: Section 143 Urban Guerrilla War

With the order of the giant zombies, the group of zombies was fully dispatched. At this time, the zombies were not hiding their whereabouts, and with the help of the dense buildings, they began to rush towards the human position.
I saw a few streets close to human defense, zombies entered the flood discharge, rushing to the human defense line, and humans began to madly dump ammunition into this torrent, but because the corpses suddenly came from the building group and Emerging from the ground, the lack of firepower for human defense arrangements caused the corpse group to quickly advance to a place less than 100 meters away from the human position.
This distance is within the range of the zombie’s magical attack. Those zombies who are responsible for blocking bullets in the front quickly set up a defensive position here, and the zombies with the ability behind follow up, releasing magic madly against the human position. These magics are like magic cannons. Similarly, the bombed human positions were immediately destroyed, many soldiers were injured, and the disrupted soldiers began to retreat in a panic.
"Immediately withdraw to the second line of defense, quickly mobilize tank support, and apply for air support!" The frontline commander screamed frantically at the messenger, hoping to defend the frontline position, but the firepower of the zombies was too fierce, what ice hockey, fireball, ground thorn, Successive spells fell on the human position, causing the soldiers who had not suffered such a fierce attack for a long time to collapse their defenses.
The defensive line was lost one after another, and the underground tunnel was also in decline, which surprised Li Yuanhong when he received the information.
"Who can tell me who is in command at the front line? Didn't you let them do it in advance? How could they retreat so badly?" Li Yuanhong questioned the soldier angrily.
"Report to Commander Li that the people on the front line were attacked by zombies just as soon as they were armed, and there were too many zombies in the zombie group, and the fortifications on the ground were destroyed in a few strokes!" The soldier who reported the incident also Said aggrieved.
After all, Li Yuanhong is not the kind of commander who is easy to get hot-headed. He thought about it for a moment, then pointed to the map and gave the order to the messenger: "Let the army guard these strategic points and transport the remaining dry ice bombs to these few. Node, send an airship to blast me the zombies on the ground!"
"Yes!" Upon receiving the order, the messenger turned around and went out quickly.
The zombies won the first battle, and the giant zombie leader smiled triumphantly: "Hahaha, vulnerable humans, I think how capable they are, they are not the same as other humans. When they encounter our true strength, they will still rush. Order the troops. , Chase me, don't keep one, kill all these humans!"
"Yes, leader!" The messenger below went down.
"Leader, do we slightly adjust it so that we will be exposed to all our troops in this pursuit, and I am afraid it will be dangerous." At this time, the giant zombie who came back from Tangshan City spoke out of time.
The giant zombie leader didn't frown slightly, and asked in a cold tone: "What's out of date? Our corpses must take advantage of the victory, and can't give humans a respite. Are you waiting for them to slow down and fight again?"
"Boss, I didn't mean that, I was..." The giant zombie wanted to explain.
"Needless to say, you should quickly lead the troops and destroy those sea monsters. I still need a batch of crystal nuclei to enhance my guarding strength." The giant zombie leader interrupted his words without difficulty, Driven out.
While the zombies were chasing humans frantically, a dozen huge shadows floated in the sky. Although these moving behemoths were not very fast, it didn’t take long before they moved to the top of the zombies who were chasing humans madly. These airships were in place, and the magic cannons on the airships began to emit magical rays of light. Those zombies who were roaring and chasing humans were immediately blown up into the sky. Many zombies with supernatural powers urgently opened the magic shields, but the magic cannons on the airships But there was no sign of stopping. It didn't take long for those zombies with supernatural powers to be torn the protective cover by the magic cannon and turned into cannon fodder.
With the advent of the airship, the sound of tank motors came from various streets, and the supporting tanks also drove over. With the arrival of the tanks, the tank artillery began to roar, and the group of corpses was completely destroyed, and the momentum was like a rainbow. The group of corpses suddenly became a piece of scattered sand, which could only be destroyed by human artillery fire. Only broken limbs and bones were left on the street, and a complete body was never seen again.
In the underground tunnel, humans began to throw a large number of dry ice bombs on the zombies that came after them. The zombies that were chased were instantly enveloped by the dry ice mist and spread out, and the humans quickly retreated behind the defensive wall and closed the defensive door The carbon dioxide gas is shielded in the channel.
The offensive of the zombie group collapsed instantly. In this battle, hundreds of thousands of zombies died under human fire. To make matters worse, this time the giant zombie leader, in order to achieve the goal of quickly killing humans, sent another 100,000 Ability zombies, although these ability zombies are not elite troops promoted by crystal nuclei, they are also the main force of a few ability zombies. But in less than an hour, it was wiped out by humans.
At this time, the giant zombie leader's eyes were a little red, and he asked the following reporter zombies in a gloomy tone: "How much have we lost this time?"
"Reporting leader, we lost half a million this time, including 98,000 zombies with supernatural powers and 410,000 loss from ordinary zombies. There are also nearly 50,000 zombies lost contact in the underground tunnel." The zombies reported with some anxiety.
"What? How can we lose so much? Are those humans not fleeing? Is this a human trap?" The giant zombie leader asked in surprise. He didn't believe that the defeated humans were still capable of counterattack, and the counterattack was so. violent.
"The report leader, it is the humans who dispatched powerful flying objects and iron boxes that can run by themselves." The zombie below replied.
Although the giant zombies didn't know what these things were, they knew that they were worshipped by humans. So he asked: "How many troops do we have now?"

"Reporting leader, we now have more than 600,000 zombies with supernatural powers, but less than 100,000 are more than tenth level. Normal zombies are less than 5 million."
"What? Why did we lose so much?"
"The report leader, at the beginning, the corpse monsters used ordinary zombies to fight the sea monsters. In the early stage, we lost a little bit. Nearly two million zombies and sea monsters were destroyed. In the later stage, although the loss was a little bit smaller, it also damaged more than one million. During the battle, the loss was nearly two million. So now the force is less than five million." The zombie notified the damage, and the giant zombie felt a crisis. At the beginning, I was a tens of thousands of soldiers, and the ability zombies reached a million. For humans with less than 100,000, giant zombies were not considered at all. Since then, they have fought with humans, although they have taken advantage of humans many times. Human damage is only a few thousand people, but oneself is really huge.
"Call back the giant zombies who fought against the sea monsters!" Only then did the leader of the giant zombies remember the one who had repeatedly advised him to accept.
Soon, the giant zombie came down to the giant zombie leader: "Chief, what's your order?"
"I want to ask you, how to fight those human weapons?" This will calm down the voice of the giant zombie leader.
"Boss, in fact, those weapons only work on large-scale corpses. We might as well break the army into parts and spread them into the buildings. After the enemy approaches, we will use magic to destroy their iron boxes. And those flying weapons, we are completely You can ignore them, they can only aim at the targets that are exposed, and they can't do anything about the targets that are invisible to them." The giant zombie said his own suggestion.
"Well, good, then act according to your plan." The leader of the giant zombie affirmed to his subordinates. So an urban guerrilla war began.
"Report the company commander, we were attacked by zombies and a tank was destroyed!"
"Report to the commander, we were attacked by zombies and three soldiers were injured."
"Report to the battalion commander that our company was ambushed and needs support!"
As the zombies are reduced to zero, human soldiers are constantly being attacked by zombies. If it were not for the protection of humans with tanks and armored vehicles, it is estimated that the loss would be great. Even so, humans would have hundreds of them in just one hour. Casualties, tanks and armored vehicles even more than 20 losses.
Li Yuanhong sat in the war room, facing the battle report, not angry but laughed: "Hahaha, I didn't expect these zombies to also fight guerrilla warfare with me. Playing guerrilla warfare is our human patent. I will ask them to taste me. It's amazing, I..." Li Yuanhong planned to say, "I will personally lead the team to destroy these zombies", but when he turned his head, he saw his guard, staring at him like a thief. So Li Yuanhong quickly changed the subject: "I...I want zombies to taste the power of human guerrilla warfare!"
So Li Yuanhong ordered the troops to mobilize elite squads to fight with the zombie squads in the building group, trying to knock out these annoying zombies.
So not long after, many six-man battle teams appeared in the city group.
Soon, a group of squads met a group of zombies in one building.
The forward who was searching suddenly stopped and squatted in the corner of the wall, gesturing to the back, indicating that a zombie was found in front. The captain gesticulated quickly and asked how many zombies there were. The team member recovered ten zombies.
This time the team leader is in trouble, the number of opponents is obviously higher than that of his own, and the rank of the general corpse group is also higher than that of humans. So the captain looked around and found that he was at a corner. The other zombies were walking along a long corridor to this side. They didn’t have the training qualities that soldiers should have, unlike the mountain patrol demon in the movie. The appearance is similar, but these zombies walked without making a sound. If they were not paying attention, they would bump into them face to face.
The captain immediately retreated the team and divided the troops into two groups. All the way was secretly hidden in a room next to him, the other way back to the other side of the corridor, and a few bomb traps were set up in the corridor. Everything was arranged, then The team of zombies had also approached the corner and slowly walked into this passage.
Seeing that there were no human figures in the passage, the zombies looked out the window again, and there was tranquility outside. They swaggered to patrol. Although they patrolled, they just simply checked, and they did not find the human soldiers hidden in the room , And kept moving forward in this way, until a loud bang, the team of zombies touched the trap.
Although the bomb is very powerful, it is not deadly enough for more than ten-level zombies. Moreover, in this team of zombies, there is an ability zombie. The protective shield was opened at the moment the bomb exploded, so ten zombies, Two zombies were injured by the bombing, and the zombies walking behind the supernatural zombies were intact.
Just when the zombies thought that the attack was coming from the front, gunshots rang out from behind, and the three zombies walking at the back fell down. They were hit in the head, and the humans hiding behind began to attack.
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