: Section 50 Blocking War

Li Yuanhong came up and gave these officers a disarm, hoping that they would have to be proud and complacent. The recent battles have been too smooth and it is easy to breed pride and complacency, so Li Yuanhong must take precautions.
"How do you think we should fight next?" Li Yuanhong asked questions, considering these officers.
"I don't think the enemy of Liaodong can be allowed to go north, where they will meet with Fengtian zombies, nor can they be allowed to go south, otherwise they will meet with zombies in Ancheng." Xing Ling said.
"I think it's still the last combat method. I think of a way to drive the zombies out, then find a place to surround him and cover him with artillery fire. This can greatly reduce the risk of our soldiers." Commander Xiao suggested.
The rest of the speeches varied, but in general they wanted to drive the zombies out of the city, but the direction of the drive out of the city was one east and one west. In these two directions, there were no large groups of corpses in a short distance. Where is Li Yuanhong sitting, staring at the map silently, silently thinking. At the meeting, the discussion was almost over. Li Yuanhong took the table one last time: "If we drive the zombies south, what do you think?"
Li Yuanhong's words made everyone present in a daze. No one thought that Li Yuanhong would propose such a plan. The zombies group to the south would meet with the corpse group in Iron City, and it would be even more difficult to fight.
"I said Xiaolizi, this way to the south, don't the two zombies come together?" Xing Ling interjected.
"What if we stop the corpse group before the zombies meet?" Li Yuanhong asked back.
"That's impossible, zombies will never be so stupid, they will run to you even knowing that there is an interception ahead."
"So this interception time cannot be too early, that is to say, we can't do defenses on the bright side."
"What about the zombies of Iron City going out of the city to support?" Xing Ling asked again.
"So this interception is very dangerous. Intercepting the troops will face two battles. But this interception is to bring out the zombies in the Iron City. We will solve the two cities at once. The group of zombies." Li Yuanhong said firmly.
"Is it too risky?" Commander Xiao asked.
"Time doesn't wait for me. It's February now. We must finish the battle between these two cities before the Spring Festival. I don't think we will have a good time this year, so we must resolve the battle here as soon as possible. There will be a large-scale attack by zombies." Li Yuanhong said.
"What? Did City Lord Li get any information?" Commander Xiao asked worriedly.
"It's just my guess. The alien creatures appearing everywhere will never stay in the vicinity of the portal. It is likely that they are gathering strength or avoiding the severe cold. Once the winter has passed, they may launch an offensive." Li Yuanhong Said with a worried look.
The people present also felt a heavy pressure, and they came to face each other. Obviously, this speculation gave everyone here a great sense of oppression, especially the recent victory, which made many people feel good about themselves. The feeling is gone.
"So I decided to attack on three sides, leaving only the gap in the south to allow the zombies to escape. At the same time, we must find a way to get the zombies from Tiecheng to come and support. We try to eliminate the zombies into the wild."
"Then who will lead this team?" Xing Ling asked with some doubts. The leader of the team is not much different from sending death, so this job did not dare to grab.
"I personally lead the team!" Li Yuanhong replied.
In the northeast of January, when the cold wind was the coldest, even the snow was frozen into an ice crust. The morning sun slowly rose in the cold wind, but thick smoke rose to the northwest of Liaodong City. The thick smoke followed the north wind and rushed into Liaodong City. Within an hour, half of the city was covered by thick smoke. The zombies were smoked out by heavy smoke, and their noses were too sensitive. On the contrary, the zombies could not tolerate the heavy smoke, not to mention the heavy smoke.
Soon the thick smoke spread to the city center, where the giant zombie leader was also smoked out. The giant zombie who was choked and stunned roared and asked what happened. Because no one was watching, there would be occasional fires in the city. If it is not put out in time, it will cause heavy smoke, so the giant zombies think that another building is on fire.
As a result, when the giant zombies inquired, no building was on fire. The giant zombies knew there was a problem, so they sent the zombies to check the source of the thick smoke. At this moment, there was a cannon fire outside the city and a shell fell on the crowd. The crowd of zombies suddenly blasted the zombies to one, and the group of corpses suddenly became chaotic. At this time, the giant zombies understood that this was someone who was going to attack him, and the thick smoke was definitely related to the person who fired the cannonball.
Waiting to be beaten is definitely not the nature of giant zombies. Zombies have always attacked humans. Therefore, giant zombies brought their corpses to the sound of artillery. Just out of the city, the corpses were hit by heavy artillery fire. Huge casualties. The zombies had not fully woken up from the smoke, and this fire made the zombies more panic. The giant zombies knew that this was not the time to fight humans.
In desperation, the giant zombies could only take the group of corpses and change another direction, intending to break through from here. As a result, they were violently attacked in all three directions. The zombies could only lead the group of corpses and withdraw from the city’s south face.
The giant zombies came out of Nancheng, and looked back at the city that had been completely shrouded in smoke. He was very resentful, but suddenly it was attacked, making it unclear how many humans there are. It can only temporarily avoid its sharp edge and come back again. Seek revenge on humans, and the giant zombies sensed that there are also huge corpses in the south, and they can find that corpse together to deal with this human who dares to attack him, and let them taste their own power.
The giant zombies led the group of corpses hurriedly to the south, but the giant zombies did not relax their vigilance. After all, they besieged on three sides, leaving only one side. This may be a trap for mankind, so the giant zombies sent a vanguard search team to open the way ahead. , Search for human ambushes.
Li Yuanhong was standing on a mountain at this time, not far from the foot of the mountain, which is the only way from Liaodong to Tiecheng. Behind Li Yuanhong stood the four Russian students and Fatty Lu. The four students still stood erect in the cold wind, in sharp contrast with Fatty Lu, who was screaming cold on the side. Sure enough, they belonged to a fighting nation. This anti-freezing is a leverage.
"I said Fatty Lu, why can't the fat you accumulate so much be frozen? I think it's better to lose it!"
"It cannot be reduced, absolutely cannot be reduced. This is the end of the world. In case you don't eat or drink someday, I can at least live for a few more days."
"You are not a camel, no amount of fat is useless." Li Yuanhong said with contempt.
"That's hard to say, you didn't see that there was a pig who was strong before. Without that fat body, no amount of rescue can save his life. Therefore, my fat is a life-saving fat!"
"So your idol is a pig!" Li Yuanhong said with a smirk.
"Your idol is a pig!" Fatty Lu roared with a red face.
At this moment, Li Yuanhong suddenly put his finger on his lips and made a silent motion, and whispered: "Pay attention to concealment, zombie is here!"
So everyone hurriedly concealed their figures, and after a while, zombies appeared on the highway. This group of zombies is not many, there are only more than 10,000, and they are mainly fast shadow zombies. These zombies are very scattered, not only filling the entire road, but even 50 meters on both sides of the road. There are zombies inside. As long as there are any traps set by humans within this range, they will not escape the search of these zombies.
At this time Fatty Lu quietly moved to Li Yuanhong's side: "Brother Li, can't we fight?" Fatty Lu asked quietly.
"Don't fight, let them go, don't startle them."
"Okay, understand."
The group of zombies soon came to the foot of the mountain. In order to prevent human footprints from being left on the road, Li Yuanhong detoured to the top of the mountain from the other side of the mountain, so the road was still covered with snow and there was no trace of anyone walking. He quickly walked over at the foot of the mountain and continued to drive towards the Iron City. Behind this group, at least five or six kilometers, did he see a large group of corpses pouring here.
Li Yuanhong quietly ordered: "Attention all, prepare for battle."
Following Li Yuanhong's order, all soldiers began to prepare for battle. As long as Li Yuanhong gave an order, the attack could be launched at any time.
As the main force of the group of corpses approached, the roar of the corpses could be cleared and heard, and the chaotic footsteps, coupled with the smoked dusty clothes, did this group of zombies look like a crowd fleeing famine.
Li Yuanhong silently calculated and left. When the corpse group reached the foot of the mountain, Li Yuanhong shouted: "Fight me!" As the order was issued, the crossbow arrows and magic shells smashed the corpse group from the top of the mountain instantly.
The corpse group that had just arrived at the foot of the mountain was not prepared to be attacked by a sneak attack, and there must be forwards to explore the way, so the vigilance of the zombie group was very low. Due to the eagerness to retreat and the density of corpses is high, this wave of attacks caused great casualties to zombies. Within a hundred meters of the foot of the mountain, the zombies were almost wiped out, and at a distance of only this one hundred meters, there were no less than five thousand. Only the zombies were killed.
The giant zombies were attacked suddenly, obviously taken aback, and then reacted immediately, so there was a roar, the main zombies continued to move forward, and some zombies were separated and attacked the mountain. The giant planned to use this method of distraction to make his team. Pass here quickly to meet the zombies in Iron City, so that the two teams will come back again, and there will be a good show of humans.
Li Yuanhong set up an ambush here, just to prevent the zombies from passing, how could he be distracted by the zombies' tricks? Li Yuanhong ignored the zombies who climbed up and attacked. Instead, he continued to order archers and gunners to attack the dense corpses under the mountain. The corpses that had just entered the foot of the mountain were beaten back again. Those corpses that climbed up, Li Yuanhong rode on the white tiger and greeted them.
As the white tiger came out of the mountain, the tiger's might involuntarily spread out, making the zombies who climbed the hillside stagnated. Li Yuanhong took this opportunity to rush into the corpse group, brandishing a steel knife, and cutting off the heads of each zombies.
Fatty Lu followed Li Yuanhong and danced his shield like a hot wheel, knocking all the zombies close by, while the steel knife chopped the lone zombies to the ground. And the four students also rushed into the group of corpses, showing their abilities, and constantly hacking and killing the surrounding zombies. For a time, the hillside became a battlefield for killing.
Since the zombies are attacking upside down, and these zombies to attract attention are the most ordinary zombies, both in combat effectiveness and protection, they are very poor, not long after they were cleaned up by the swordsmen led by Li Yuanhong, and another thousand were left on the hillside. Many corpses.
Whether it is on the hillside or at the foot of the mountain, the actions of the zombies have failed. The giant zombies are furious, because while attacking here, there are large groups of tanks coming here behind them, constantly firing magic at the zombies. The gun, the zombies at the back were even more deadly and injured. If the giant zombies do not lead the zombies to rush out as soon as possible, then this may be their own burial place.
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