: Verse 349 dark bible

Li Yuanhong was holding a telegram in his hand. It contained a letter for help from European countries such as France and the United Kingdom. The letter stated that the entire Western European countries had been attacked by the Devil’s army, especially the Holy City in the West, where the Vatican was lost. The very important code was taken away by those demons. If the demon successfully unseals the code, the end of mankind will come.
Li Yuanhong curled his lips after reading the words in the letter for help. Isn't it the end of mankind now? Now humans are almost wiped out by zombies. If they had not developed many weapons against zombies with the help of the hero system, I am afraid that humans would really have to hide in a certain corner and wait for their extinction.
But when Li Yuanhong saw the introduction about the code, Li Yuanhong's brows never relaxed.
The Dark Bible, also called the Code of Demons, this book is written on very special parchment, and the history seems to have surpassed the history of mankind. The specific time this book first appeared is no longer available because there are too many His history is hidden in the flames of war.
The code recorded in this code is about dark magic, including how to summon powerful demons from to the world. The earth can still fight zombies. The key is the level of zombies, which has never exceeded the range of human tolerance. But the Dark Bible is different. It can summon powerful demons directly from another world, as long as you pay a sufficient price.
Before the end of the world, the price is not affordable for ordinary people, so even in history, some people used the demon code to summon demons, they are all weak demons. There was once a fief lord whose head was squeezed by the door to take his own fief. The common people made sacrifices, but they summoned a demon with long horns. After they came out, the lord who summoned him died on a corner, and then slaughtered the Quartet. Later, the surrounding countries united to destroy the demon.
But after the end of the world, the summoning will be easier. First of all, the appearance of the crystal core can provide greater energy for the magic circle. This may summon a great demon-level demon, which is at the same level as the dragon, not to mention the current dragon. The strength is not as good as before. If there is a big demon summoned, and now that a nest of giant dragons together, it may not be able to beat a big demon, so if this demon code falls into the hands of these races, it is class Disaster.
What's more, this summoning magic is only a small application. This code is a research code of demons, and it records many methods of demonic transformation. Through these transformation methods, many new types of demons can be developed.
Back then, there was a Duke who transformed himself into a demon in order to live forever, but under the conditions at the time, he failed to transform himself and turned himself into a monster that is neither human nor ghost. Later he was called a scientific monster. .
And this transformation can transform not only human beings, but also humanoid creatures. This is the most terrible thing. The falling angels recorded in the Bible are actually angels transformed into demons by the Demon Code.
Of course, this code was later sealed. With the weakening of the earth’s magical energy, this code also seemed to fall asleep, and the Western Holy See sealed the book in a secret place in the Vatican sanctuary. Only the popes knew where it was stored. It is said that there are still many holy missionaries garrisoned for protection. Those saint missionaries are very similar to the monks of Shaolin Temple. They are all capable, absolutely of super soldier level.
However, after the end of the world, almost all the people who kept the law code died, and only a few people escaped from the book collection site. This allowed the existence of this dark bible in several French and British countries.
But now, if this code is available to the races, it is a huge crisis. Even if the devil uses any applied magic in the code, it is a great threat to mankind.
Therefore, as soon as Li Yuanhong received this request for help, Li Yuanhong knew that he had to go to Europe to steal the code, but those races, unlike the underground races, are mostly without eyes, so they can see by themselves. A cloak that blocks the light can sneak in.
While Li Yuanhong was thinking about how to steal things in Europe, the plane landed steadily. Li Yuanhong got off the plane and went straight to the Magic Tower to go to Europe. Li Yuanhong wanted Dr. Bai and the others to provide some new weapons to increase their strength.
Li Yuanhong drove to the Magic Tower. First, instead of seeing Dr. Bai, he went straight to Dr. Han.
"Dr. Han, is Dr. Han here? I have good news for you!" Li Yuanhong yelled as soon as he entered the magic tower.
"You brat, don't you know that loud noises are strictly forbidden here?!" Dr. Han did not call out, instead he alarmed Dr. Bai.
"Yeah! It turned out to be Old Bai. I'm sorry, I quarreled you!" Li Yuanhong quickly said apologetically.
"Look at your boy with a look of excitement. Did you win the battle again? Did you bring some special products back to us?" Bai Lao didn't blame Li Yuanhong too much.
"Haha, Mr. Bai, do you not honor your old man with special capacity, but this time, I dare not give it to you." Li Yuanhong said with a wicked smile.
"What special product do I dare not ask for? Take it out and let me see!" Old Bai said with a nonchalant expression.
"It's this!" Li Yuanhong carefully took out a pepper from the space.
"It's just this broken thing, it's still hidden, chili, I thought it was a baby!" Dr. Bai looked down on the chili in Li Yuanhong's hand even more.
"Dr. Bai, don't underestimate this little thing. He is powerful. Just such a little pepper can kill a dozen people without leaving any clues."
"Is it so powerful? I don't believe it."

"Then Dr. Bai find a place, let's test this weapon." Li Yuanhong said unhurriedly.
"Okay, you come with me!" Dr. Bai looked unbelieving and led Li Yuanhong to a weapon laboratory.
After entering the weapons laboratory, Dr. Bai couldn't wait to say: "Hurry up and experiment! I want to see how capable you are with such a small red pepper!"
Li Yuanhong did not rush to test the power of chili peppers. Instead, he took out a few gas masks from the space and handed them to the people around him.
"Everyone bring this, otherwise it will be bad if it will be affected by the explosion." Li Yuanhong said.
"Affected by the explosion?" Dr. Bai looked at the red hot pepper fifty meters away, how could he not believe what kind of power the previous cooking seasoning could produce.
Li Yuanhong saw that everyone had put on the mask. Even Dr. Bai hesitated to put the mask on. Then he took out the pistol. It was a shot with a throw of his hand. It hit the chili directly with a muffled sound. The chili exploded. As the explosion exploded, the dense red smoke was released, and quickly spread to the surrounding area, and it stopped at 60 meters away.
The crowd was shrouded in red smoke and had to retreat. When they exited the smoke area, they saw that everyone's clothes were covered with a layer of red chili powder.
"I said Li Xiaozi, this pepper is so powerful?" Dr. Bai was very puzzled, this pepper has no other function besides emitting smoke?
"Dr. Bai, have you fried chili oil?" Li Yuanhong asked.
"No, but I know the taste of fried chili oil. When my neighbor fried chili oil, the whole building was so choked that it was almost impossible to live in." Dr. Bai recalled the situation, his nose kept itching, and wanted sneeze.
"Well, the smoke from this chili explosion is ten times higher than the hotness of fried chili oil. Think about it, if someone stood inside without a gas mask, what would it be like?" Li Yuanhong is not worried. Speaking slowly.
"What, so powerful!" Dr. Bai was surprised for a while. He didn't expect this little pepper to be so powerful.
"Yes!" Li Yuanhong sighed. At the beginning, several of his soldiers discovered this mutant pepper. They didn't know the depth. They accidentally exploded the little pepper. A few people were almost choked to death. Fortunately, Li Yuanhong passed by here. Several people were rescued from the smog area, and only a few people were killed. However, after rescued, Li Yuanhong was scared for a while seeing how many people were crying, and he also let Li Yuanhong know that this little chili pepper may be a new type of weapon. , If it is promoted in the future, it will definitely be a weapon against zombies. At that time, when guarding the community, he relied on chili water and lime powder to repel the ape corpse attack.
Hearing Li Yuanhong talk about the power of the chili powder, Dr. Bai immediately thought of making this chili pepper into a chili shell. In fact, Dr. Bai also wanted to make a chili grenade, but the man threw the grenade and the distance was too close, so the enemy didn’t hit him and choked himself. It’s not good when it arrives, so it’s safer to use pepper shells.
But Li Yuanhong extinguished Dr. Bai’s enthusiasm with a single sentence:
Dr. Bai, we only found one mutant pepper. This mutant pepper has fewer than 30 fruits. Didn’t I ask Dr. Han to find a way? Without increasing this mutant pepper plant, none of your ideas will be realized."
This sentence directly made Dr. Bai lose his temper. No matter how good your idea is, it will be a lie without raw materials.
At this moment, the guard walked in, attached to Li Yuanhong's ear and said, "Doctor Han is out."
"Okay, let's see Dr. Han." After saying goodbye, Li Yuanhong walked out of the laboratory after saying goodbye to Dr. Bai.
At this time, Dr. Han was sitting in the lounge and sipping coffee leisurely. This was the coffee beans that Li Yuanhong had retrieved from the coffee shop in Yanjing City. Then, when Dr. Han was resting, he would grind some for himself, which was considered to relax his brain. .
"Doctor Han is resting!" Li Yuanhong stepped forward to say hello.
"Well, just finished a small experiment, when did you come here?" Doctor Han said gracefully.
Li Yuanhong sat down opposite Dr. Han: "Dr. Han, this time, there are three things. The first one is about your brother."
As soon as he heard about his brother, Dr. Han, who had always been quiet, immediately became nervous, and his expression became extremely worried, for fear that he would hear bad news.
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