: 357th Taiwan Island Monster

As soon as the magic gate appeared, Li Yuanhong immediately walked in. As Li Yuanhong walked into the magic gate, the magic light flashed, and then the air fluctuated like water ripples, then the magic light disappeared, and everything returned to calm again. The whole room seemed to be without Li Yuanhong. People have appeared the same.
Just less than five seconds after Li Yuanhong disappeared, the door was pushed open, and a group of little demons with short forks swarmed in.
Just now a robot broke in and the little devil chased it out. At the same time, they also sent a message to their team, saying that an outsider had entered the secret room. Those little devil squad who were performing tasks outside immediately felt that the situation was urgent, so they sent it. A team of demons returned to help.
Why is such an important summoning ceremony, why the demons only send so few people to guard here? It turns out that the Necromancers and the Hells recently discovered an ancient tomb of prehistoric civilization at the same time. In order to find the ancient artifacts, the Hells sent a team to the ancient tomb to grab the artifacts. So there are so few guards here.
In addition, this summoning ceremony is also a temporary intention. Because the Necromancers struggled for control of the tomb, the progress was not smooth, so they wanted to use the summoning technique to summon stronger combat power. Originally they wanted to summon. He is the deputy of the Hell Demon King, and the Hellfire Fire God is here. If this person is really coming, then only the dragon on the modern earth can live with him, and whether he can win or not is a question.
If Li Yuanhong met, he couldn't even take a trick, and he would be wiped out. Fortunately, Li Yuanhong made trouble during the period, which made the summoning array lack of energy, and even almost failed the summoning, but in the end it was a mismatch, and the three-headed dog was summoned.
At this time, the little demons who came back for help rushed back, and rushed inside as soon as they pushed the door. However, at this time, the whole secret room was full of poisonous gas, and even the corridor was filled with black and green poisonous fog. After entering the door, I didn’t observe, and I plunged into the poisonous mist. This is unfortunate. This poisonous mist can corrode anything. As soon as these little demons touched the poisonous mist, they immediately screamed and kept using their hands. He slapped the corroded place, and the more he slapped, the more severe the corrosion. In the end, a few little demons fell on the ground and kept rolling and couldn't get up anymore.
The team leader behind saw it and stopped immediately: "Stop moving forward!"
The squad leader stopped his squad, staring blankly at the door fell to the ground, had stopped roaring, and had begun to corrode the corpse of the little demon, a chill in his heart.
"What the is going on?" The captain of the little devil wanted to break his head and didn't know what was going on inside. Could there be something wrong with this summoning ceremony? What poison was summoned?
When the team leader was in a daze, the little demon suddenly shouted: "Poisonous fog has come out!"
The shout shocked the team leader. As a black mist was spreading out, the little demon leader hurriedly shouted: "Close the door, close the door quickly."
As the order was given, the door was closed again. This pass was three days long, and the door was opened again when the team leader got the news.
The door was opened, and there was a thick and decayed smell inside. The little demon who fell at the door had long been gone, and he remained in the doorway with a few piles of mud, thick and stinking.
When the little devil entered the room, there were black mud and corroded walls that were invisible to the original shape. Nothing else. No one knew what happened here.
Li Yuanhong did not expect that the poisonous mist released by the three-headed dog would completely wipe out the corpse for himself, but these are not what Li Yuanhong should care about now. He is now standing in front of Li Luoxia, honestly being taken by Li. Luo Xia reprimanded.
"You said you, where did you go? Finally, I took the time to accompany you, and you actually let the fat man lie to me, say you went to Europe for a trip, you lied to ghosts, now Europe is full of zombies, Where are you going to travel! Why don't you let the fat man say that you are on your honeymoon with someone!"
Li Yuanhong listened to Li Luoxia’s complaining, why was there a jealousy in it? He did go to Europe, but instead of traveling, he was going to kill her life. But if he could tell Li Luoxia, he had to comfort her. Said: "Luo Xia, don't be angry, this time I lied to you to be true."
"It's too much love? You won't look for a woman outside, right!" Li Luoxia stared at Li Yuanhong with wide open eyes.
"Luo Xia, this is really wrong. You don't know what kind of person I am. I don't even know how to talk to a girl alone. How can I date a girl? Did you listen to someone cheating? "
Li Luoxia looked at Li Yuanhong up and down three or four times in the appearance of a vice-trial prisoner, before he was considered letting go of Li Yuanhong: "This time, I won’t be held accountable for the time being. Next time, if there are any dangerous actions, you must tell me, don’t get old. Let me worry about you, you know, I didn’t close my eyes last night, for fear that you have some accident, how will I live by then!

As she said, Li Luoxia actually shed tears, which made Li Yuanhong Some are at a loss.
"Okay, I see, don't cry. I didn't tell you because I was afraid that you were worried! I won't be the next time!" Li Yuanhong said, took out a handkerchief, and wanted to wipe Li Luoxia's tears. It turned out that it was a handkerchief, but a change of socks in the space.
Li Luoxia just wanted to take the handkerchief, but a faint smell came over, so Li Luoxia's hand froze there, and then she just returned her pear blossom with rain, and immediately turned into a red pepper: "Li Yuanhong, Did you disgust me with your smelly socks on purpose!"
Li Yuanhong realized that he had taken the wrong one at this time, and quickly threw the stinky socks out: "Luoxia, listen to me, I really didn't mean it..."
So that day Li Yuanhong was fined for kneeling on the bullet platoon (want to kneel on the washboard and keyboard, but unfortunately they are gone, so I can only make do with the bullet platoon).
For the next two days, Li Yuanhong seemed to have lost her soul. Li Luoxia stayed with Li Yuanhong, but the cold face and murderous eyes made the soldiers reporting to Li Yuanhong feel cold behind their backs, as if they were murdering. His eyes will kill himself at any time.
During this hardship, everything was still calm. Li Yuanhong did not notify Europe of obtaining the Demon Code. This made Europeans tremble all day long, for fear that those visitors from would call out a great demon to harm them. They were on guard all day, and didn't even notice the changes that happened to those little demons.
Of course, the source of the danger is lifted. Li Yuanhong is no longer paying attention to the situation in Europe. After all, Li Yuanhong has no ambition to rule the world. It would be good to restore the order of China. Anyone who wants to dominate the world in history will not end well. Li Yuanhong still thinks Enjoy more life, but don't want to end your life.
Now Li Yuanhong pays attention to three directions. One direction is Northwest Xinjiang Province. Since the defeat of the Western Regions Empire, there has been no news. This makes Li Yuanhong very worried. After all, the emperor will command the zombies. If this kind of person stands On the human side, Li Yuanhong felt lucky, but that Emperor Chen stood on the opposite side of humanity.
The second is Yanjing City. Li Yuanhong previously hinted that Commander Wu Xiong would expand out and liberate the land of Qilu, which is an important granary and industrial base, so it must be seized. However, Commander Wu Xiong is not progressing smoothly. It is still near Texas. Heading towards Quancheng, Li Yuanhong didn't have Cui either. After all, the land of Qilu was also a populous province with a lot of zombies.
The third piece is Chongqing City. It has just been taken there. Li Yuanhong will use this as a springboard to attack the Chengdu Plain, but the premise is that the defense of Chongqing City must be done well.
Li Yuanhong dealt with these matters one by one and gave orders one by one, and then Li Yuanhong drew the key points. Now the northwest is still in winter, which is not conducive to combat, so it can be put aside, but Chongqing must hurry up and set off to Chengdu before the end of March. Plains. Otherwise, if you miss the farming season, it is very likely that this year’s crop harvest will be lost. In the last days, food is always one of the most important materials. Whoever wants continuous energy production of food will have the capital to dominate the world.
While processing the file, Li Yuanhong was suddenly attracted by a file and involuntarily let out a "Huh" sound. This made Li Luoxia, who had been supervising Li Yuanhong with cold face for the past two days, also glanced at Li Yuanhong curiously.
The document Li Yuanhong saw was about Taiwan Island. Since ancient times, Taiwan has been an inseparable part of China. Therefore, whether before or after the end of the world, information about Taiwan Island is the focus of the central government's attention. However, in the past, this information was the responsibility of the second chief, so Li Yuanhong has always been responsible for this. I didn't pay attention. Suddenly today, there was information about Taiwan Island in my file, so Li Yuanhong was very puzzled.
This document surprised Li Yuanhong because it mentioned the appearance of a monster on Taiwan Island. The image of the monster was photographed by satellites. It was a big snake with eight heads. This reminded Li Yuanhong of Japanese legends. The great demon Yaqi Orochi.
The big snake in the photo is killing all quarters in a survivor’s village, almost swallowing a survivor in one bite. Behind the big snake, not following a group of people, the one headed, holding a sword in his hand, is commanding this A big snake, obviously this monster beast was commanded by someone, not a wild one.
This is not the point. The point is that the people who command the snakes are wearing Japanese military uniforms and traditional Japanese kimonos. Obviously, these people are not natives of Taiwan Island. They are probably survivors of Japanese Island. How did these people get to Taiwan Island? Up?
Li Yuanhong put down the photo and saw in the folder there was a note with the following sentence: They are all Chinese, if they can be saved, they will be saved. When the foreign enemy is driven away, the brothers will turn back and close the door.
Looking at the notes, Li Yuanhong could see that this was the handwriting of the chief. It seems that the chief sent himself troops to Taiwan Island in order to rescue the survivors.
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