: 373rd Underwater Tomb

Li Yuanhong did not expect that he had just got less than three meters inside, and the school of fish behind chased up and was even more crazy this time. It turns out that Li Yuanhong just killed a golden-thread fish, and the blood of the fish was scattered, and the blood was irritating. The fish school has become crazy.
Now Li Yuanhong is going to be unlucky. A few more fish bit Li Yuanhong’s leg. Although they did not bite, the fish teeth have pierced Li Yuanhong’s skin. The slight tingling reminds Li Yuanhong that he is about to be fished. The group was divided.
Li Yuanhong hurriedly turned around with another dagger, and decapitated a few small fishes, but more fish flocked to him. Helplessly, Li Yuanhong could only step up his dagger and chop the small fishes that rushed over. Killing, but the heavier aura attracted more fish schools and made the fish schools in front of them even more crazy.
And Li Yuanhong also had a bad discovery. A dagger that can be easily swung on the ground, in the water, every swipe requires several times more effort than on the ground, and the speed is also much slower. From time to time, the fish got into Li Yuanhong's defensive gap and gave Li Yuanhong a few mouthfuls, which made Li Yuanhong even more concerned about one and the other.
Fortunately, some fish were attracted by the fish killed by Li Yuanhong. These fish were tearing the dead fish carcasses in front of Li Yuanhong, as if they were telling Li Yuanhong that you were the one to be eaten next.
Li Yuanhong knew that this would definitely not work, even if he was more powerful, it was underwater after all, and his oxygen would be exhausted sooner or later, and once those fish bite the oxygen tube behind him, he would explain here in advance.
So Li Yuanhong quickly filtered the weapons in his hands to see which weapons could help him.
Robots are definitely not good anymore. These things have one characteristic, they are afraid of water. After all, they are combat weapons on land and are not waterproofed.
Grenades and lightning can be used, but the lake water is conductive. Throwing grenade by yourself and frying fish, you can't run away at the same time. This is definitely not good. Flash grenade is useless to fish, PASS. Flame grenade? This is in water, so it's strange that the flame can burn.
After thinking about it, Li Yuanhong suddenly remembered the chili grenade that he had asked Dr. Bai to make for himself before. That thing should work. The reason why fish is so sensitive to the smell of blood is that it has a good sense of smell. A good sense of smell is both an advantage and a disadvantage. A slightly stronger pungent smell may kill them.
So Li Yuanhong quickly took out a grenade from the space, pulled it on a small hook on his waist, opened the grip of the grenade, and then threw the grenade into the school of fish.
With a faint explosion sound, a thick red color spread in the water. Of course, the red color was not blood, but pepper powder spreading in the water.
The school of fish that had just rushed to Li Yuanhong immediately became confused. What was the stimulus to the fish statues, they fled away, for fear that the fishes surrounding the center of the explosion would face the red liquid directly. Turned over.
Seeing that the pepper grenade was useful, Li Yuanhong immediately pulled another one and threw it into the school of fish, allowing the pepper powder to completely seal the hole, making the fish afraid to approach the cave for half a step.
Of course, Li Yuanhong did not cast more. After all, this mutant pepper has not been successfully cultivated. The pepper grenade in Li Yuanhong's hand is one less. Now the pepper water has sealed the hole to Li Yuanhong and there is no need to waste more pepper grenade. Up.
After dispelling these mutated piranhas, Li Yuanhong did not expect that one day he would be chased by these little fishes, and there was almost no way to escape. There were also a few small fishes that were stunned by the hot peppers, constantly twitching on the ground. Without saying anything, Li Yuanhong collected all these fish into the space, and he also charged some interest.
Getting rid of the small fish, Li Yuanhong went all the way to the depths of the cave. He didn’t know how the tomb was built here, how the ancients buried the tomb under the water. There was no such thing as a water pump at that time, which could give the lake water. It's drained, and it is understood that this lake is a spring water. The spring water is constantly gushing from the ground. What pumping mechanism can drain the lake?
Li Yuanhong swam for about ten minutes before swimming to the end of the passage. There was an upward passage, so Li Yuanhong went upstream. Soon, he reached a lake. The exit here connects to a lower hall. Here Li Yuanhong heard the sound of running water. , Li Yuanhong went ashore, took off his wetsuit, put the wetsuit into the space, then took out a high-power flashlight, and looked around. Li Yuanhong found that it was a huge cavity, and the sound of running water was water flowing from the lake. I don't know where it is going. Anyway, the overflowing water from this lake will definitely not be able to submerge the underground cavity. No matter how much water it is, it will be absorbed by the underground river and flow to an unknown place.
And around the cave, Li Yuanhong found many signs of artificiality. Obviously, this underground cave was not formed naturally, or in other words, it was not formed naturally, but artificial in it, especially the river flowing underground. There are obvious signs of manual excavation.
Li Yuanhong listened carefully. Below this drainage channel, there was a stronger sound of water. Obviously, this drainage channel connected to the underground river below. It seems that the ancients did not know how to find the underground water channel and regarded the underground water channel as Drain pipes to ensure that the catacombs will not be flooded by overflowing lake water.
Li Yuanhong looked around and finally found a stone gate not far from the water outlet. When Li Yuanhong came to Shimen, he found that the stone gate was more than five meters high and three meters wide. If this stone gate was before the end of the world, he wouldn't be able to push it at all. But now, Li Yuanhong can try it.
So Li Yuanhong wrestled with his feet, leaned his shoulders on the stone gate, and said "Ah", his cheeks rose red, but the stone gate did not move.
"Huh? No, why can't you push this door?" Li Yuanhong stood up straight in embarrassment. Fortunately, there were no other people around. Otherwise, he would have to be laughed at just now.
I couldn’t push it open, and Li Yuanhong didn’t compete with the gate in this respect. So Li Yuanhong walked along the gate and looked around carefully. The ancients didn’t say that there was no tomb robbery. Many important people’s tombs can go in and out freely for future generations to sacrifice. Paying respects, this gate has been built so large, and it has an effect in this regard.
So Li Yuanhong looked around and finally saw a winch in an inconspicuous place. The winch is made of pure stone, but the wood used to make the handle on the winch has long been rusted.
But this is not troublesome for Li Yuanhong. Li Yuanhong's space is full of miscellaneous things. Just find a thicker iron rod and solve this problem.
Li Yuanhong stirred the winch very vigorously. The winch of thousands of years ago was still able to move. He heard the winch "squeak", slowly the winch was twisted, and soon the sound of the chain came from below. Li Yuanhong didn't know what kind of chain it was. You know, in ancient times, there was no such thing as iron. Could it be a copper chain?
Li Yuanhong didn’t struggle for long. Just when Li Yuanhong was twisting the winch, the closed door slowly opened. What embarrassed Li Yuanhong that the door turned out to open. No wonder the door didn’t move. I got the wrong direction to open the door.
In fact, this is not to blame Li Yuanhong, there is no brass ring or guarding outside the gate, and he can't pull it at all.
As the gate opened, when the gate hit the maximum, the winch clicked to the end.
Only then did Li Yuanhong let go, and found that the winch did not go back automatically, and then walked safely into Shimen.
When entering the gate, Li Yuanhong found a yong road, one extending inward, and the stone paving the yong road is also the kind of huge stone. The yong road that no one has stepped on for thousands of years has not appeared much. Li Yuanhong actually saw a lot of stone lamps on both sides of the Yonglu. These lamps were actually on. This surprised Li Yuanhong. Li Yuanhong once heard that there were immortal lamps in the tombs of ancient people. Mermaid fat is refined. At the beginning, Li Yuanhong had seen such a lamp in the tomb of Emperor Qin Shihuang, and here Li Yuanhong had seen this kind of lamp again, and here is not just one lamp, but two rows, is it the mermaid oil that was immortal in ancient times? , So worthless?
Along the Yong Road, Li Yuanhong did not see the legendary anti-theft measures, but Li Yuanhong still dare not care. Li Yuanhong walked along the Yong Road and came to a stone house. It was not so much a house as a temple. In front of the temple, there was a huge bronze tripod. The shape of that tripod was very strange. Li Yuanhong had seen Fang Ding before. It is also a Fang Ding, but the lines on this Fang Ding are not cloud symbols, nor other auspicious lines, but are filled with all kinds of terrifying grimace symbols, and there is a Ding ear on each side of the Fang Ding. These two Ding Ears are also in the shape of scary ghost heads, and the big mouths form Ding Ears earrings.
"It's a terrifying big tripod. If you want to come here, this is the ghost tripod. This pattern is so realistic. It's really scary when placed in the ground of this black hole!" Li Yuanhong sighed.
Li Yuanhong went around the big tripod and walked to the huge temple.
This temple is the kind of traditional temple, not the Buddhist temple style that came from India. The temple is very simple and simple. There is no tedious carved beams and paintings, and no gold bricks and yellow tiles. There are only huge stones and stone pillars. I don’t know how the ancients were. Transport these huge stones here, and then how to use these stones to build such a huge temple.
Li Yuanhong can only lament the wisdom of the ancients. With the passage of time, many of the wisdoms of the ancients have disappeared in the long river of history. However, Li Yuanhong is not an archaeologist and does not care about the wisdom of the ancients. He just wants to obtain the dragon sword, so he strides forward. Temple gate.
As a result, here is another huge stone gate, blocking the way.
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