: The 469th Festival

After Li Yuanhong and Kandumu reached an agreement, Kandumu brought some people who were willing to come out to work. Only after these came out did they know how good Li Yuanhong’s so-called grain trade was. Not only did they work well. They are safe, and they are full, and even have extra food to bring to their families. The most important thing is that there is meat in their meals. This kind of life makes them feel that they have come from to heaven. Of course, they Now the physical strength is very poor, and the wood and stones that can be collected a day are limited, so they don’t have a lot of food to exchange.
Li Yuanhong's principle is that all labor income must be linked to output. There are no idlers and lazy people here, and only those who are willing to work can be rewarded.
With Kandumu's leadership, coupled with a reasonable labor compensation mechanism, soon all those who could work in the camp began to work for Li Yuanhong, and under the leadership of Kandumu, the people in the surrounding survivor camps also Joining Li Yuanhong’s labor force, and more importantly, Li Yuanhong also provided protection for these camps. Those who took people into slavery or returned to the cannibal tribe were taken down by Li Yuanhong and completely erased. , Li Yuanhong didn't want any hidden dangers around him.
With the accumulation of materials, Li Yuanhong’s supplies for the base fortress were finally reached. Soon Li Yuanhong successfully upgraded the base to level 15. Because the materials that are still at a higher level need to be shipped from the country, so continue to upgrade. I have waited for a while, and now Li Yuanhong has gathered more than two thousand survivors. Let these people go to logging and quarrying. Some of them were wasted. So Li Yuanhong began to open up the base’s supporting production facilities and began to recruit farmers and livestock keepers, Li Yuanhong But I don’t want to always deliver supplies here. It must be self-sufficient for long-term development.
However, Li Yuanhong did not expect that in the process of upgrading the walled city, the energy field emitted from the inner core of the walled city base attracted the attention of the mummies.
"Your Majesty Thutmose, our scorpion army on the east coast suddenly lost contact ten days ago." A mummy was reporting to the Pharaoh's hall sitting on the Pharaoh's Hall.
"What? That's tens of thousands of troops, how could it suddenly disappear? Did you send someone to check for the reason?"
Pharaoh Thutmose forty-six is ​​a direct descendant of the famous Pharaoh Thutmose in Egyptian history. At the beginning, a branch of Thutmose went through the portal with the so-called tribe of the sun god. The realm is actually a foreign land, so when Pharaoh Thutmose's rule on the earth ends, their foreign rule is still going on, and they have also developed a god's army.
"Encourage your Majesty Pharaoh, we went to check it, but the Scorpion Army station was empty, but we found strong energy fluctuations nearby. We came near the energy source and found a fortress that was heavily guarded and we couldn't get close. "The Mummy Hui reports.
"Who would dare to build a walled city in the sacred Pharaoh's territory?" Pharaoh asked angrily.
"Enlighten Pharaoh, it's human!"
"Hmph, lowly humans dare to touch the great pharaoh, you order Anubis to lead the army of undead worms to destroy these inferior humans who have violated the gods."
"Yes, Your Majesty Pharaoh!" The mummy went down to pass the order.
The next day, an army of one million undead insects, led by the Abinu kobolds, marched towards Li Yuanhong’s systematic city wall. Of course, it didn’t take long for this team to set off. It was detected by Li Yuanhong's troops. After all, Li Yuanhong paid close attention to the pyramid near Cairo every day, which was the nest of aliens.
"What kind of creature is this?" Looking at the huge insects crawling all over the floor, Li Yuanhong felt a numbness. These insects are black, and they look a bit like a Chinese dung shell. The outer shell showed a black gem-like luster, and black mist was faintly visible around him from time to time. Each insect was more than a meter long, and the huge tongs showed his power to the world.
There is also the leader, who is more than three meters tall and possesses explosive muscles, but he has no choice but to have a black dog head and a human body, riding on a huge scorpion, a golden giant scorpion more than three meters long. He held a huge sickle in his hand, like the sickle held by the of death. This shape reminded Li Yuanhong of Anubis who had seen the introduction of ancient Egyptian mythology.
Li Yuanhong knew from the pictures that this unit was not easy to deal with, especially the leader of this unit. Although he didn't see what he was, Li Yuanhong also felt that this unit was full of death from the photos.
"Commander-in-chief, I suggest that we directly use airplanes to carry out carpet bombing. I don't believe that these bugs can withstand airplane bombing!" Fu Chuanzhi
"Well, try first, I always feel that this team is not that simple." Li Yuanhong said solemnly.
"You will know it as soon as it is bombed!" Fu Chuanzhi was full of confidence. After all, until now, there is no creature that can not be afraid of improved missile bombing.
The plane took off from the aircraft carrier. This time Fu Chuanzhi only sent two planes to the bombing. In Fu Chuanzhi's impression, the two planes were enough to disperse the souls of these large reptiles, and he did not dare to invade here again.
Less than a thousand miles away, the plane flew over the kobold troops in less than an hour.
The kobold stood on the scorpion, glanced at the plane in the sky, then waved to the beetle behind him, and immediately hundreds of beetles spread their wings, flapped their wings, and flew straight to the two planes.
Because of the bombing, the two planes did not fly high, which made Anubis feel threatened.
"Host, host, those crawlers can fly!"
"The wingman pays attention to the height, we avoid it and don't have to fight these reptiles!"
When the two planes saw the big beetles flying up, they hurriedly raised their altitude to avoid these bugs. Unfortunately, these bugs were chasing after them. There was no way. The two planes were pulled up to an altitude of more than one kilometer, and the bugs did not chase them. .
"Host, host, our plane has already missed the best bomb drop height, what should we do?"
"Wingman, launch a missile attack, and then we return."
"Yes, understand!"
After the two planes circled, they turned back again. This time the two planes did not dive, but turned on the air-to-surface missiles and launched them directly.
Four missiles dragged the flames and pierced directly towards the insect swarm. Just when the missile was less than 500 meters away from the insect swarm, a few beetles flew out of the insect swarm and came to face the missile. The two sides met in the air, and the insects suddenly A circle of black smoke was produced around the body. After the missile encountered the black smoke, it suddenly exploded. The explosion flame instantly engulfed several bugs in the flame. When the flame dissipated, the bugs and missile disappeared into the air at the same time, and exploded. , Had no effect on the army of bugs below.
The two planes completely recorded this scene, and then the planes returned to the base reluctantly. The first air strike only harvested a few insects. This result stunned Fu Chuanzhi and also made Li Yuanhong frown.
Li Yuanhong imagined that the bombing would not yield much, but the result was too small. With four missiles, there were less than ten dead insects. If you want to wipe out a million insect swarms, you can make 20 of them yourself. There are more than 10,000 missiles, let alone the issue of manufacturing costs, that is, Li Yuanhong spares no expense in manufacturing, and the attacker does not have so many materials in his hands. It seems that air strikes cannot be achieved.
"No, mine will go to the desert and catch a few bugs and come back." Li Yuanhong said.
"This is too dangerous, right?" Fu Chuanzhi hurriedly stopped.
"We don’t know the attributes of these insects, and we can’t find their weaknesses. If we don’t know the weaknesses of the insects, we cannot effectively kill them. Our city walls can block zombies, but there is no way to stop these flying insects. If there is no way, our city will probably be built in vain, and we don't have time to build a second city." Li Yuanhong said gravely.
Fu Chuanzhi didn't know why Li Yuanhong cared about time so much, but he was Li Yuanhong's deputy for this expedition, and he could only obey Li Yuanhong's orders.
That night, an aircraft quietly lifted into the sky. This is a Batplane. After modification, the breaking sound of this plane was extremely reduced. Of course, because the carrying capacity of the plane was extremely reduced after modification, this plane is only suitable for now. Used for investigation.
Sitting in the plane, Li Yuanhong was very nervous. He had met many opponents, but it was the first time that this kind of bug army had encountered. The most headache for Li Yuanhong was that these bugs could fly.
"Oh, I hope these bugs can't smell and are very sensitive!" Li Yuanhong prayed secretly in his heart.
The plane quickly flew over the swarm of insects. At this time, the insects were still marching, making rustling sounds on the sand. Through the eyes of reality, Li Yuanhong could see the army of insects below, which had already moved into the desert. All turned black, and the sand that these insects passed through also left faint black marks, which took a long time to slowly disperse.
Li Yuanhong landed at a distance of two kilometers from the flanks of the insect swarm. This is the distance that Li Yuanhong can attack the insects to the maximum. Here, Li Yuanhong wants to find a way to leave a insect, and Li Yuanhong has to grab a tongue. tongue.
The army of insects seemed to move a few minutes faster than during the day. Without the sun's rays, these insects became more energetic.
Li Yuanhong leaned behind a sand dune and carefully observed the insect swarm with real eyes. Although the insect swarm looked huge, it was messy, especially at the edge of the team. It is estimated that the insects crowded together are hotter, so the insects on the edge are away from the middle team. farther.
And this desert terrain is not a flat river, there are many undulating sand dunes, and once these edge bugs enter the sand dune zone, they are often isolated by the sand dunes and lose contact with the insect swarms for a short time.
Seeing this, the corner of Li Yuanhong's mouth was slightly raised. He was worried that insecticide would cause a reaction from the insects. Now Li Yuanhong has a silent method of killing insects.
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