: The 470th day is raining

A bug had just climbed over the hill, accidentally stepped on the floating sand, slid directly off the dune, and quickly slipped under the dune. The companion of the bug walking on the top of the dune took a look under the dune. The insect fluttered its wings twice, which meant that he laughed at his companion for not being careful, and asked him to climb up by himself, and then turned around and disappeared on the other side of the dune.
The bug that slipped under the sand dune shook its wings helplessly and was about to climb up the sand dune. Although the sand dune is not very high, it is only five or six meters, the sand of this dune is really slippery. Every two steps, Will slide down a bit.
Just as the bug was struggling to climb, he suddenly felt magical fluctuations in his head. When the bug raised his head to watch something, the magic disturbed, but his head had not been raised yet, a sharp arrow was directly inserted into him. On the head.
Even if the head is pierced, the insect will not die immediately, so the insect intends to flap its wings to call its companions. However, as soon as he opened its wings, another sharp arrow flew over and directly stuck in the insect's heart. Location. This time the insect was completely out of strength, and the wings that had just opened up weakly drooped down.
Just after the worm died, a figure quickly jumped out of another sand dune, rushed over to the worm, let the figure approach the worm, and quickly pressed his hand on the worm’s corpse, for that instant, The corpse of this insect disappeared.
Just as the corpse of the bug disappeared, a few more bugs appeared on the top of the dune. They looked down the dune, but they didn't see anything. The dune was empty, so the bugs turned their heads and continued to move forward. .
After waiting for a long time, a figure suddenly appeared in the sand under the sand dune, Li Yuanhong who had just collected the worm into the space.
Li Yuanhong glanced at the sand dunes and saw that there was no movement on the sand dunes. He sighed inwardly, "It's a good risk, it's a good risk." So in the other direction, Li Yuanhong rushed over. There was a plane waiting for him.
Two hours later, Li Yuanhong stood in a laboratory. In front of him, there was a countertop with the body of a bug on it. This bug was the black bug Li Yuanhong caught.
At this time Li Yuanhong was carefully examining the bug with his true eyes: "
Black Undead Worm
Level: Level 29
Black Undead Insect: The scarab was buried underground with the dead pharaoh, and the scarab fell to hell. The scarab that has fallen to the undead has changed from a light attribute to a dark attribute due to the infestation of the necrotic atmosphere of hell.
Skills: Black Mist Shield, Dark Invasion, Giant Jaw Cut
Black Mist Shield: The worm of the undead will spray out the death air accumulated in the body to form a shield to resist external attacks.
Dark invasion: spray out the dead spirit energy in the body and attack the opponent. The death energy can penetrate into the opponent's body. Once the opponent inhales too much dead energy, the opponent's blood energy will continue to decrease until death.
Giant jaw shearing: The huge jaw teeth of the death insect are not a display. His jaw teeth can easily cut zombies of the same level. It is difficult to have these bodies that cannot be cut by their huge jaw teeth.
Weaknesses: Due to the long-term intrusion of the necromancer, the insects of the necromancer have stronger defenses, but also due to the infestation of the necromancer, any item with the light attribute will cause damage to them, even if it is The clear water infested by the Stone of Light is like sulfuric acid to these undead insects.
In addition, the head and the heart in the body of the Death Worm are its weaknesses, but if a single place is destroyed, its body will still survive for three days. "
Looking at this introduction, Li Yuanhong kept thinking about how to eliminate these dead insects at the least cost. Suddenly, Li Yuanhong thought of an idea, and then strode out of the laboratory and walked to the war room.
The army of insects was still marching in the desert. After a day's rush, the army was less than two hundred kilometers away from Li Yuanhong's city. For the army of insects, it would take less than three hours to arrive.
Perhaps the sky takes care of the army of insects, and the rare dark clouds that cover the sky and it will rain faintly, but Abinus never worry about rain, there will be no heavy rain in the desert, even light rain is difficult to appear In many cases, rainwater evaporates before it reaches the ground. What's more, it is the dry season and there will be no rain. In fact, Abinus was more worried about sandstorms in the desert, which was fatal.
The army was advancing fast, but the sky became more and more gloomy, and faintly, the light of thunder and lightning flashed in the clouds. If it was in China, in this kind of weather, the army would definitely find a place to avoid the rain.
"Speeding forward, now the dark clouds are blocking the sun. It is a good opportunity for us to attack!" Abinus waved the death sickle in his hand, and the insect army spread its wings and made a "buzzing" sound in response to Anubis. Si's order.
As the team traveled another fifty kilometers, the sky was finally unable to stop the lightning from coming. A thick bowl of lightning passed directly through the clouds and hit a sand dune, knocking the entire sand dune into the air. Then there was thunder.
As the lightning rose densely, the ear-splitting sound of thunder and lightning covered up other surrounding sounds, even the sound of the waves and raging waves a few kilometers away was covered by thunder.
As Abinus tried his best to move forward, the rain finally fell. The first raindrop fell on Abinus’ face. Suddenly, Abinus felt the rain, which was different from normal rain. , This raindrop is actually much bigger than usual, and it shouldn’t appear in the desert at all.
The rain soon became a piece of rain. The rain at this time can be described as a torrential rain. Soon Abinus became a roaring chicken. Fortunately, he was naked, not looking particularly embarrassed, but the torrential rain blocked it. His eyes made Abinus unable to see the road ahead, and the sound of thunderstorms covered his ears, making Abinus deaf and blind at this moment.
However, Anubis still heard a murmur. The bug army behind him seemed to make an unusual noise, but it was not very obvious. Looking back, it was a black phantom. Abinus thought the bug army was under heavy rain. The interference caused a little riot, and in desperation, he released a magic bullet against the sky to guide the troops behind.
But the noise has not been eliminated, which makes Abinus very helpless: "It is a group of hopeless underground filthy reptiles, if only my guards from Abinus were there!"
Complaining and complaining, Abinus tried to move forward while releasing magic to the sky. Finally, after fifteen minutes, the rain gradually subsided, and a rainbow appeared on the horizon.
When the sun passed through the clouds and shone on the sand dunes, Abinus even saw some places and even accumulated water. In the desert, it is almost impossible to see things. Abinus even suspected this. The rain has finished the year's rain.
When Abinus continued to move forward, he suddenly felt that there was something missing around him. When Abinus turned his head, he suddenly realized that the army of bugs behind him had suddenly disappeared. This made Abinus very surprised. How did the heavy rain make your troops disappear?
So Abinus immediately turned around and started to walk back. Due to the rainstorm, the sand dunes became very muddy. The whole desert seemed to become a swamp. When Abinus crossed a dune, he was stunned. Down, his army of insects fell there in a random manner, motionless, even some insects had spread their wings and were about to take off, but with the opened wings, they no longer had the strength to fly to the sky.
Watching the inexplicable death of his army made Abinus want to cry without tears. It is impossible for him to conquer a city alone, even if his level is over thirty, it is impossible to complete this task.
But there is one thing, Abinus must know why his army died inexplicably. He can't go back and say that his army was killed by a heavy rain. If you say that, it is estimated that His Majesty Pharaoh has to take his own skin. No.
Abinus walked to the side of an undead worm and looked closely. These worms did not have any scars, but the black surface of the body, the outer shell, and the burn marks, the most important thing is that the body of these worms was originally There was a lot of dead spirit gas, but now there was no dead spirit gas in the body of these bugs. Abinus estimated that this was the cause of death of the dead bug.
"Where is the spirit of the dead in their bodies? Is there any bright magic circle in this area?"
Abinus vigorously digs out the pile of sand that has become muddy, and soon the dry sand is exposed, but under the dry sand, there is nothing with magical fluctuations. Abinus reluctantly rides on the golden giant. Scorpion, head down dejected, and walked back. Now what Abinus had to consider was how to explain this strange thing to His Majesty the Pharaoh.
At this time, the two reconnaissance planes flew over Abinus's head, photographed the entire death scene of the Undead Insect, and then returned smoothly.
When the pilot got off the plane, he met two people who came up to get information: "How about, how many of those bugs died?"
"They are all dead, I have taken all the photos." The pilot said.
"Okay, give me the photo, and I'll send it to the commander-in-chief immediately." The intelligence officer said.
"By the way, what's going on? Why did those bugs suddenly die?" the pilot asked strangely.
The intelligence personnel looked around, saw no one around, and whispered: "My personal guess is related to this rain. Do you know how this rain came?"
"How did it come? Isn't it from the sky?"
"Nonsense, the rain does not come from the sky, but from the sea, don't you think the rain is too much?"
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