: 164th Sky Knights

With the completion of the magic cloud group, countless lightning bolts were smashed from the magic cloud group. These lightnings were thick and thin, thick as the size of a bowl, and thin as well as chopsticks. These lightning smashed the mountain and suddenly broke the stone. Fly, sparks burst from the gate, and some hit the shooting port, directly blasting the guns that were firing, and then the sound of the guns was slowly extinguished, and the entire battlefield was left with the roar of zombies. sound.
Without human attacks, the zombies swarmed up to the mountain, and various attacks began to hit the mountain, especially at the gate. Fortunately, the gate that could resist the bombardment of hydrogen and bombs was not the case. The clumsy zombies can be shaken, so the zombies are doing useless work, but the mountain on the outside of the rock has a layer of zombies dug out.
At this time, Master Wu Xiong was a little anxious. Although the zombies could not attack for the time being, he was still trapped and died here. Once the materials inside were exhausted, he would die.
"His grandmother, I can't do it. Give me all the spare weapons. I don't believe that these zombies can make a thundering cloud!" Wu Xiong was also very angry at this time. The futility of the war.
Following Wu Xiong's order, all the backup warehouses were opened, and various backup weapons were replaced. Then the entire mountain was sprayed with flames, and the zombies were attacked again, especially those zombies with supernatural powers, which were especially taken care of.
However, the giant zombies standing on the head of the city roared again. This time it was not a group of supernatural zombies gathered together, but two waves, which made Li Yuanhong and Wu Xiong a little puzzled.
"What the are these zombies? Can two waves of thunder and lightning cause me a double attack? Below the notice, if a cloud layer forms in a while, immediately close all shooting ports, and don't let the lightning destroy the weapon!" Wu Xiong Instructed the staff below.
"Yes!" The staff officer turned and gave the order.
Li Yuanhong frowned tightly. He didn't think that zombies would repeat so simply, there must be other conspiracies in it.
Soon, two clouds formed. As the clouds formed, all shooting ports stopped attacking, and the shooting ports were closed, making the mountain into a tight joint. This time, even if the lightning strikes the shooting ports, it will be attacked by the outside. The metal baffle blocks the cannon and heavy machine guns inside.
But Li Yuanhong discovered that the zombies surrounding the mountain had also withdrawn 50 meters before the formation of the cloud. When the zombies launched a lightning attack, the zombies were only 20 meters away. Could it be that the attacks of these two clouds were more Is his attack more than two?
Just as Li Yuanhong guessed, the magic in the clouds fell. I saw that in the first cloud layer, it was not lightning, but rain. It was just that the rain was larger than normal rain. It was like a waterfall in the sky, and the water turned upside down like a big river. Coated with a water film.
And in the second cloud layer, a cold wind blown out. The cold wind was mixed with ice. Soon the ice and the water film on the mountain came together, and the water film slowly turned into an ice layer. The mountain became a crystal clear iceberg, and the gate was frozen.
At this time, Li Yuanhong was a little puzzled, what did the zombies use to flatten them in summer? Are you afraid that you are too sultry in the cave, so you can get some ice to cool down?
At this moment, the staff officer ran up and offered a military salute to Wu Xiong: "Report to the commander, all shooting ports are frozen by the ice and cannot be opened!"
"What? Can't open it?" Wu Xiong was stunned when he heard it. He was so zombies that he came up with this method to prevent his weapon from launching, but with this ice layer, the zombies could not attack. Isn't this better?
"Then let the soldiers take a good rest, wait for the ice to melt, open the baffle, and then let them taste the power of our artillery fire!" Wu Xiong thought about it again, and decided to let everyone rest, and then Look at the situation.
At this moment, the group of zombies was seen giving way. A dozen fat zombies began to line up in a long line. These zombies and holding a siege cone made of unknown metal, rushed towards the gate.
"Cut, these silly zombies, this gate can't even blow off hydrogen or bombs. It's no idea to use such a primitive weapon to break the gate." Wu Xiong said contemptuously.
Li Yuanhong thought so at the beginning, but soon discovered something wrong. When the zombies struck the gate hard, cracks began to appear on the ice layer on the gate, and cracks appeared on the surface behind the ice layer. Now Li Yuanhong was stunned.
"Master Wu, what kind of metal is your gate made of?" Li Yuanhong asked.
"It seems to be a special alloy steel, what's wrong?" Wu Xiong was a little puzzled, why Li Yuanhong cares about the material of the door now?
"Then the door will become brittle below what degree?" Li Yuanhong continued to ask.
"It's brittle? I really don't know this."
"Then you'd better quickly arrange another line of defense behind the gate, this gate may not be able to be guarded!" Li Yuanhong said.
"How is it possible that this gate can't even be exploded with hydrogen or bombs. How can this small impact destroy this gate?" Wu Xiong said in disbelief.
"Then Master Martial, you better look at the situation at the gate now." Li Yuanhong pointed to the monitor screen.
I saw that the crack area on the gate was getting bigger and bigger at this time. Although it was only on the surface of the gate, the crack seemed to affect people's hearts and the gate would break at any time.
"How could this be?" Wu Xiong couldn't believe his eyes, but the alloy gate that could block hydrogen and bombs, how could cracks appear so easily?

"It's low temperature. Low temperature makes metal brittle!" Li Yuanhong said.
"Then what to do now?" Wu Xiong had no idea now.
"Master Martial Arts, you quickly send someone behind the gate to lay out a second line of defense. We can only do that. Maybe we can hold on until the reinforcements arrive."
"Reinforcements? Do we still have reinforcements?" Wu Xiong asked.
"Who knows! But go to the military commander, you'd better make the soldiers think that we are especially reinforcements, so that the soldiers will have the motivation to stick." Li Yuanhong said.
"Good!" Wu Xiong gritted his teeth.
Wu Xiong hurriedly mobilized, moved a dozen tanks to the opposite side of the gate, surrounded the city in a semicircle, and reinstalled the removed anti-aircraft machine guns. All the muzzles and machine guns were aimed at the gate, as long as the gate was broken. Turn on, these tanks and machine guns will fire at the same time, driving the zombies out. Although everyone thinks this is unlikely, everyone wants to see the arrival of reinforcements. This last line of defense will be the last one. The guardian of dreams.
Just as everyone was in torment waiting for the door to burst, the sky outside turned dark, but it was only after four o'clock in the afternoon, and there was no dark moment at all.
Just when everyone was focused on the gate, it started to rain, but the rain was terrible, it turned out to be arrow rain.
The main target of this arrow rain is the fat zombies who are attacking the gate, so there is no living thing in the area covered by the arrow rain.
The sudden attack caused a commotion in the zombies group. They had never been attacked from the sky, so they lacked the corresponding countermeasures. The zombies with supernatural powers raised their heads and looked into the sky. Only then did they discover that there are many weirdness in the sky. The bird, this flying beast is like an eagle, but has a lion-like body. On the backs of these giant beasts, there is a warrior in soft armor sitting. Those warriors are holding crossbow arrows and shooting downwards. These archer arrows The method is very accurate, almost every arrow will cause a zombie to fall.
The giant zombies standing on the city wall saw this and roared. Those zombies with supernatural powers launched magic into the sky. Almost all of these magic shots into the air, because from the ground, these birds are not high, but in fact, these birds are off the ground. One hundred and five meters away, magical attacks could not reach the Griffins in the sky at all, and these magical attacks instead provided targets for these air knights, and the feather arrows in the sky attacked these zombies.
The ability zombies relied on their own magic shield, and did not take these attacks to heart. They still fired magic to the sky, but these ability zombies quickly issued something wrong, when these feather arrows shot to the shield At that time, the ability zombies felt that the mana value was declining rapidly, and without a few arrows, the mana value of these ability zombies was exhausted, and then the nightmare of death came.
Watching his power zombies fall down in pieces, the giant zombies roared angrily, but there was no way, who made the zombies lack the means to attack the air. I can only watch my own troops as the targets of these air knights. Fortunately, these air knights are not many less than two hundred, and these air forces flew away after only fifteen minutes of fighting.
"Oh, how did they fly away?" The Wu Xiong who was looking at these birds butchering zombies excitedly was a little disappointed. After all, the attack just now blocked the attack of the zombies and kept the gate, but after flying away, the gate was again It's dangerous.
"They have no arrows!" Li Yuanhong said.
"How did you know?" Wu Xiong questioned. From their perspective, only these knights could be seen, and they couldn't see the equipment of specific people. How did Li Yuanhong know that the arrows were gone?
"Each of them is equipped with five arrow boxes, and each arrow box has five feather arrows. Just now they have shot an average of 25 feather arrows, of course there are no arrows!" Li Yuanhong explained.
"Ah? These aerial fighters are the reinforcements you said?" Wu Xiong asked.
"Yes!" Li Yuanhong replied.
"It's over, this time is over!" Hearing Li Yuanhong's answer, Wu Xiong was completely hopeless. Although the two hundred air knights were very powerful, they were too few in number to make much difference.
At this moment, the giant zombies on the head of the city roared again, and another group of fat zombies rushed down, ready to continue hitting the gate with the siege cone. Although the giant zombies had no way to deal with the troops in the air, the humans behind the gate could not. To escape, as long as you slam the door open, your anger can vent to these humans.
With the arrival of the fat zombies, there was another crashing sound at the door. The enthusiasm that people in the whole cave had just aroused fell back to underestimation. The hope that had been ignited because of the arrival of the air knight was completely shattered.
"Everyone is ready to fight, even if the door is broken, we can't let the zombies take one step forward!" Wu Xiong gave orders in a low voice. At this time, Wu Xiong could only prepare for the final battle.
"Yes!" The staff's answer was not so straightforward, but rather dry.
After Wu Xiong gave the order, he looked back at Li Yuanhong and saw Li Yuanhong staring at a monitor, which was the direction the Griffin flew away. Obviously, Li Yuanhong did not give up hope.
"Don't watch, those aerial fighters flew away!" Wu Xiong exhorted.
"No, I believe Jing Rong, he won't just send such troops over!" Li Yuanhong said firmly.
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