: Chapter 447: Battle of the Demon City 8

As the guard's grenades exploded, a hundred grenades were thrown down one after another, and soon exploded among the zombies. The zombies that rushed to the front were enveloped in red smoke.
If the pepper grenade explodes on a sunny day, or explodes in a narrow enclosed space, this grenade is enough to make these charging zombies lose their combat effectiveness, but today is a rainy day, and it is in an open area. The wind and humid air reduce the power of the grenade. Many, this makes many zombies just feel dizzy and swollen from choking. They are not so comfortable from the inside out, but they have never reached the point of losing their combat effectiveness. So in order to get rid of the shroud of the red fog area, the giant zombies speeded up their pace and took the lead The troops rushed to the human position.
The guard did not expect that the pepper grenade had not reached the overdue effect, and could only take the lead to jump out of the trench: "Brothers, let me charge!"
After speaking, the guard rushed to a giant zombie first.
The one hundred soldiers behind the guards also jumped out of the trenches and killed them in front of the corpses. Every soldier roared, hoping to suppress the momentum of the zombies.
And the giant zombies who just rushed out of the fog area did not expect that humans would dare to confront them, and the angry giant zombies also roared and rushed towards humans.
In an instant, the guard and the giant zombies collided together. The fierce collision expected by the giant zombies did not happen. When the guard and the giant zombies collided, suddenly there was a net in front of the guard, a big net made of dark elements, The earth-based giant zombies are covered inside, and the fists that the giant zombies have stretched out are surrounded by net bags.
The guard took this opportunity to bypass the side of the giant zombie, and use the dagger to cut the head of the giant zombie. However, although the dagger stabbed on the head of the giant zombie, it never penetrated.
When the guard was fighting the giant zombies, the soldiers behind the guard also collided with the group of zombies. However, the soldiers did not have the good luck of the guards. Just after the collision, more than a dozen soldiers were knocked out. Fortunately, the strength of the zombies being smoked by the chili bomb was greatly reduced at this time, otherwise these ten fighters might not be hit by the collision this time.
The two sides fought together, and the human beings had a tie with the zombies by relying on their agility and fighting spirit. But the guard understood that if he had been fighting with the zombies for a long time, he would definitely not be able to withstand it. Moreover, some of the zombies behind had already broken through the barriers of the special forces and rushed into the human defense line. Several soldiers were given by the mutant zombies. Kill, fortunately, the zombies that rushed in lost the magical protection of giant zombies, so they were quickly killed by dense bullets, otherwise there would be more casualties.
Although the guard saw that his troops had suffered losses, he could not get out of the rescue. At this time, his dagger could not break through the defenses of the giant zombies. He could only use the skill "Shadow Net" he learned to trap the zombies. But over time, giant zombies may get out of trouble.
The more the guards fought, the more they felt the situation was urgent. Seeing that the soldiers around them were knocked down by the zombies one by one, and more and more zombies rushed into the position, even under the cover of the zombies, the magic light of the ability zombies appeared at the foot of the mountain, obviously the corpse group planned Full-scale offensive, the human defense line, has reached a precarious point.
At this moment, in the distance at night, there was a sudden "rumbling" explosion. But on the battlefield where the fighting was fierce, neither of the warring parties noticed the explosion. The guards still struggled with the giant zombie, but the other zombie had already begun to press against the position, if it weren’t for three fighters at the same time. With the metal giant zombies, I am afraid that the human position has been lost at this time.
Zombies are still rushing to the top of the mountain. However, under the cover of night, the entire magic capital is being surrounded by floods. With the cover of night, the floods swept from south to north. The huge waves are extremely fierce. , Sweeping everything, the zombies that rushed to the streets before they understood what was going on, they were caught in the huge waves, a few ups and downs, and they were gone.
The group of zombies that were besieging Tianma Mountain did not escape the flood, and the flood did not know how many pieces of wood and stones were mixed in. They directly turned those ordinary zombies into a daze, and then were swept away by the huge wave, and disappeared. .
The group of corpses was suddenly hit by such a blow, making the giant zombies that were charging for a moment. The biggest advantage of zombies was their number and physical strength, but now their support troops have almost been washed away by the flood, and now only this mountain is left. Of the ten to twenty thousand zombies, the two giant zombies really have no confidence to break through human defenses.
And just now, the two giant zombies seemed to have lost the leader's signal, which made them feel that the leader was dead, but this feeling can only be a guess, they all know the leader's ability, and it is almost impossible for humans to kill him alone. If it was an attack by a large human group, there was no sound of fighting in the city.
Just as the two giant zombies were stunned, the hand cannon on the guard's arm was recharged again. This time the guard directly aimed the hand cannon at the head of the giant zombie trapped by the net rope. A bright light made some of the giant zombies absent. , Was hit directly, and instantly his head was penetrated by white light. Before the giant zombies even had time to roar, they thumped and fell to the ground.
Another giant zombie suddenly saw his companion fall down, and fired a few metal magic arrows at the fighters who were besieging him, pushing the special forces back, then roared, turned and ran.
When a few soldiers came back to their senses, they wanted to chase the giant zombie, but the road was blocked by those mutant zombies. The soldiers could only watch the giant zombie run down the mountain.
When the giant zombies came to the bottom of the mountain, the wave of the flood had passed. Although there was still water flowing, the depth of the water had dropped a lot. The giant zombies could use their height advantages to smoothly wading through the river and flee to the magic city.
As the giant zombies fled, the remaining zombies lost their command, and the offensive was immediately slowed down. The guards took advantage of this gap and immediately organized a counterattack to clean up the zombies approaching the position, and the position was restored. Safety.
But in less than half an hour’s zombies’ impact, the special forces team members lost nearly 40%. The ordinary soldiers in the position also suffered one or two hundred casualties. Although the losses were great, the guards did not dare to stop and continue to organize. The firepower cleared away the zombies still wandering on the hillside, which allowed the soldiers to take turns to rest.
After a night of fierce battle, the dawn sun finally illuminates the earth, and at the same time clears the thick cloud and rain atmosphere.
However, overnight, the whole demon changed. The streets that were still seen in the past are now covered by mud. Most of the old cars are overturned, and there are zombies scattered everywhere, even some zombies. Hang on the branch. There are no more zombies walking around in the streets of the city.
This time, the zombies suffered heavy losses. The group of corpses that attacked Tianma Mountain had already reached more than ten million. In the end, due to the sudden death of the giant zombie leader, many uncontrolled zombies also wandered into the streets, but they were also The flood swept away, so this time the zombie loss is estimated to be at least 20 million.
The death of these zombies is not the main thing. The death of the giant zombies led the zombies in the entire city to lose their command. Therefore, when humans attacked again three days later, the corpses were like ants that saw plump bugs, pouring out of their nests and attacking. The human position came, but under the dual attacks of artillery and machine guns, most of the corpses in the city were quickly wiped out one by one. The few zombies left were no longer a threat to Li Yuanhong’s team. They are all returned to human hands.
As humans regained the magic capital, the clean-up work began. Although the magic capital was filled with water, most of the valuable things were stacked indoors, so there was not much loss of this part of the materials, but Li Yuanhong was more distressed by those The corpses of the zombies that rushed into the river and the sea were all high-level crystal nuclei. If Li Yuanhong had three heads and six arms, he would definitely go down to the river to fish up all the corpses that were washed away.
While Li Yuanhong was checking the report of the harvest, the guard came in: "Brother Li, this is the amount of gold cleared by the banks of the Magic City, as well as the amount of gold jewelry in each mall."
Li Yuanhong took the report and read it: "Good job!"
The guard was a little embarrassed by Li Yuanhong's praise, but the guard suddenly remembered a question: "Brother Li, we fought with zombies that day, why didn't we release the flood during the day, but at night?"
Li Yuanhong's eyes rose from the report and looked at the guards: "We release the flood, hoping to use the water to kill more zombies. In the daytime, although the zombies chase us, the number is not many, even if it increases later. Some zombies were sent, at most millions, which could not affect the number of corpses in the entire Demon Capital. This kind of painless attack will not help our subsequent attacks."
"Therefore, we need to find a way to lead more zombies out of the building. If we fight with zombies for a long time without any progress, zombies will definitely send more zombies to help out, and the night is the home of zombies, so they Even more unscrupulous."
"In addition, when the flood swept over at night, only the sound could be heard. The zombies did not notice that the flood was coming. They could only vaguely hear the rumble of water. When they found the water level was rising, when the flood came, they could no longer avoid it. ."
Li Yuanhong systematically analyzed the benefits of the night attack, and only then did the guards understand why Li Yuanhong struggled to support it until midnight before releasing the water to attack the zombies.
Although Li Yuanhong had captured the magic capital, Li Yuanhong had been worrying about it many times. The guard asked about it many times, but Li Yuanhong did not say anything. Instead, he speeded up the attack. In short, the guard felt that Li Yuanhong was in a hurry, as if something was pressing him. However, in just one month, Li Yuanhong regained more than a dozen small and medium-sized cities near the magic capital. Seeing the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, he was about to return to human hands.
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