: 356th between life and death

The three-headed dog stared at Li Yuanhong with six eyes at the same time, and then the dog's head on the left suddenly said: "This kid is not easy, I didn't even see his soul color."
The dog's head on the right also said: "Well, I didn't smell him either. This is very strange!"
The dog head in the middle also said: "If this human being gives him some time, he will definitely become a human hero."
"It's a pity!" The dog on the left side said.
"Well, it's a pity!" The dog head on the right also said.
"It's a pity, it's a pity. Anyway, we haven't eaten today. It's not wrong that he becomes our ration. Barking!" The dog in the middle barked.
Li Yuanhong saw the huge three-headed dog at this time. He has not moved or said a word. It is not that he dare not speak for fear, but is checking the information of the three-headed dog with real eyes: "The three-headed dog in grid
Level: Level 25
Doug, the three-headed dog of hell, is the favorite pet of the lord Satan. He is in charge of the three magics in hell. This vicious dog takes pleasure in devouring human souls, especially those with souls of the seven deadly sins. When human beings are weak, they will be tempted by it, triggering the seven deadly sins, and finally becoming his food.
His three heads are in charge of a magic, and the three heads have different skills.
The head on the left holds the black lightning of and can see through anyone's soul.
The right head grasps the poisonous gas of hell, and the nose can smell the gas of all things, so as to firmly remember the breath of this creature, even if this creature escapes to the horizon, it will follow it.
The middle head is in charge of the fire, the ear can hear the sounds of all directions, and any tiny sound within two kilometers can be detected by it.
Black Lightning: Not only can attack the opponent's body, but it can also pollute the opponent's soul, inspire the dark heart in the soul, and inspire the seven deadly sins of the soul.
Hell poison gas: As long as the poison gas touches slightly, it can make the opponent's flesh and bones crisp, and immediately die on the spot. The most frightening thing is that poison can also infect the soul and inspire the seven deadly sins in the soul.
Hellfire: It can instantly burn the opponent into fly ashes. What's more terrifying is that hellfire can also burn the soul of the opponent, so that the opponent's soul screams in the burning, so that the soul loses the final defense and releases the soul's sins.
Weaknesses: The three heads of the three-headed dog are weaknesses, but these three heads must be eliminated at the same time, otherwise, if any one of the heads is eliminated, it will grow again. "
When Li Yuanhong saw this introduction, Li Yuanhong frowned. That weakness is equivalent to not having any weakness. If any one head is injured, he can't kill the other person unless he chops off all three heads with a single knife, but once he has his own skills, It is simply impossible to do this.
Just as Li Yuanhong was thinking about this monster, the head in the middle spoke again: "Human, if you hand over your notes, I can make your death easier. What do you think."
"Hehe, it seems you can kill me!" Li Yuanhong looked up at the eyes of the six dogs, showing no weakness.
"Yes, yes, you deserve to be the seed of a human hero. It's a pity that you met me today. If you let you develop for a while, maybe I can't kill you again. What a pity! Barking!" The dog head in the middle is again A dog barked.
"Big head, just let me electrocute him. Then you are using hellfire to torture his soul. Don't be afraid that he won't say anything." The dog head on the left said immediately.
"No, your lightning is too powerful, I'm afraid he can't bear it, and his soul will be electrocuted." The head on the right side said, "I will use my poisonous gas to kill it, so his Soul injury will not be so severe."

"What are you two fighting over? If you tortured his soul, I can burn it directly with hellfire. I'm afraid of ruining this kid's equipment accidentally. If the notes are hidden on his body, just take notes together. It's ruined, how do we see your Majesty the Great Demon King when we go back." The dog head in the middle said.
"Ah? Big head, you are right, then we will pat him crippled with our paws, and then ask him if we can." The right side head said.
"Yes, yes, that's what we decided." The left side of the head also echoed.
When Li Yuanhong heard that the three dog heads had given his own destiny in this way, Li Yuanhong was really speechless, as if this vicious dog completely controlled his own destiny.
This vicious dog moved as soon as he said it. It raised its left front leg and slapped it fiercely at Li Yuanhong. The speed did not match that huge body shape. In the blink of an eye, the huge dog paw reached Li Yuanhong’s head, and Li Yuanhong hurriedly Rolling to the side, avoiding this claw, and Li Yuanhong took the wounded little demon and threw it at the vicious dog.
The little devil had been badly injured, but was sucked a lot of blood by the magic circle just now. He was a little groggy. At this time, he was suddenly thrown into the air, and the little devil opened his eyes and suddenly saw a huge The dog's mouth was opening and biting at him, so scared that it just shouted.
Originally, the evil dog was trying to prevent the evil dog from using his mouth to block the little devil who was in the way, but when the little devil yelled, the evil dog was upset, and a lightning bolt shot out from his mouth. Before the screams hit the ground, he was struck by black lightning, killing him at that time, and the entire body became charred.
After solving the little devil that was in the way, the vicious dog continued to chase Li Yuanhong and Li Yuanhong. Li Yuanhong would learn to be cunning now. He specially ran to the little demons who were kneeling on the ground. Those little demons were lying on the ground without the permission of Doug Dog. He didn't dare to get up, but Li Yuanhong caught these little demons and threw them at the vicious dog. The vicious dog was angrily and kept spraying lightning and fireballs, killing these obstructive little demons one by one. As a result, the vicious dog turned into an evil dog instead. Li Yuanhong’s accomplice, although Li Yuanhong seems to be chased by a vicious dog, there is nowhere to escape, in fact, the summoned room is not very big. For this vicious dog, it is too small here, it can’t jump up, and it’s impossible to rush forward and back. Being blocked by the surrounding walls, it was more difficult to even turn around, so it was easy for Li Yuanhong to dodge.
The battle lasted for nearly half an hour. Li Yuanhong thought about countermeasures as he ran and fought this vicious dog. He must not be able to beat it. Let alone level suppression, the insoluble weakness is a pit, in the process of dodging. In the middle, Li Yuanhong once hacked this vicious dog's thigh with a war knife. The skin was thick and thick, and it was impossible to break the defense. Only a few dog hairs were cut off.
Li Yuanhong also used a black hole to the vicious dog into the gold black hole, but this guy was too big. When he came out of the summoning space, the vicious dog was stuck in the passageway and squeezed in, especially the three. The dog's head, making its huge body more spacious, it is estimated that even if it is sucked by the black hole, it cannot pass through the small door.
As for other methods, at most, this vicious dog can be injured a little, but this vicious dog's recovery is extremely fast. Small injuries will not hinder the situation at all. If he suffers more damage, he will face great danger. This makes Li Yuanhong It's very headache, I can't keep running forever, and I won't be beaten to death by this vicious dog, and I will be exhausted.
Li Yuanhong ran, suddenly remembering that his Star Blade has a skill called the Seal of Time and Space, which is to seal a certain creature in a space. At the beginning, the Medusa leader was sealed in the space. Now Li Yuanhong Plan to repeat the old trick.
Li Yuanhong jumped abruptly to the side, and then displayed the hourglass time. At this time, the vicious dog was still turning around, ready to continue chasing Li Yuanhong with its paws. At this moment, the vicious dog suddenly felt as if his body was plunged into mud. It is very difficult to turn around, and the surrounding time seems to have fallen into a stagnant state, and the bad dog also feels that his five senses are blocked, which makes the bad dog feel a bit of a bad feeling.
Li Yuanhong displayed the hourglass time, and immediately exerted the power of time and space magic on the blade of stars, activated the time and space sealing magic, and saw a huge black hole suddenly appeared on the ceiling of the room, and many silver chains protruded from the black hole. When these chains were stretched out, they went straight. The three-headed dog walked away and immediately tied the three-headed dog firmly.
At this time, the hourglass time is over. This time the three-headed dog regained its own possession, so it began to struggle. The three heads kept biting, wanting to bite the chain, and bite the chain, but the chain cut their heads. The lower part is all tied up. Although the three-headed dog has three heads, none of the three heads can reach the iron chain on the body, and the vicious dog has been with the iron chain off the ground. Although struggling, it can’t take advantage of it. Slowly dragged, toward the black hole.
However, the three-headed dogs were unwilling to fail. All three heads opened their mouths, squirting magic madly everywhere. At this time, they were not thinking about shooting Li Yuanhong to death, but wanted to kill the human directly.
Li Yuanhong was rushing to dodge the magical attack of the three dog heads at this time, and was almost hit by magic several times. The attack of the three-headed dog is magic. As long as he is hit, he may die, and there is a greater crisis. Spreading.
Although Li Yuanhong dodges the attacking magic, the poisonous fog attack is not enough to avoid it. The poisonous fog continues to spread in a closed room. As long as it is touched by the poisonous fog, no matter what creatures, even those The corpse that had sucked up the blood was immediately invaded by poison gas and slowly decomposed. It can be seen that this poisonous gas is very corrosive. Li Yuanhong didn't want to become those carrion corpses, so he kept moving.
However, as time goes by, the space to move is getting smaller and smaller. Seeing Li Yuanhong is about to be corroded by the poisonous fog, and Li Yuanhong can’t leave this room, because once Li Yuanhong leaves this room, the magic of sealing the space will be Will immediately fail.
Li Yuanhong immediately reached the critical moment of life and death. At this critical moment, the three-headed dog was finally pulled into the sealed space by the silver chain. Li Yuanhong finally breathed a sigh of relief and immediately teleported to the corridor. Although the poisonous fog was spreading to the corridor, there was still a large area in the corridor without poisonous fog.
Li Yuanhong was about to leave the secret room. At this moment, there was a noise outside, as if many people were coming. Li Yuanhong was taken aback. No matter who was outside, Li Yuanhong immediately took out the scroll of return to the city and activated it immediately. A magic portal appeared. In front of myself.
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