
As the giant zombies deepened, Li Yuanhong took out arrows, set a string and opened the bow, and shot out an arrow. The giant zombies were hiding in the group of corpses at this time, and the surrounding fat zombies almost blocked its shape. Only half of his head was exposed, but it was this half of the head that killed him. The arrows accurately hit the Tianling Gai. The tenth-level bow and arrow easily got used to the head of the giant zombie. With a loud roar, the giant zombie fell. Go down.
At the same time, another red flare rose up in the sky, and as the flare lifted into the sky, the magic cannons ambushing on both sides of the valley launched an attack. Suddenly the entire valley was covered by the light of the magic explosion, the group of zombies was suddenly torn apart, and the valley was in chaos.
A few surviving giant zombies hurriedly called the surrounding zombies and began to rush out of the valley. But on the mountains on both sides of the gorge, the magic cannon fire is very fierce. Many zombies were killed by the magic cannon before they even ran two steps. The guards around these giant zombies have long been the focus of artillery fire due to their large targets. When the remaining giant zombies rushed out of the canyon with the group of corpses, there were less than one hundred thousand corpses left, and there were only two giant zombies.
On the other side of the valley, the zombies chasing humans were once again blocked by humans. This time, it was no longer a few tanks that blocked the corpse group, but hundreds, lined up on a hillside. The group of corpses began to pour magic cannonballs. Because of their slow speed, those zombies could not avoid the incoming cannonballs. They could only stand up and get bombed. But this is a magic cannonball, which cannot be resisted by ordinary zombies. Most zombies can resist. Those who were killed, and those who were not killed, were also injured in varying degrees.
The zombies who were lucky enough to rush through the cannonball baptism were blocked by a denser rain of arrows and a larger shield array. These forward zombies are ordinary zombies or shadow zombies. These zombies have poor defenses and cannot resist arrows. After the rain baptism, the corpses finally drank hatred in front of the hillside.
The remaining 100,000 zombies were led by two giant zombies and hurried to Xicheng, but when they were about to reach Xicheng, they saw a group of human soldiers outside Xicheng, blocking their way back.
The headed person, riding a white tiger, wearing white armor, holding steel knives and shields in his hands, followed by shield soldiers in a neat line, followed by archers, and behind him, there is a big-nosed foreigner wearing Russian The winter military uniform, with a shield and steel knife in his hand, looked at the group of zombies with excitement, the feeling of eagerness, as if a child had seen a fresh toy.
That's right, this big-nosed foreigner is Acting President Peter. The reason why he is here has to start from an hour ago.
At that time, Li Yuanhong shot the leader of the giant zombie with an arrow, and was about to bow again to continue shooting the leader of the zombie. At this moment, there was a noise behind him, and Li Yuanhong quickly turned around and pointed the bow and arrow behind him.
I saw tall foreigners standing behind him, it was Peter, so Li Yuanhong quickly put away his bow and arrow and asked, "President Peter, why are you here?"
"It's hard to see you fighting from the back, but you can see it clearly from the front."
"It's not safe here, you should go back!" Li Yuanhong said.
"What? Can zombies attack here?"
"That won't happen, but this is the front line, in case there is an accident..."
"With you, I'm not afraid of accidents. By the way, why aren't your soldiers afraid of fighting with zombies? Wouldn't they be infected with the zombie virus?"
"Of course it will be infected, but we have the antidote to the zombie virus. As long as we are injured and injected with this medicine within five minutes, nothing will happen."
"It's so amazing. If I had known that you had this kind of medicine here, I would have come here early. You don't know how many outstanding soldiers I have died because of injuries."
"After that, you can buy this medicine from us. But your Excellency, you should go back first."
"Oh, I'll go back in a while. By the way, there are zombies running away, what are you going to do?" Peter pointed to the zombies who were running away outside the mountain pass and said.
"I will lead the team to the front to intercept them in a minute."
"Okay, do you have any extra potions?"
Li Yuanhong didn't know what the president was going to do, so he took a potion from his arms and handed it to him.
Peter took the potion, then held it in his arms, smiled at Li Yuanhong, then turned around and said to the follower behind him: "Go, get a knife for Lao Tzu!"
"President Peter, what do you want a knife for?" Li Yuanhong was startled, and he estimated that the president would have a moth.
"Of course I went with you to stop those zombies, so that I can express the evil in my heart."
"This is not good, it is very dangerous!" Li Yuanhong quickly dissuaded.
"Hahaha, I believe that your presence will not put me in danger!" President Peter was like a plaster and laid Li Yuanhong on him.
Li Yuanhong’s black line meant that he couldn’t take the president. At this time, his guard brought a Russian-style saber. Li Yuanhong saw that the saber was still a weapon before the end of the world. If it was the beginning of the end of the world, this saber was still Sharp weapon, but now, it is estimated that even the lowest-level ordinary zombies can't be cut. There is no way, Li Yuanhong ordered the soldiers next to him to take a tenth-level knife and shield to Peter.
"This knife is not bad, it looks a little stronger than mine." After changing his saber, Peter looked at the weapon Li Yuanhong gave and commented.
A crow flew in front of Li Yuanhong. Does Peter understand weapons or not? These two weapons are ten different levels. They are a bit stronger. This foreigner is too high on his weapons.
Li Yuanhong was unwilling to argue with Peter. Those zombies would flee back to Xicheng after they dragged along. Once the zombies entered Xicheng, it would not be easy to clear them. So Li Yuanhong took the burden of Peter and set off.
Li Yuanhong drove to the outside of Xicheng city in advance by taking a detour in the truck, and began to arrange the battlefield. The zombies came just after the arrangement was finished.
The corpses in the distance roared and began to rush towards Li Yuanhong. Li Yuanhong waved his hand, and the sound of artillery rumbling, five tanks began to pour shells at the corpses. As the magical shells exploded in the corpses, the giant zombies were inevitable. A bit of fear rose, and they were bombed in the valley just now, which made these two giant zombies fear the sound of the cannon.
But in order to save their lives, the zombies commanded the group to disperse and charged towards Li Yuanhong in a loose formation. After the corpse group dispersed, the lethality of the magic cannon immediately decreased, and as the corpse group gradually approached, the role of the tank gun became smaller and smaller. If the gun was fired too close, it might hurt one’s own people. When the group of forwards charged within 100 meters, the tank was not attacking the group of corpses in front of them, and the artillery fire began to attack the depths of the group.
When the zombie entered within 100 meters, Li Yuanhong shouted: "Archery!"
With an order, sharp arrows were thrown at the zombies like a rain. The ordinary zombies running in the front fell to the ground with arrows, but as the fat zombies behind rushed up, the bow and arrow attacks were not so effective. , The thick-skinned fat zombies covered their head with their hands, shoulders forward, and accelerated towards the human team. Once the fat zombies rushed into the crowd, the human defense would immediately collapse.
Li Yuanhong hurriedly shouted: "Shoot them on the knees."
With Li Yuanhong’s order, the shooting height of the arrow rain is cheaper. This time the fat zombie is unlucky. Although the fat zombie has thick skin, the knee is the weak point of the fat zombie. With the continuous shooting of bows and arrows, the kneecap of the fat zombie is arrowed The rain broke and fell one after another. Although the fat zombies were not dead, the fat zombies could no longer initiate a charge, and the biggest threat was eliminated.
Of course, not all the fat zombies were shot down. There were still a few slippery fish rushing into the team. The shield soldiers could not stop the fat zombies' impact. When they were hit by the fat zombies, several giant zombies rushed into the crowd, trying to attack the surroundings. The human beings suffered from the killer, and at this moment, several figures flew out of the crowd. Among them was a fat body, Fatty Lu.
Fatty Lu has been training human melee fighters behind him, specifically to deal with heavy zombies like fat zombies, so the fat zombies just rushed into the crowd, Fatty Lu yelled and rushed up with people.
Although Fatty Lu is not as fat as a fat zombie, Fatty Lu is much more flexible than a fat zombie. When the fat zombie’s big fist fell, the fat man used a shield to resist. As a result, the fat man almost got rid of the smashed shield, so the fat man took advantage of the fat man. The fist of the zombie took a step back, unloading the power of the fat zombie. Then he took a step and rushed to the fat zombie again.
When the fat zombie saw a punch that didn't smash Fat Lu, he smashed his fist very much. This time, Lu Fatty learned well. There was no positive fist against the fat zombie, but the shield was tilted, making the fat zombie’s fist obliquely hit. On the shield, most of the power was taken off, and the fat zombie flashed a bit, just to bring the knee to the fat man, so the fat man unceremoniously raised the steel knife and slashed at the fat zombie's knee.
At this time, the fat zombie’s center of gravity was guided to the front by the shield. He was leaning forward, unable to stand up to resist the knife. He heard a "click", and the fat zombie’s steel knife slashed down and cut off the hamstring at the fat zombie’s knee. , The fat zombie roared, and turned around and wanted to attack Fat Lu again with his fist. I didn’t know that although the leg bone was not cut by the knife, the movement of the shin and thigh were not so coordinated. The fat zombie stood unsteadily and fell directly. On the ground.
Seeing that there was an opportunity, Fat Lu jumped up directly. The big fat tuo of more than two hundred catties directly pressed on the fat zombie's body. Without waiting for the fat man to resist at that time, Fat Lu's steel knife slashed directly at the fat zombie's neck. It's a pity that the fat zombie is too fat, the neck is purely fleshy, and the steel knife is cut on it, and it can't be cut at only three inches. At this time, the fat zombie came to a moment of relief, stretched out his two big hands, and grabbed at Fatty Lu's neck. At this time, Fatty Lu was trapped in the belly of the fat zombie. It was too late to dodge, and he was about to suffer.
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