: Section 293 Quicksand Trap

When he heard Wang Jingrong’s news, Commander Xiao was very excited and said: "No problem, how long should we be there?"
"The big formation will be fully activated in ten minutes!" Wang Jingrong said.
"Okay, I will insist on ten more minutes!" Commander Xiao gritted his teeth.
"Thank you, then, I will send some more air forces to support you, to reduce your pressure!" Wang Jingrong said over there.
"Great, with the Air Force here, we should be able to hold it!" Commander Xiao immediately laughed.
Within a minute, the sound of an airplane sounded from the horizon, and the Batplane that had disappeared before flew back. This time they went straight to the skeleton archers who were attacking into the air. Although there were not many archers left, they attacked. The distance and strength are great, and many Griffin Riders have been shot down by them. These Griffin Riders fell into the group of corpses and were instantly overwhelmed by the group of corpses below, with no residue left. And there is also a flying dragon that was shot straight, if it hadn't been shot to the critical place, I'm afraid this flying dragon might also be buried in the group of corpses.
As soon as the bat plane appeared, it immediately attracted the attention of the national division. At this time, he understood that his aircraft force had been wiped out, but the problem was that his aircraft force was more than the opponent, even if the opponent had a Griffin Rider force. It is impossible to shoot down the plane with a bow and arrow.
At this time, the bat plane fired missiles directly at the skeleton archer and the ability zombies. The missiles were powerful. They directly turned the people who bombed these ability zombies and skeleton archers on their backs. The skeleton frame was also completely dispersed. It went out.
Without the threat to the air, archers and flying dragon attacks are no longer a taboo. Now the entire corpse group is completely messed up, including the national division commanding on the small sand dune, and has to get into the corpse group in order to avoid attacks from the sky. As the aircraft joined the attack, the corpse group that was still aggressive just now lost its momentum under the dual attack of the air and the ground. Although the corpse group was still slowly approaching the human position, the speed dropped greatly, especially the one that was just adjusted. The group of fat zombies was directly blown up by aircraft missiles. Originally, the national division was going to rely on the bombs of these fat zombies to directly tear open the human position. However, the tall figure of the fat zombies became the primary target of the aircraft.
But soon, the bombs and missiles of the planes were released, and these planes started to return after making a circle in the air. Although there are still griffins and flying dragons in the air, the bows and arrows of the Griffin Riders can’t break the zombie’s shield formation, and the flying dragon’s long-lasting breath magic also makes their attacks drop significantly. After all, they are carrying dozens of kilometers below. An army of tens of millions of zombies, if they have less than a hundred flying dragons, they can't kill many zombies.
"Quickly, take advantage of the opportunity of the plane to fly away, and give me the base of mankind!" Seeing that the plane most threatening to him flew away, the national teacher quickly redeployed and prepared to take the base of mankind in one fell swoop.
At the same time, Commander Xiao also picked up the intercom and shouted: "Brothers, as long as we stay on for five minutes, the enemy will be completely defeated. Use your courage and fighting strength to push the zombies back! "
After shouting to the walkie-talkie, he turned around and shouted to his gunner: "Load me up and let the zombies taste the power of Lao Tzu's cannon."
"Yes!" the gunner agreed, and immediately filled a cannonball that was one size larger than the ordinary cannonball into the gun hall.
Commander Xiao grasped the cannon's sight tightly and began to aim, and then suddenly pressed the launch button, a giant cannon with magic light flew out of the cannon hall. The shell quickly slammed into the corpse group, but the shell did not immediately explode. Instead, it rushed forward for nearly fifty meters with the front directly before it landed. Then there was a loud bang, and now a corpse group broke out. Small mushroom cloud. With the explosion of the small mushroom cloud, a 20-meter radius was directly emptied. Within this 20-meter radius, no zombies could be seen anymore. Some were just broken limbs and some were burned all over the floor. Charred dried meat.
"Damn, this bomb is too powerful! Is it a miniature nuclear bomb!" Seeing the effect of the explosion, Commander Xiao had to sigh.
"Commander, this gun is too powerful, why don't you equip us earlier!" The gunner behind was also a little silly.
"You kid thought I didn't want it. This cannon came from just a short time ago, and even there are only 20 cannonballs. I heard that this cost makes Commander Li distressed." Commander Xiao said.
"Ah? Can Commander Li feel distressed? The shells are made of gold or silver!"
"Why do you care about so many useless things, hurry up!" Commander Xiao yelled at the gunner when he was not chatting now.
The gunner was so frightened that he hurriedly exploded another shell and stuffed it directly into the artillery hall. As Commander Xiao completed a series of actions before aiming and launching, he pressed the launch button and another shell flew out of the barrel. Suck this shell into the group of corpses, and then another small mushroom cloud lifted up, and a group of corpses was cleaned up again.
"No, you must destroy that tank first, and send me King Kong zombies!" The national division suddenly saw that a human tank was firing a powerful cannonball, and quickly sent the trump card to the field.
Following the order of the national division, five King Kong zombies rushed out of the corpse formation. They were wearing jet black heavy armor, holding a two-meter-high shield in their hands, and rushing towards Commander Xiao's tank against the gunfire of the tank. Around these zombies, shells exploded continuously, but most of the shells were blocked by the armor they wore. Even if one shell hit the giant shield of the King Kong zombie, it was only then that the King Kong zombie retreated. A few steps did not do anything to him.
When Commander Xiao saw it, he hurriedly adjusted the muzzle and aimed at these giant zombies. Although the number of these zombies is not large, but depending on the size of the King Kong zombies and the degree of ground tremor when charging, Commander Xiao is convinced that if this A few zombies rushed over, and his tank had to be smashed into discus by them.
As the button was pressed the Magnetic Storm Infantry, another cannon popped out of the chamber, this time the target was the King Kong zombies. This time the King Kong zombies didn't dare to be careless, and quickly sank their legs, leaned their upper body forward, holding the shield in front of them, wanting to resist this cannonball.
However, the huge cannonball is not the huge shield that these King Kong zombies can contend with. The huge shield collided with the cannonball. This time the giant zombies were not only pushed ten meters away, but the mushroom cloud exploded, directly melting the armor of the King Kong zombies. The invulnerable body was directly roasted into coke.
However, this shot only killed two King Kong zombies, and three King Kong zombies were not affected, and they still strode towards Commander Xiao's tank.
"Hurry up and load the shells!" When Commander Xiao saw that the King Kong zombies had not been completely killed, he quickly ordered the loader to load the shells, and the shells were loaded quickly, Commander Xiao aimed slightly, and one shot flew out of the barrel. In this gun, two King Kong zombies turned into coke, but there was still one King Kong corpse rushing into the front of Commander Xiao's tank, and it was less than ten meters away from Commander Xiao's tank.
At this moment, the loader just loaded a shell, and if Commander Xiao fired the shell at close range, it is very likely that the explosive power of the shell might affect the tank, but if the shell is not fired, the King Kong zombies will also give the tank. Overturned. Commander Xiao gritted his teeth and directly pressed the launch button. As soon as the shell came out of the chamber, it hit the King Kong zombie. The King Kong zombie was knocked down without resistance, and the bomb exploded directly. The huge mushroom cloud is more than ten minutes away from Commander Xiao’s tank. It exploded from the meter, and the huge explosive power not only saw the giant zombies burned into carbon ashes, but also overturned Commander Xiao's tank.
As Commander Xiao’s tank overturned, the ten minutes required by Wang Jingrong arrived. At this time, the sand under the feet of those zombies spun quickly, and many weak zombies fell directly involuntarily, even those who were tall and weighed. Staggering, some standing unsteadily, suddenly the zombies are in chaos.
"What happened?" When the national teacher saw the chaos in the team, he quickly asked the servants around him.
"Return to Master Master, I don't know why, the sand under our feet has begun to flow!" The servant walked hard to the national teacher and said.
At this time, the national teacher noticed that his feet were also trapped by the quicksand. The national teacher hurriedly pulled his feet out of the sand, but just after they were pulled out, the feet involuntarily sank into the sand, as if under the sand. It has the same suction power.
"No, we are in the trap. At this time the quicksand trap!" At this time, the national teacher finally understood that this is quicksand, as long as you stand on top of the quicksand, everything will be sucked in by the quicksand, and the more you struggle, the faster it will sink. . And when they first arrived, there was no quicksand here, but at this moment quicksand suddenly appeared to show that they were in an ambush.
"Hurry up and order the troops to retreat!" At this time, the national division has no longer had the domineering just now, but a little more panic, ordering the troops to retreat outwards, but also does not care about attacking humans forward.
"Yes!" The servant promised to give the order, but within two steps, the whole body was trapped by quicksand.
When the national teacher saw it, he knew that the troops could not be saved, so he had to escape first by himself. When the national teacher chanted a few magic spells, his body floated and then drifted towards the edge of the quicksand.
At this time, most of the zombies have been trapped by the quicksand, and most of them have been trapped waist-deep. Although a few have only sunk into their legs, but there is no external rescue, these zombies will be swallowed by the quicksand sooner or later, and the surrounding zombies are also They began to panic, and without command, they didn't know whether to move forward or back.
Just when these zombies who did not enter the trap behind did not know what to do, suddenly there was the sound of horseshoes in the distance. I saw a piece of sand in the desert, and countless iron horses rushed towards these zombies, and these were left behind. The last zombies in the group, most of the zombies are mutant zombies and power zombies, but the fat corpse group and the King Kong zombies have been transferred to the front, so the zombies behind are zombies with weak defense.
Those horseshoes drove in, followed by a shower of bows and arrows. Those zombies who were still preparing to release magic were hit by arrows and fell down. Of course, zombies with abilities released magic. Magic collided with cavalry regiments. Lift off the horse.
But the war horse galloped very quickly. Before these power zombies released the second wave of magic, the cavalry regiment rushed into the corpse group, and soon the corpse group was washed away, although there were only tens of thousands of cavalry. There are still hundreds of thousands of corpse groups, but these zombies are all divided around traps, so the cavalry is like no one, and soon hundreds of thousands of corpses will be killed by these tens of thousands of cavalry.
And on both sides of the corpse group, many spearmen and archers appeared. These soldiers were like those zombies that were not trapped in the quicksand. Every minute, zombies fell down. The entire army of tens of millions of zombies, in less than half Within hours, there was a tendency for the entire army to be wiped out.
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