: Section 132: Dead Mountain and Sea of Blood

Seeing the zombies approaching, the humans accelerated their pace to escape, and ran away, leaving the road, and ran towards the mountains. When the zombies saw it, they thought that humans could not run themselves, and wanted to get rid of themselves through the steep terrain of the mountain, but now the zombies are not lost at the beginning of the end times, and climbing mountains is no longer a problem for zombies.
When humans climbed the mountain road, those ugly-faced zombies followed closely behind and surged up the mountain. However, the zombies were still a step slower. When the group of corpses came down the mountain, the humans had disappeared in the rugged mountain road.
For these disappeared humans, the giant zombies who chased did not care. There were only a dozen humans who ran into the mountains. This was not enough for humans to stuff their teeth, so the giant zombies sent hundreds of zombies to chase them. , After all, too many zombies passed by on the mountain path.
The giant zombies just wanted to lead the army of zombies to move forward. He heard a few explosions, and then set off a few huge magic explosions in his team. The zombies in the magic explosion circle did not even react and were torn by the explosion. Become a rain of blood. After this explosion, more explosions exploded in the corpse group, and then the giant zombies noticed that the attack that attacked themselves came from the mountain that the humans had just climbed.
When the giant zombies were attacked, they immediately became angry and ordered the zombies to attack the hill that attacked them. However, at this time, there was also a sound of cannons from the other side. This attack was launched in the direction of Shanhaiguan across a river, and the sound of cannons was far away from here. , But the artillery fire happened to hit the zombies who had reached the river.
Giant zombies are attacked from both sides. For giant zombies, this is nothing. He leads four million zombies. For any obstacle that dares to block his path, he has the confidence to step down.
With another roar, a part of the corpse group was divided and killed in the direction of Shanhaiguan. As the corpse group continued to lean towards the two targets, the gunfire became more and more intense, but these artillery fire, in the corpse group, seemed to It was the waves in the ocean tide, and failed to stop the advance of the zombies. Soon the group of corpses passed through the river and approached Shanhaiguan. On the north side of the mountain, the zombies also climbed along the hillside to halfway up the mountain. From the perspective of the giant zombies, taking down these two human strongholds that dared to attack themselves was nothing but Things in a moment.
However, when the giant was full of confidence, suddenly there was a loud noise on the north side of the mountain. The where the zombies were climbing collapsed in a large area. Those corpses who were climbing, the entire collapsed rock was instantly buried. The zombies who were piled up at the foot of the mountain and were about to climb the mountain were also buried directly by the huge boulders and mud that had flowed down.
After the explosion, the dust covered the entire hillside. Although the giant zombies can't see how their team lost, the giant zombies estimate that this explosion, the tens of thousands of zombies that are climbing the mountain, must be finished, which makes the giant zombies. More furious, but as the dust dissipated, the originally sloped became as steep as a knife, no matter how difficult it is to climb easily, and the entire mountain, only the path that was originally hidden between the mountains is still intact, but This path is narrow and not suitable for large troops to climb.
At this time, there was also a large-scale shelling in Shanhaiguan. Originally, only a few artillery fired, but at this time, hundreds of artillery fires were fired. The fire fell on the corpses, not like waves, but a continuous fire. , Like a magical energy wall, blocking the path of the zombie group. Any zombies that want to cross this barrier will be turned into fly ash by the artillery.
The giant zombies saw that the humans were attacking fiercely, and the northern peaks were too steep to climb for a while, so they placed the main attack target at the Pingxing Pass.
With the mobilization of millions of zombies, the zombies almost surrounded the west and north directions of Pingxingguan. From a distance, on both sides of Pingxingguan, there was a dense crowd of corpses, especially on the west side of Pingxingguan. The river was not very big, and it was also crowded with corpses. These zombies flowed through the river less than one meter deep and poured into Pingxingguan.
As the target of the zombie group shifted, many artillery appeared in the flat close. Just now, a hundred artillery fired in unison. Now there are more than two hundred magic cannons firing, and a tenth-level airship lifted into the air to coordinate with the city’s The artillery fire attacked the corpses together.
But at this time, the corpses were not coming to Pingxingguan in disorder and chaos like at the beginning, but came towards the city wall in order and scattered. The corpse groups are scattered, reducing the power of the artillery fire, and the zombies have also learned to avoid and defend. When the shells are about to fall, these zombies will always be hidden by a crater. Flew up to the city wall.
These tactics reduced the loss of zombies. Many zombies are already less than 100 meters away from the Shanhaiguan wall, and even some zombies with supernatural powers are already preparing to cast spells. Once within 100 meters, their magic can be launched instantly. .
At this moment, arrows suddenly flew over the city wall, and many zombies were preparing to cast spells, but before they could react, they were shot into hedgehogs by the rain of arrows. The group of corpses that had just rushed over was instantly blocked by the arrow rain, and the 100-meter line of defense was again guarded by the arrow rain.
Seeing this, the giant zombies roared, the corpse group has accelerated, and many zombies holding shields began to squeeze in front of the corpse group, and many zombies with abilities have also turned on magic protection, which makes humans As soon as the arrow rain attacked, the damage dropped, and as time passed, more and more zombies crossed the artillery barrage and finally rushed to less than 100 meters from the city wall.
Li Yuanhong didn’t know how long he hadn’t fought a siege with zombies. Today, he encountered zombies besieged again. Although he was attacked by airships and magic cannons, Li Yuanhong did not relax, because in the corpses, there are many places flashing magic. The light, these are the ability zombies to start casting spells, preparing to attack the city wall with magic.

"Pay attention to all airships, transfer the attack target to those zombies with superpowers, and be sure not to let them cast spells!" Li Yuanhong faced the intercom and gave orders to all airship units.
Following Li Yuanhong's order, each airship unit also began to adjust the muzzle and fired at the capable zombies in the corpse group. But because the power zombies are scattered and there are many in number, and these power zombies have just suffered from the loss of the bow and arrow attack, and they have applied magic protection to themselves when they came up, so the magic cannon attack of the airship did not work as expected. The effect was that after a round of artillery fire, there were not many zombies with abilities that died. Only a small part of zombies with weak magic powers were killed, and most of the zombies with abilities survived.
However, the surviving power zombies were also cleaned by artillery fire, which made these power zombies stand alone in the middle of the crater, casting magic on the city wall. These magics include magic fireballs, magic lightnings, water polo magic and ice hockey magic. For a time, magical explosions erupted on the city wall. Many soldiers close to the city wall were injured by magic, and were rescued by the soldiers behind them.
Due to the magical attack, the attack on the city wall was temporarily weakened, which allowed the zombies to seize the opportunity. The zombies rushed through the arrow curtain area and killed until the city wall. Some zombies went straight to the city gate and began to attack the city gate.
Seeing the zombies rushing to the city, Li Yuanhong ordered the soldiers on the city to use traditional attack methods such as oil splashing and rolling logs, and ordered the soldiers to throw grenades down the city. For a time, the roar of zombies near the city wall, the explosion of magic, and the explosion of grenade all mixed together.
Li Yuanhong knew that the zombies would not be able to attack the city wall for a while, and the greatest threat to the city wall at this time was the ability zombies, so Li Yuanhong picked up the walkie-talkie: "Attention, all the gunmen on the airship, concentrate firepower to clean up those ability zombies, Be sure to clean up these threats as soon as possible. Every five gunners are responsible for one capable zombie."
Li Yuanhong quickly ordered that the battle with the zombies has just begun, and the destructive power of the zombies on the city wall must be reduced to a minimum. Although this ancient city is tall, it has a history of hundreds of years. Although it has been repaired and strengthened, there is always no previous Strong, in the previous round of magic attacks, the city bricks were blown up in many places. If the time is long, the risk of the city walls being blown down is not without.
With the order of Li Yuanhong, the magic guns on the airship also fired. With the addition of these magic guns, the ability zombies are not so much better. Many zombies have just fired two magic shots and they are hit by the magic guns. The magic barrier burst quickly, and then the follow-up attack directly hit the head, and the zombie's body fell over in the crater.
As the ability zombies continued to die, the magical attack firepower on the city wall dropped, the soldiers' attack strength began to recover, and the zombies' deaths and injuries rose rapidly. This time, the giant zombie was so irritating, I boasted about going to the sea in front of the other two zombies, saying that it was a matter of dealing with humans every minute, but was calculated by humans on the hillside. This siege was not able to be taken for a long time, and I was still injured. He had many zombies with supernatural powers, and in less than half an hour in front of the city, he had damaged no less than 200,000 zombies. If he didn't take down the city as soon as possible, it would be more than a matter of face.
The giant zombies became fierce, so there was a roar. The zombies that were charging began to group, and some began to move closer to the zombies, especially those zombies holding shields. They came to the side of the zombies. The shield protects the power zombies and prevents the power zombies from being shot by the magic gun. The other part of the zombies picked up the zombies that had been blown up and began to rush towards the city wall quickly. When these zombies came to the city, they quickly threw the corpses under the city, and then quickly retreated.
This move of the zombies, for a while, the death and injury rate of the zombies with the ability dropped sharply, and a corpse road was quickly piled up under the city wall. The road was a gentle slope. Obviously, the zombies would use these corpses to build a road leading to the city wall. the way.
"The artillery on the airship should not attack other corpses, but specifically attack the zombies with the ability. When the zombies around the zombies are cleaned up, the gunner will attack immediately. You must not let these zombies get a respite."
Li Yuanhong gave orders to the airships, and then picked up a special walkie-talkie: "Commander Xiao? The zombies have to build a corpse ladder. Don't attack this corpse ladder for now. You can get some oil barrels and wait for the corpse. The ladder is almost the same. Roll the oil drum down from the corpse ladder. Make sure to make some holes in the oil drum. When the oil drum rolls, try to drain the oil out of the drum. Do you understand the rest?"
There was silence on the walkie-talkie, and then a voice that came to my mind from the other end: "Understood, just look at it!"
Seeing that Commander Xiao understood his intentions, Li Yuanhong did not pay attention to these, but turned his attention to the battlefield again.
At this time, the attack of the zombies was even more fierce. Under the city wall, there were already at least three or four meters high zombies, and zombies were still transporting corpses here. The construction speed of the corpse ladder was amazing. Hours, the simple corpse ramp for zombies will be built successfully.
But Li Yuanhong didn't care about this. At this time, the mutant zombies had been suppressed by human artillery fire, and there were only occasional zombie magic attacks fired on the city wall, but these attacks were no longer a threat to the city wall. However, Li Yuanhong didn't send it. He still let the airship monitor the corpse group, only attacking the zombies with abilities, and must not let these abilities stand firm.
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