: Seventy-eighth level ten is a hurdle

The next day, Sachev really began to train these survivors, and it was still very strict. If you look closely, these training methods are the same methods that Li Yuanhong used to train recruits. Li Yuanhong didn't say anything about it.
In the next two days, Li Yuanhong was busy arranging troops, and the airship shuttled continuously, bringing in some supplies. Soldiers and more and more soldiers disappeared, making these survivors more panic and had to train harder.
A few days later, another group of zombies wandered over. This attack still did not work, but this time the survivors and Sachev's men were not so unbearable. After seeing it, Li Yuanhong nodded to himself: "It's time to leave."
The next day Li Yuanhong and Fatty got on the last airship and left. So far, there was no Chinese army in the entire camp. At this time, Sachev always felt that something was wrong, but there was nothing wrong that could not be found. But after thinking about it, anyway, even if Li Yuanhong is cunning in the Far East, as long as he stays here, he is not afraid of Li Yuanhong's tricks.
Li Yuanhong was sitting in the airship, and gradually rose to the sky. Soon, the fortress that took almost a month to build has disappeared. At this moment the fat man came over.
"Brother Li, what do you think they would look like when they found out that they were cheated!"
"Do you think they will feel cheated?" Li Yuanhong said.
"If I were not a participant, but a group of deceived people, I really didn't know that I was deceived." The fat man sighed.
"Brother Li, how did you come up with this method?" the fat man asked curiously.
"At that time, we discussed how to let the helper leave the southern part of Waixing'anling willingly. You said, if our location is not south of Waixing'anling, it will be fine. Do you remember."
"Haha, I really forgot." The fat man smirked embarrassedly.
"This sentence reminds me of a magic trick. The magic is that the magician performs magic in the theater. He wants to move all the audience present to a lake outside the theater. With the magician snapping his fingers, these people really got there. . Do you know how he did it?" Li Yuanhong looked at the fat man and said.
"Oh? That magician is an alien hidden among humans, right?"
"Did you read science fiction too much and your brains are too big? That magician is a normal person." Li Yuanhong said.
"Then how did he do it?" the fat man asked curiously.
"If you have done this, you still ask, it's very simple, just get the audience dizzy and move outside!" Li Yuanhong looked at the fat man with a foolish look.
"Hehe, isn't this to cooperate with Brother Li? Or the reader should scold him if he reveals the secret in advance!" The fat man said with a wise and foolish expression.
This time it was Li Yuanhong’s turn to be embarrassed, and he could only cough awkwardly, and then said: "So to get them outside the Xing'an Mountains, in fact, just find two imaginary places. Let them go to the gathering place they think. , And then fainted them, and then moved them to a place north of the Wai Hinggan Mountains, so that things on the agreement will be completed soon, and after they have lived there for a few years, we can announce that we can take back the ancestral land !" Li Yuanhong said.
"Hehe, Brother Li is still smart. I hope that those who have been deceived can live in dreams." Fatty Lu had a worrisome expression.
"Okay, don't worry about the false mercy of the ancients. Drive the spaceship well. Let's go back to Sakhalin first."
"Ah? Brother Li, don't you go to Spring City?"
"I want to go to Sakhalin Island to do something first, get some things there, and then return to Spring City when I'm done."
"Okay, head to the southeast, at a speed of seventy steps, and set off!" Fatty Lu gave orders to the soldiers driving the airship.
Li Yuanhong returned to Sakhalin Island this time to make an important upgrade to the system and himself, and to overcome the ten-level obstacles. The reason why it is an obstacle, Xiao Yiling once said, the tenth level is a hurdle to upgrade, this is a gap between the low-level creatures and the medium-sized creatures. Only by crossing this gap can you step into the ranks of the medium-sized creatures. Therefore, in order to break through this barrier, in addition to having a good foundation, you must also prepare more upgrade energy. In other words, to upgrade to level ten, the team crystal nucleus required is double the number below level ten, and there is only enough energy. In order to successfully break through the obstacles.
Therefore, Li Yuanhong has been hoarding resources for upgrading recently. Li Yuanhong does not want to encounter setbacks on the first hurdle of upgrading. So recently I have been working hard and practicing magic hard to strengthen my foundation.
Now Li Yuanhong feels that the time is ripe and it is time to go back and upgrade.
That night, Li Yuanhong first upgraded the system. After the system was upgraded, Li Yuanhong discovered that many branch technologies were opened, such as shipyards, which used to have only transport ships and fishing vessels. Now military shipyards have appeared. In other words, Li Yuanhong can produce real It’s a warship, not an ice ship.
In addition, there were two more buildings in the system, namely the Magic Academy and the War Academy. Li Yuanhong cared about these two academies very much, so he called out Xiao Yiling.
"Xiao Yiling, what do these two colleges do?"
"These two academies are for training high-level talents, the Magic Academy is for training magicians, and the War Academy is for training military commanders."
"Then don't we have a library? All the skills will be learned from the library soon." Li Yuanhong said.
"Learning knowledge in the library is called duck-filling learning. The knowledge learned in this way has no benefit except for quick memory. Any knowledge needs to be understood in order to be truly mastered, and only when you understand can you learn from the old knowledge. New knowledge has evolved. Do you know why robots are inferior to humans?" Xiao Yiling asked.
"Because the robot is made by humans?" Li Yuanhong guessed.
"Cut, don't be passionate. In some civilizations, robots can make robots. It's just that the manufacturing and thinking of robots are based on original knowledge and models, that is, simple copying, and no innovation." Xiao Yi Lingdao.
"No, don't robots play chess better than humans?"
"That's the credit for copying the rules and high-speed calculations, but it's not that he will innovate. If you enter the rules of chess in the robot system, but don't enter the Go game, he will not be able to create Go. . But humans not only created Go, but also chess, chess, and many other chesses. Each of these types of chess is a rule, which robots cannot do. Therefore, we must make the knowledge in the library be able to To be more effective, you must really learn it instead of simply memorizing it." Xiao Yiling taught Li Yuanhong like a little teacher.
"Okay, I see." Li Yuanhong said impatiently. He didn't expect a problem, which attracted Xiao Yiling's education.
"Cut, I don't have any humility at all!" Xiao Yiling looked disgusted again.
"Isn't this in front of your little Yiling beauty, I don't need to be so hypocritical!" Li Yuanhong slapped his hippie smile.
"Count you acquaintance! Okay, my aunt's grandma is going back to rest!" After speaking, Xiao Yiling disappeared in the watch.
Seeing that Xiao Yiling had disappeared, Li Yuanhong took out the tenth-level evolution liquid from the space, then raised his neck and drank it. Li Yuanhong originally thought that drinking Evolution Liquid this time was the same as before, so the pain passed after a while. However, this pain was several times worse than the first time drinking Evolution Liquid. The first pain was physical pain. The body hurts from the inside out, but this time, the pain is spiritual, just like my soul is about to be torn. The first time I hurt myself, I can coma, but this time, I can only bear it.
The pain lasted for half an hour before it slowly subsided. As the pain disappeared and consciousness slowly recovered, Li Yuanhong felt that his senses became more sensitive. The wind from the outside, his heartbeat, and even the breathing of soldiers in the corridor, Li Yuanhong could feel it. I also feel a kind of emptiness. There are a lot of things that I didn't understand before. At this moment, it seems that I can understand it at once. The feeling is really beyond words.
An hour later, the pain completely disappeared, and it took another half an hour before Li Yuanhong woke up from that kind of enlightenment. After waking up, Li Yuanhong checked his body and found that he didn't sweat much, but his mental ease was more obvious. It was like a shackle put on his soul before, and this shackle no longer exists. Up.
Li Yuanhong took a shower and then lay on the bed to check the results of this upgrade:"
Li Yuanhong Age: 33
Level: Ten
Skills: Intermediate trap, second-level real eye, second-level magic arrow, time and space teleport, first-level hidden space, intermediate knife
Health: 400 Mana: 260
Defense: 18 Spirit: 26 Attack: 28
Power: 22 Speed: 20
Constitution: 20 Wisdom: 6
Second-level magic arrow: A magical beam of magical energy that inflicts certain magical damage on the target. Consume three points of magic, maximum damage distance: 100 meters, damage value: 50
Level 2 True Eye: It can detect monster attributes within two levels of its own level. Maximum detection range: 500 meters. Incidental function: to a certain extent, it can improve the vision range of the magic owner, and at night, it can provide some night vision ability. Automatically detect traps below level one. Automatically identify the weaknesses of the target. "
Seeing his attributes, Li Yuanhong felt quite satisfied. Now that his attributes have surpassed those of cavemen, fighting with cavemen soldiers, Li Yuanhong estimated that he could easily kill these foreign creatures with the help of knife skills. Moreover, the evolution of the real eye and magic arrows has given them more means to defeat their opponents.
Li Yuanhong also wanted to see the changes of other people, but he was troubled. This upgrade was mainly for the transformation of the spiritual level. The wisdom value that he has never changed has increased a bit, but this evolution also consumes a lot of mental power. , Li Yuanhong's eyelids couldn't hold back soon, and he fell asleep.
It was ten o'clock the next day when Li Yuanhong woke up. This was a phenomenon that hadn't happened before, which showed that this transformation had a great impact on mental power. After getting up, Li Yuanhong tidied up a bit, and then walked out of the room.
When he came to the room, all kinds of voices immediately rushed into his face. Li Yuanhong had never felt the world so noisy before. It seemed that it would not be a good thing for his senses to be too sensitive.
Li Yuanhong first came to the magic tower. This time, the magic tower can be upgraded again. However, Li Yuanhong’s current level ten or higher attribute crystal cores are not enough, so the magic tower can’t be upgraded temporarily, but Li Yuanhong is here, try to see if the old Bai and the others can What new research results are given.
As soon as I walked in, I saw the three old guys arguing endlessly, especially the magician of the system, blowing his beard and staring quietly, completely trying to perform the rhythm of the whole martial arts. The guard next to him stood by, watching his nose, his nose, his mouth and his heart, with a very indifferent, high-hanging attitude. Obviously, he had experienced too much of this kind of thing, and he was used to it.
"Three old people, what happened? Do you have to keep arguing here?" Li Yuanhong hurriedly went out to make the rounds. This would anger the people here, and his loss would be great.
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