: 471st Pharaoh's Wrath

"The rain is heavy? It's not heavy. The summer rain in my hometown is much more than this, and it only takes more than half an hour at once. How can this rain go!" said the pilot disdainfully.
"That's your hometown, don't forget, this is a desert, it won't rain a few times a year, and the rain is pitiful. This rain is not natural."
"Isn't it formed naturally? Who can call the wind and call rain?" The pilot was startled, and now he can use magic. If anyone said he would use magic to call the wind and rain, no one would doubt.
"Of course not. Last night, the commander-in-chief asked us to prepare a lot of things, even a lot of things were urgently shipped from China, including dry ice."
"What does this have to do with rain?"
"When you look at it, you don’t know. This dry ice is used for artificial rainfall, and the dry ice was loaded on a bomber this morning. It is estimated that it was scattered on the sky, so the rain is probably the result of Commander Li’s urging rain. ."
"Is Commander Li all right to make any rain? There is no farming in the desert."
"Commander Li not only shipped dry ice, but also heard that a lot of light stone powder was shipped. I think these things are the key to killing those bugs."
"What does this stone of light have to do with the death of those bugs?"
"This...I don't know anymore, maybe Commander Li made the stone of light into insecticide and mixed it in dry ice. This rain soon killed those insects!" the intelligence agent guessed.
"Cut, you can think about it, and kill the enemy when it rains, so you can think of it!" The pilot didn't believe the intelligence officer's guess, stepped inward, took a mission, and took time to rest, not necessarily When will the task be out again.
"Do not believe it!" Seeing that the pilot didn't believe him, the intelligence officer glared at the pilot's back, and then got busy with his own affairs.
And when Li Yuanhong was here to kill the worm army without blood, the pharaoh also received the news that his legion was inexplicably destroyed.
"What? The whole army is destroyed, so an Anubis will survive? How did the enemy kill my army of bugs!"
In order to cultivate these undead insects, the pharaoh sacrificed tens of thousands of slaves, made these slaves into mummies, then placed the golden beetle eggs in the mummies, and then buried the mummies in the ground for at least ten years to cultivate a batch of undead The worms, and each corpse can cultivate at most fifty undead worms. This million is not that easy to cultivate.
"Master Abinus said that they were caught in an ambush by the enemy, and the enemy set up a large bright magic array. They used many human slaves as bait to lure them into the ambush ring, so Master Abinus did not Be careful in an ambush."
Pharaoh was completely furious: "Trash, really trash. Abinus also called himself the son of God, and he couldn't even do this little thing well. If it weren't for his past military exploits, I would definitely drive him to hell! "
Seeing Pharaoh's anger, the guards beside him dared not approach Pharaoh. They trembled one by one, for fear that he might be used as a punching bag by Pharaoh.
Fortunately, Pharaoh did not completely lose his mind. After his anger, Pharaoh shouted to the guard next to him: "Go, summon Best, we will send a wise general to the horse this time, and we can't let a waste like Abinus. Command the army."
"Yes!" The guard next to him bent down to accept the order, and went down to enlist this Best.
It didn't take long before Best came up with money.
Best is an elegant lady with a cat-like face, a headgear with cat ears, a gold necklace around her neck, and her snow-white skin half exposed outside the traditional Egyptian dress studded with gold silk , If it weren't for the long skirt, it would be impossible to conceal her proud and slender thighs, more than half of them were exposed.
If it weren't for the elegant face that made people dare not easily offend, many people would think she was a concubine that Pharaoh liked. But this is a powerful wise general under the Pharaoh, and the ruler of this generation in the Cat God family, and even the Pharaoh must respect her three points. Of course, if she could marry Pharaoh, Pharaoh would be very happy to accept it.
"Your Majesty Pharaoh, what is your order for calling me over today?" Best gracefully bowed to Pharaoh, and then asked softly.
Hearing Best's voice, Pharaoh felt that his anger had disappeared, and from the soles of his feet to the top of his head, he had a numb and crisp feeling. His body was light and fluttering, as if he had drunk alcohol.
"Ahem, that's the case. Some time ago, lowly humans invaded our territory and massacred our army. Therefore, I sent Abinus with an army of undead worms to crusade, but Abinus also failed. Now, his army is wiped out, so I want to send you and lead another army to erase these lowly humans who dare to offend the gods from the map!" Pharaoh said with majesty again.
"Yes, Lord Pharaoh, your will is my mission." Best respected very gracefully, but Best continued: "But I don't know your Majesty Pharaoh, how many soldiers do you plan to give me?"
After listening to Best's words, Pharaoh was silent for a long time and just lost a million army of bugs. Although he still has a lot of soldiers and horses, many of his men have been sent out to search the tomb. For a while, he will really not be able to dispatch many soldiers.
Just when the Pharaoh was worried, the wizard next to him quietly came over: "Your Majesty, you forgot that we just developed animal mummies, and there are at least one million, and it just happens to be left there. Why..."
"Okay! Just do it." Pharaoh nodded.
"Best, I will hand over the army of one million animal mummies to you, and in addition, I am giving you a hundred snakes and axes as your guards!" said the Pharaoh with a serious face.
Hearing what the Pharaoh said, Best frowned. These mummies army sounded very powerful, but most of the animal mummies were made of ordinary animals. They had no combat effectiveness at all, and they could only barely make up the number.
However, this order is an order and can only be accepted. It seems that I can only select some elites from these mummies and organize some rare soldiers to win the battle.
The next day, an army of one million weird mummies set off from Cairo. These mummies included hyenas running on the ground, horns, vultures, wild cats, lion mummies, and most of them were dog mummies. After these animals are made into mummies, they have a certain amount of magic power, but they are less agile, but these animals still retain their instincts to some extent.
Among these mummies, Best singled out 10,000 mummies that were mutant animals before they were alive. As an elite, the army of millions came to Li Yuanhong's city again.
At this time, Li Yuanhong was still building the base while searching for survivors. However, Li Yuanhong received a message from the survivors. He often saw some alien creatures wandering near some ancient ruins, and he didn’t know what these creatures were doing there. , Do these aliens also like to travel?
Hearing this news, Li Yuanhong felt that this was an opportunity to attack these aliens by himself. The best way is to destroy them individually. Now the aliens are searching the ancient tombs everywhere, and they just go to the ancient tombs to ambush these aliens.
Karnak Temple, the largest temple in ancient Egypt, is a temple dedicated to the sun and moon god. Here, it was once the largest and richest place, but the years have buried its glory in the dust.
On this day, a group of kobolds and a group of snake demon axemen slowly touched the temple. They stood in front of the magnificent temple, looked left, heard again, and then the group rushed directly into the temple. Went in.
On the way, these aliens encountered zombies turned into by some tourists. They mercilessly killed these zombies directly. Several hundred zombies were not the opponents of these two hundred aliens at all. These aliens can Said that the soldiers reached the inside of the temple without blood.
"Are you there?" the kobold captain asked the snake monster axe captain.
"It should be here." The snake demon axe took out a map, and looked left and right to compare with the map.
"How desolate it looks like, it doesn't look like there are treasures." The kobold looked at the empty hall. This should be the old altar, except for the altar with a yellow stone in the middle, nothing else.
"If you can see it from the face, this treasure doesn't exist here." Captain Snake Demon Axe scorned.
"Then you don't have to find the entrance to the treasure, your Majesty Pharaoh is still waiting." The kobold did not show weakness.
"I know, I know!" The snake demon axe squad leader waved his hand like a fly, and then walked to the altar in the middle.
This altar is more than four meters high and looks a bit like a small pyramid. There is an altar on the middle platform with lines painted on it. I don't know if it is rune or ancient Egyptian script. Modern people have not studied it anyway.
The snake monster axe hand walked to this altar and saw him wave his hand. At this moment, two snake monster axe hands came over carrying a sack, and the sack was squirming constantly, obviously there were living things in the sack.
The snake demon axe carried the sacks to the front of the altar, and threw the sacks heavily on the ground. He heard an "um" sound from the sacks. It was obvious that the people inside were hurt by the fall.
"Untie the sack!" The snake demon axe captain ordered his men to untie the sack, but his two men are really clumsy. Untie the rope is too much trouble for them. I saw one of the snake monster axe hands, raised the axe, and chopped it down, cutting open the mouth of the sack directly, revealing the contents, it turned out that there was actually a person inside, a young girl who was helping.
"Hurry up and put the sacrifice's head on the altar." The snake demon axe captain ordered.
As soon as the words of Captain Snake Demon Axeman fell, the two Snake Demon soldiers immediately pressed the girl’s head on the altar. At the same time, Captain Snake Demon Axeman raised the giant axe in his hand to face the girl. His neck fell.
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