: 364 Li Yuanhong’s Conjecture

It took Li Yuanhong with the soldiers for a day to finally wipe out most of the zombies in the city. Even if some of them slipped through the net, they were not afraid. They cleaned up slowly. There are no survivors in this city. Most of the remaining people have gone to the mountains. So Li Yuanhong has time to slowly clean up the city.
After the battle, Li Yuanhong made a special trip to the community where the Japanese Kamikaze members were located. There was already a mess. There were a lot of zombies, and there were more than a dozen skeletons with only white bones left behind. Many of the team members did not escape.
Li Yuanhong did not feel any sadness for the deaths of these people, but felt that they had died a little too little.
After reading this, Li Yuanhong came to search around again to see if there were any other strongholds like this. Li Yuanhong didn't want to be surrounded by Japanese special agents.
The occupation of the city is just the beginning. The next step is to establish a stronghold, and then find the survivors on the island and the bases of the Japanese.
But there is another thing. Two of the three fleets have already set sail for Dalian Port. They are expected to arrive at Dalian Port in five days. Where, Li Yuanhong wants two more fleets to repair, but Li Yuanhong quietly An order was given to Dalian Port, asking them to quietly transfer an aircraft carrier to the Vladivostok Naval Port, where Li Yuanhong will carry out a brand-new transformation of the aircraft carrier, and then the aircraft carrier will become the real maritime overlord.
With the progress of various things, Li Yuanhong finally found the camp that was destroyed by Yaqi Orochi in the photo. It was a camp near the mountainous area of ​​Taipei. The location of the camp was very good. It was on a hill with all around. There is only one road to the top of the cliff, and the top of the mountain is flat. Some land can be reclaimed. When Li Yuanhong found this camp, there were still green plants growing in the camp. Obviously these plants that have sprouted are in the camp. People, planted.
It's just that the camp is empty at this time, and there are collapsed wooden houses and dead human remains everywhere. Because of the rain here two days ago, the blood on the ground is almost invisible, but the air is still faint. The smell of blood.
"Someone bury these bones. We can't let our compatriots go violently in the wilderness." Li Yuanhong's eyes were slightly red. At this time, Li Yuanhong secretly vowed that Li Yuanhong would avenge these people.
Soon after the camp was cleaned up, Li Yuanhong took a closer look at the camp to confirm why the Japanese attacked the camp. It stands to reason that the camp is not large, with more than 1,000 people, and the materials are not very rich. Large organizations should not see it. Go to their poor supplies here, and Li Yuanhong found a small warehouse in a fallen wooden hut. There is still some food stored here. Although not much, it can provide one or two hundred people for nearly ten days. The supplies have been made, but these supplies have not been moved.
"Guard, what do you think these people do for looting this camp?" Li Yuanhong asked the guard beside him while checking.
"I don't think these people are for supplies. If it is for supplies, then it is impossible for them not to take away the food, and it is spring. If they are short of food, this is the time when food is most scarce." The guard analyzed.
"Then what do you think they do for?"
"I think they are for people. Brother Li, you see, these dead bones are framed together, and there are less than 20 people. Even if you are eaten by those eight-headed monsters, at most There are about a hundred casualties, but there are nearly a thousand people here. Where are the remaining people? I guess they looted them." The guard said.
"Not bad, it seems that your analytical skills are getting stronger now." Li Yuanhong praised.
"Hahaha, this is after following Brother Li for a long time, so I will naturally learn it." The guard scratched his head with some embarrassment.
"Then you are analyzing, what are the Japanese doing to plunder these people?" Li Yuanhong said.
"What else can you do? It's nothing more than two purposes. Men arrested as slaves and worked for them. Women, beautiful, would be playthings for them. If they were not beautiful, they would just end up with men!" The guard was confident Tao.
Li Yuanhong did not say at this time whether the guard guessed right or wrong, but said a little lostly: "I hope so!"
"Why, Brother Li? Are there other uses for those little Japanese arresting people? Can't they eat people!" The guard was also taken aback by his own guessing. People from a country become cannibals. Big trouble.
"That's not enough. Although these people are cruel, they have not yet reached the point of cannibalism, but if I guess it is correct, they may arrest the survivors for experimentation." Li Yuanhong said.
"Do an experiment? What experiment?"
"Living test. When I competed with a Japanese squad leader, he said that they still can't control high-level zombies. This time we played Dayuan City. There was no high-level zombies in the city. This shows that all the high-level zombies are dead. Now, I have been wondering, how did they accurately erase those high-level zombies?" Li Yuanhong asked, then stopped, as if lost in thought.
"Then how did they erase it?" The guard obviously knew that Li Yuanhong had guessed, so he wanted to know the answer.
"At first I thought they had developed some advanced weapon that could kill the zombies and kill the leader of the corpse, like searching for something. Then I thought, this is unlikely. If there were such a weapon, when I explored the camp of the Kamikaze team, I won’t miss it."

"There is another possibility that they secretly assassinated the zombies. But there is another question, that is, how do the assassins enter the corpse without being discovered? You have stealth skills, can you do this?" Li Yuanhong asked the guard.
"I can't!" The guard shook his head helplessly.
"Neither can I!" Li Yuanhong said with a smile.
"Hehe, I thought Brother Li could do it!" The guard looked at Li Yuanhong with a smirk.
"Don’t be poor with me. I mean, neither of us can sneak into the corpse group to kill those high-level zombies. I believe they can’t. The most important thing is that they don’t just kill a zombie. But hundreds of them. If they kill one zombie every time they kill one person, then their people will be dead long ago. Therefore, they must use them to reuse them, and they can come and go freely among the zombies. What do you say is such a weapon?" Li Yuanhong would look at the guard with a smirk.
"Wait, Brother Li, is there really such a weapon in the world? It's not what you imagined!"
"Yes, there must be, and those little Japan have done it, I guess what kind of weapon it is." Li Yuanhong said.
"What weapon?"
"Zombie weapons!" Li Yuanhong said.
"Zombie weapons? I heard about it one more time. By the way, what does that zombie weapon have to do with arresting people?" The guard suddenly remembered this question.
"The research on zombie weapons is definitely inseparable from zombies. This requires a deep understanding of zombies. For example, what changes do humans have when they become zombies, how do zombies communicate, how do giant zombies command ordinary zombies, etc. For these problems, zombies are needed, but catching human survivors, transforming zombies, and then comparing and analyzing them must be a part of them." Li Yuanhong said.
"Ah? How did you know, Brother Li?" The guard was very surprised by Li Yuanhong's knowledge.
"Because I also thought about using zombie weapons at the beginning, but they were rejected by Dr. Bai. One of their reasons for jumping was that zombie weapons require a lot of living tests. That is an indispensable step and I will never escape, so I He and Dr. Bai unanimously rejected this research plan." Li Yuanhong said.
"Oh, that's the case, just because they can kill the evolved species among the zombies, so Brother Li, you guessed that these Japanese were using zombie weapons?" the guard asked.
"Not only that, these people can also control ordinary zombies, which shows that they have in-depth research on the brain waves of ordinary zombies, so they developed this stuff, and high-level evolutionary zombies need to go to the corpse group. Catch, the chance of being transformed by a living person is very small, so they have not yet worked out how to control these evolutionary zombies. This is also the basis for my guess."
"Then Brother Li, do you mean that those arrested are dead?"
"It's still hard to say, so we must find those Japanese lairs as soon as possible to rescue those people. In addition, if we give those Japanese people some more time, they may master the methods of controlling high-level zombies. Then they will dominate the world. It’s impossible to say that his ambition will come true." Li Yuanhong said.
"Then Brother Li, how do we find them?"
"I have asked Commander Fu Chuanzhi to send a submarine to monitor the sea route between Taiwan Island and Japan Island. Once a ship passes by, I will record their landing point. I think their base camp is still somewhere in Japan Island, but Taiwan Island There are their sub-bases." Li Yuanhong said.
"Brother Li, you said they didn't stay honestly on their island. Why did they come to Taiwan?"
"I think it was their Japanese island nuclear radiation trouble. The radiation on their island is too strong, and more zombies mutate, so they can't control the zombies on their island, you forgot, the small Japanese island, but There is a population of more than one billion, and the mutant zombies there account for nearly one-third of the number. They are there, and they are in danger of being killed at any time. It is strange that they don't want to run outside."
"Hahaha, it's really self-inflicted!" The guard laughed heartily.
When Li Yuanhong and the guards analyzed the movements of the Japanese, a small cargo ship set off from Kume Island, a subsidiary island of Okinawa, and sailed towards Taiwan Island.
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