: 460th Festival Target Africa

"Oh? Did your kid tease me something good?" Dr. Bai was very strange, but he knew that Li Yuanhong was not on the front line recently, but did not know where he went. Could there be any special products where Li Yuanhong went?
"Look, this is the special product I brought to you and Dr. Yuan." With that, Li Yuanhong took out a jar of wine from the space. This was Li Yuanhong obtained from the caveman’s wine cellar. I have to say, this The wine brewed with underground plants has a special flavor, and this wine has special effects on rheumatism.
When Li Yuanhong took out the wine, he immediately attracted the attention of Dr. Bai, especially the aroma of the wine from the bottle, which immediately attracted Dr. Bai's wine bug.
Seeing Dr. Bai’s greedy look, Li Yuanhong felt as if, anyway, people are as old as a urchin, this is true. The tempers sometimes revealed by Dr. Bai and Dr. Yuan are no different from that of a little urchin.
"Don't worry, I still have a lot of them, all of them are for you, don't worry." Li Yuanhong smiled.
"Haha, it's Li Xiaozi knows that he cares for my old man." Bai Lao said, holding the wine in his arms and never let go.
"That is, to get good things, the first thing I think of is your old man." Li Yuanhong flattered.
"Stop fooling my old man, let's talk, what are you doing today?"
"No, the chief said, the poor brothers in the small African countries were bullied by aliens, and asked me to help out, but you don’t know that the aliens in Africa are all buggers, and they are all poisonous bugs. , I'm not looking for your help here, to see if there are any weapons to deal with." Li Yuanhong said.
"Oh? Fighting bugs?" Dr. Bai was taken aback. This bug was the best and most difficult creature to deal with in the world.
I think that there was a locust disaster in Africa that year. The number of locusts exceeded 100 million. The army of locusts attacked the farmland from Africa to Asia. Various countries went all out and thought of many ways, but they couldn’t take this too much. What about the little guy? In the end, they almost ate the food of many countries.
This is still locusts only eating plants and not meat. If like now, after many insects mutate, they not only eat plants, but also start to eat meat. Think about the overwhelming locusts. If they start to eat meat, then where they have gone. , There must be no living people anymore, that little thing just got caught up in the front.
"This insect is not easy to deal with. I don't have any special weapons here, but I think this insect should be the same as before the end of the world. I am afraid of two things, one is insecticide, the other is fire, which kills insects. You should go to Dr. Han. As for the fire, I have several improved grenades here, especially the flame grenade. I have replaced it with a high-level magic spell, called the flame grenade. This flame grenade can instantly transform twenty-eight ninety-nine Ordinary zombies of grade level are directly burned to fly ash. I think those bugs that are not well-defended can not withstand the bombing of this grenade." Dr. Bai said.
"Okay, great, I don't know if the other grenades have been improved?" Li Yuanhong asked.
"What? Not enough flame grenade?"
"Dr. Bai, you don't know, these bugs are evolving strangely now. Some bugs are not afraid of fire, but water or ice, so we are prepared." Li Yuanhong said.
"Really? There are such strange bugs?" Dr. Bai became curious.
If I said that insects are not afraid of fire before, Li Yuanhong would not believe it, but during this underground trip, Li Yuanhong saw a kind of insect on the edge of the magma river. The whole body is red, like a centipede, and it can breathe fire. The most important thing is Yes, this kind of bug feeds on magma, but this kind of bug will explode as soon as it touches water. Fortunately, this kind of bug is not ferocious or aggressive. Otherwise, the overwhelming bug crawls out of the magma river, Li Yuanhong can't imagine that What is the situation like.
After listening to Li Yuanhong’s introduction, Dr. Bai took out several improved grenades. The flash grenades were upgraded to sunburst grenades, the ice grenades became ice-bound grenades, and the newly developed shock wave grenades and water waterfall grenades, a total of five These are all weapons of mass destruction. They are the most suitable for dealing with insects, which are small, but numerous and dense.
Of course, grenade alone is not enough. Li Yuanhong and Dr. Bai also asked for a few mass injury weapons such as flamethrowers, but these are modified weapons, instead of using original gasoline fuel, they use crystal cores as energy sources. It is driven and has a built-in magic array. It gathers energy by absorbing the magic elements around the air, and then sprays it. This weapon has strict environmental requirements. However, the African desert where Li Yuanhong is going is very dense with fire elements, so don’t worry about being unable to use it. The problem.
Saying goodbye to Dr. Bai, Li Yuanhong made a special trip to Dr. Han’s laboratory and asked for a lot of new pesticides, as well as the newly developed super chili bomb. This chili bomb is dried and ground powder from the heart of chili. Filling, its spiciness is dozens of times more spicy than ordinary chili froth, a little powder can make a mutant elephant kneel on the spot, not to mention a grenade, it is estimated that a creature below level 35 cannot resist its hot smell .
Everything was ready. Li Yuanhong talked with the head again to learn about the current situation in Africa. By the way, he learned about the relationship between African countries and China. Li Yuanhong did not want to be the wrong person. Historically, China has helped other countries, but among them There are a lot of white-eyed wolves, not only stabbing Huaxia knives in the back, but also stealing the territory with Huaxia overtly and secretly. In such a country, Li Yuanhong wants to let zombies exterminate them.
This time he went to the desert. Li Yuanhong was only doing the preliminary preparations. If he really wiped out the alien base, Li Yuanhong hadn't thought about it. It would be especially important to choose a good place to stay.
Originally, Li Yuanhong wanted to ask Dr. Yuan what was going on with his research on the suspended aircraft carrier, but Li Yuanhong was very disappointed. It will take at least two months to complete. It seems that this long journey can only rely on fleet and aircraft. .
Originally, Li Yuanhong wanted to fly directly to Africa. Later, the chief said: "Going to Africa is not just a matter of fighting a few battles. You have to build some bases where you can help people there, so that you can be stable with the people there. People’s connections and friendship need to be cultivated slowly, and one or two people with kindness are not enough."
Although this sentence sounds simple, Li Yuanhong knew that it was not easy to do so, so Li Yuanhong had to take a fleet with him.
In fact, Li Yuanhong didn't know that the chief asked him to take the fleet out to sea, just to show Lao Mei, your hands can reach into the Asia-Pacific region, and our feet can also go out.
However, since the island of Taiwan was taken back, the US fleet can only wander off the island of Taiwan. Entering the Taiwan Strait, the United States does not have so much confidence now. More importantly, after the United States regained the Okinawa naval base last time. , There is no further action to regain the main island of Japan. The main island of Japan must have become the worst-hit area for zombies. The level of zombies there is significantly higher than that of the zombies on the mainland. The most important thing is that the nuclear radiation on the main island of Japan has exceeded the standard and mutated The ratio is also significantly higher than that of the mainland. More than 90% of the zombies are mutated, and the mutated species is also higher than that of the mainland. There is a mutant zombie like a toad. When he attacks the target, a water bomb flies out with a mouth. The distance can reach as far as one kilometer. Once an American reconnaissance plane was carrying out reconnaissance, it was almost hit by this kind of zombie attack, so that the American reconnaissance plane never dared to approach Japan for half a step.
The fleet went to sea, and dozens of ships roamed the sea mightily. Just after sailing out of Taiwan Island, a few ships appeared not far away, and they followed far away. Li Yuanhong knew that this was sent by the US fleet without looking. As a reconnaissance vessel, the aircraft carrier Li Yuanhong is currently riding on is the latest model of China before the end of the world, but it is not built with the latest technology. It can only be ranked in the upper middle and upper reaches of the aircraft carrier. After all, the time that China has accumulated is too short to be impossible. One bite to become fat, a little bit of research and development of good technology, and then a little bit of application, just like the chairman said: seize the day. As long as we make progress every day, sooner or later there will be a day to surpass.
The sea is quiet, and the sea is also lively. If it were before the end of the world, this long journey might only take more than ten days. But now, the calm sea on the surface contains many risks. The creatures in the deep sea were absolutely very Less come out, but today, Li Yuanhong encountered two deep-sea giant badges on the sea. Fortunately, these two octopuses only showed their heads, and they were scared away by the huge whale chasing after them. Otherwise, the two octopuses would definitely be able to A supply ship was pulled into the sea.
Due to the increasing danger on the sea, Li Yuanhong had to slow down his sailing speed, and only after 20 days of sailing did he reach the coast of Africa.
The landing place Li Yuanhong chose was Hurghada, Egypt. This is a traditional port and a tourist attraction in Egypt before the end. It is known as half sea water and half desert. The most important thing is that there is an airport. Once you seize the control right here, the future link with China on the mainland can be completed by plane instead of relying on slow-moving ships.
Looking at the harbor from afar, the sky is still blue, and the water is still azure blue, but the busy and bustling harbor in the past, but now it has become unusually quiet, because it is daytime, not even a zombie can be seen on the street.
This is the case in the desert. Even at the seaside, as long as it is daytime, the scorching sun will squeeze out every minute of water in the body. Zombies can eat or drink water, but once the body loses too much water , He will also become extremely vulnerable. Therefore, the zombies in the desert will find a place to hide themselves during the day, and will only come out at night.
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