: Section 182: The Western Expedition (6)

He stabilized Xing Ling. For the time being, he would not enter the city rashly. Li Yuanhong picked up the information again and carefully looked at the introduction of Datong City. The tunnel was not dug by someone privately. It will definitely be recorded in the information, but From beginning to end, Li Yuanhong did not see a word mentioning this tunnel.
Li Yuanhong put the information down, maybe he went into a misunderstanding, the tunnel may not be deliberately dug, for example, the sewer, it must be every city, but the special record of the sewer, only the urban construction department has, but the tunnel is not below the ground At fifty meters, the sewer is definitely not that deep.
"Fat man, think about it, under what circumstances would dig a hole in the ground?" Li Yuanhong couldn't remember for a moment, so he could only ask for help from the obese head. Maybe his head was big and could open his mind.
"Digging a hole? Do you think it's a large accumulation of grain, and digging a deep hole?" said the fat man.
"No, those holes won't be so deep."
"How about someone's cellar or the basement of a certain building?" The fat man continued to guess.
"Your basement was dug so deep!" Li Yuanhong gave Fat Lu a white look.
"Hehe, I haven't dug the basement!" Fatty Lu said.
"Okay, can you guess more reliably."
"I think, did the caveman dig it? Those guys without eyes, but they dig a hole very well." Fatty Lu said again.
"Caveman, it's impossible..." Li Yuanhong just wanted to deny it. Suddenly Li Yuanhong thought of something. When he saw the introduction of cavemen before, Xiao Yiling had introduced that in the Alliance of Human Elves, there is also a race that loves to dig holes, called Dwarves, this race also likes to dig holes, but these dwarves are digging holes, unlike cavemen who dig holes when they see it.
This mine is also a cave. Why did I forget that this Datong city was a coal mine in the past. Could the cave below this city be a mine?
So Li Yuanhong said, "Fatty, do you have any information about the Datong mining area?"
"Mining area? Brother Li, you don't suspect that the cave below this city is a mine?"
"It's possible." Li Yuanhong said.
This time he had a goal, and Li Yuanhong soon found a mine that led to the underground of the city, but this mine was abandoned a long time ago.
Li Yuanhong decided to go into the cave from here. The so-called no one would get a tiger if he didn't enter the tiger's den. If he wanted to break the threat from the ground, he had to enter the cave and inside.
This time even Fatty participated, because Fatty Lu is a soil attribute, and in the underground, Fatty Lu’s attributes can be more utilized, and the other party is also a soil attribute. In this way, Li Yuanhong can be more sure about dealing with zombies.
"Take this shield." Li Yuanhong took out the giant zombie shield from Baoding City and handed it to Fat Lu.
Fatty Lu took the shield and held it in his hand: "Well, yes, the weight is just right."
Don't look at the fat man's level as high as Li Yuanhong, but his strength is definitely higher than Li Yuanhong. This is the benefit of his fat body.
Everyone packed up and prepared to go to the cave. Xing Ling was also preparing to go down but was organized by Li Yuanhong: "We can't all go down. If except for the problem, you can command well. If all are gone, no one will command. If the zombies attack , Then trouble."
"Or, I'll go over, you stay on it to command." Xing Ling argued.
"Okay, I know my skills. I am more suitable for escape. If your ability is used to escape, it won't work. We are going to investigate the situation this time. We are ready to escape at any time. You can't do it." Li Yuanhong said with a smile.
Xing Ling knew that this was Li Yuanhong comforting him, so he solemnly said to Li Yuanhong: "Be careful!"
Li Yuanhong nodded and led people down the cave. There were twenty people in this group. The cave and the space inside were not large. If there were too many people, it would easily cause trouble.
As he walked into the cave, Li Yuanhong discovered that the cave was sealed before. I don’t know when it was opened. Because the mine was empty for a long time, weeds or mushrooms grew in some places in the cave. There are signs of collapse in some places. The rafters supporting the mine are decayed. These rafters have been soaked in antiseptic tung oil, so they will be fine for decades, but they are almost empty. It has been ten years, so it is normal for some rafters to rot.
When Li Yuanhong saw this, he thought to himself: "This mine is very dangerous. If it doesn't, it will collapse. You have to be careful."

As I entered, the environment dimmed, but no zombies were encountered along the way. When I walked a distance of nearly 500 meters, I found that the mine was at the end, and the head of the mine was a shaft, which was deep into the mine. On the only way, Li Yuanhong took out twenty headlamps from his arms and distributed them to everyone: "Everyone put them on, and pay attention to it for a while. The terrain inside is complicated, so don't get separated."
After that, Li Yuanhong took the lead from the rope tied to the shaft and began to climb down.
The people behind also followed down. Only the fat man, who stood on it for a long time, tied two ropes before going down. Fatty Lu also knows himself that one rope is fine for others, but one for himself. The rope must be broken in half.
Everyone went down to the bottom of the mine. It was at least a hundred meters deep from the top of the mine. In the middle, there was also a mine, but Li Yuanhong didn’t enter because the depth of other mines did not match the depth of the mines in the city, so Li Yuanhong Enter the deepest mine, this mine may be the mine that leads to the city.
At the bottom of a mine, Li Yuanhong immediately felt that the air in the mine had become turbid, and there was still blistering moisture in the mine. It stands to reason that coal mines are most afraid of two things. One is water flow, which is not fire in ancient times. , But digging a hole to dig water veins, then the entire mine may be flooded. The second is gas loss. The coal layer will be mixed with gas. Once the gas accumulates to a certain extent, it will easily cause a gas explosion. The entire mine may have been bombed.
Li Yuanhong arrived at the mine at this time. Seeing the environment here, it is very likely that the gas concentration here is already very good, and it has been left unattended for a long time. Maybe some parts of the road have already started to accumulate water.
"Attention everyone, don't open fire lightly for a while to prevent gas explosion here!" Li Yuanhong ordered.
"Yes!" the soldier behind replied.
Everyone went inside, and as they entered, there would often be some diversions, but Li Yuanhong always walked in one direction without hesitation. Everyone didn’t know how Li Yuanhong chose the road, but everyone didn’t question and followed. Li Yuanhong kept entering.
In fact, Li Yuanhong chose because he discovered that in some potholes, there are footprints, which look like human footprints, and these footprints are very new, so Li Yuanhong walked down these footprints.
The whole mine was very quiet, and occasionally there was the sound of dripping water. Everyone walked in the black mine. There was no concept of time or distance. They just followed Li Yuanhong and walked forward.
As he was walking, Li Yuanhong suddenly waved his hand: "There is a situation ahead, ready to fight!"
Everyone immediately drew out their knives and shields. Because the cave was narrow, Li Yuanhong ordered them to bring short weapons to facilitate combat. The warrior behind took out a crossbow and pointed forward. Just as everyone was getting ready, they heard the noisy footsteps in front of them, and under the shining of the headlights, a red light was printed, which was awe-inspiring and terrifying. Li Yuanhong said, "Aim at those red dots and shoot arrows! "
Li Yuanhong gave an order, and Li Yuanhong himself took out a crossbow and shot it towards the front. As the bow and arrow were fired, I heard the wailing sound, and the messy footsteps became more anxious. As the footsteps approached, everyone could see clearly where the red light was, but the zombie's eyes, scarlet eyes.
These zombies wear very special clothes. They all wear miner's helmets, and these zombies all have pickaxes in their hands. Many bows and arrows hit the zombie's helmets. What surprised Li Yuanhong even more was that the levels of these zombies were all at level fourteen and five. If they were placed on top, zombies of this level would be enough for Li Yuanhong to drink a pot.
The zombies crowded the entire mine and rushed towards Li Yuanhong. Bows and arrows could not stop the zombies from advancing. Soon the zombies were less than five meters away from Li Yuanhong. Li Yuanhong hurriedly put away the crossbow arrows and pulled out the long knife behind him. Although the sword is longer, Li Yuanhong's sword skills are now intermediate, and he can use it freely. In the mine, the sword is completely shrouded in front of the zombies.
Li Yuanhong found that these zombies were obviously weaker than the zombies on the ground. Not only were their defenses weaker, they also had a lot of slower movements. Li Yuanhong didn't know why, but Li Yuanhong wanted to rush in as soon as possible to see how the soldiers inside were.
Li Yuanhong took the lead to charge inside, but at this moment, a soldier suddenly shouted: "Zombie! There are zombies behind!"
Li Yuanhong looked back and found that a zombie figure appeared behind him. Li Yuanhong frowned. This shouldn't be. How could a zombie appear behind? When I came here, didn't you see any signs of zombies walking in other mines? Do zombies know how to hide soldiers?
Li Yuanhong knew that it was not time to think more, so Li Yuanhong shouted to the fat man: "Fat man, you use a shield to hold back, we rush in, and rescue the soldiers of that battalion first! Everyone pays attention to taking turns to rest. The road ahead is still very long. long!"
"Yes!" the soldiers shouted.
"Brother Li, give it to me later!" The fat man also shouted loudly.
So Li Yuanhong danced his long sword, did not retreat, but kept charging forward. But Li Yuanhong only rushed for one kilometer, and he felt that his arms were a little sinking. At this time, the guard came up: "Brother Li, it's time to change shifts!" After speaking, the guard began to swing his knife and rush forward. Li Yuanhong knew At this time, it was not the time to perform, and the fat man behind was also replaced, so that the defensive formation composed of a team of twenty people rushed forward.
After walking for two kilometers, Li Yuanhong saw a hole in the wall of the mine. A hole was cut open. This hole should lead to another mine. Li Yuanhong finally knew how the zombies came from behind him. A fork in the road was cut here, and the group of corpses took the back road from here. Fortunately, although these zombies were of high level, their abilities were really poor. Otherwise, with so many zombies in the cave, Li Yuanhong would be exhausted to kill, and could not kill far.
Finally, Li Yuanhong was killing ten kilometers away, and a little sunlight came out from above. When Li Yuanhong came here, he found that the space was much wider and the ceiling of the cave was much higher. Many clothes fragments and bones were scattered on the ground. , But these pieces of clothes are old things and don't have their own soldiers. It seems that I have entered the lower part of the city, and I have also entered the trap area of ​​zombies. It seems that I may encounter the zombies' native ability zombies at any time.
"Attention everyone, there may be zombies with supernatural powers here, everyone, pay attention to magic attacks!" Li Yuanhong reminded everyone in a loud voice, just before Li Yuanhong's voice fell, many flying stones were seen flying out of the mine opposite.
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