: 521st Hawk enters the city

When everyone heard that Jos had something to say, everyone quickly fell silent.
When Jos saw that the venue was quiet, he went on to say: "People said that none of them can stay here for too long. They will exchange materials with you today, and they will leave tomorrow. The exchange price list is here. Everyone can come to me and ask for an exchange price list. You can see what you want to change."
After speaking, Jos shook a piece of paper in the air.
The enthusiasm of everyone was finally ignited this time, and they all stood up and rushed towards Jos, wanting to be the first to grab the price list.
"Don't grab it, don't grab it, I will post the price list here, everyone quickly find a pen and copy it yourself!" Joss shouted.
After hearing Jos's shout, everyone was relieved. After all, there was only one price list, and no one could take it alone. So in the end, you have to copy it yourself, so everyone can only find pen and paper on the spot.
When everyone had finished copying the price list, they saw that the price list listed all kinds of materials that can be exchanged, including firearms and weapons, but the number of firearms is not very large.
A discerning person knew at a glance that these weapons must be first-come, first-served, so everyone suddenly rushed out of the venue to allocate supplies and prepare to be the first to trade with the spacecraft.
The trading scene is very hot. The spacecraft needs a lot of materials, most of which are daily consumables. But to be honest, the people on the island have just eaten their food, and there is not much food in exchange, so although Li Yuanhong provided weapons Limited, but in the end, the weapons were divided equally among the various forces, and there was no single dominant phenomenon.
This kind of result was actually calculated by Li Yuanhong a long time ago. Otherwise, the weapons were sold to one family, especially in the hands of Hoslan, who was suspected of colluding with Hawke, which would destroy the internal balance of the alliance.
After the transaction was completed, the spacecraft flew away the next morning, like a cloud, blown away by the wind, without leaving any promise to the Alliance. Of course, the remaining weapons became this spacecraft. Evidence of the past.
Then the whole alliance returned to calm again, and people began their lives step by step. However, on the third day after the spacecraft flew away, Jos was working on documents in the office when suddenly a person broke in.
"Report to Mr. Jos, Hawke's team has come!"
This person is the person Joosti arranged to monitor on the road leading to the Alliance City in the Horsland Territory. Because Li Yuanhong warned him in advance, Joosti arranged for someone to monitor, otherwise the real enemy would hit the door of the house, and he was not yet If you know, then you don't know how to die.
"Sure enough, Hoslang has a problem!" Jos said bitterly.
"Hurry up and arrange the defense according to the pre-arranged." Jos commanded.
"Yes!" The subordinate went out immediately.
As his men left the room, Jos took out a communicator, a communicator that did not belong to their territory.
And just as Jos deployed his defenses, a person came to Hoslang's personal residence.
"Hoslang, Lord Hawke will be here soon, and he wants you to be ready to open the city gate and meet him."
"So fast?" Hoslan asked in surprise.
"Why, what's the change?" After hearing Hoslang's hesitation, the person's face changed obviously, and he was obviously dissatisfied with Hoslang's tone.
"No...no, I will arrange for someone to open the city gate!" Hoslan said respectfully.
"That's all right, then I will quickly reply to Lord Hawke. It is expected that Lord Hawke will say at 10 noon today. Maybe lunch can be held in the government office building in the city center!" The messenger was very arrogant. Said.
"That's for sure!" Hoslang said with a full smile.
"Okay, then I'm leaving!" After speaking, the messenger hurriedly left Hoslang's mansion.
Just after the messenger walked out of the room, Huo Silang sighed fiercely: "Bah, something, threaten me in the name of Lord Hawke. After Lord Hawke enters the city, let's see how I retaliate against you!"
Of course the messenger didn't hear Hoslang's words, otherwise he would take the lead in front of Hawke and tell the truth.
After the episode, Huo Silang still hurriedly deployed to meet Hawke, especially the spearmen team he had just formed, and he was sent out. The rifles in the hands of these spearmen were exchanged from Li Yuanhong. , This is less than ten rifles, which really cost him a lot of materials, especially important food materials such as grain and coconuts. It took two carts, but Hoslang felt it was worth it. These weapons are real killers. He has done experiments with a gun, and with one shot he headshot a zombie that was already level 29.
The troops sneaked into the vicinity of the city gate. At this time, the city gate was as usual, and there was no change. Obviously, there was no defense at the gate.
It was almost noon at this time, and it should be time to change shifts. Now the people standing guard were a bit tired, so they were obviously slack in guard work. In fact, as usual, nothing will happen here. Those who enter the city and leave the city are all farmers who work outside. These people have long been acquainted with the guards of the city, and they are too lazy to check, even if someone carries supplies. It's very limited, so these guards just keep one eye open.
But at this moment, suddenly the guards on the city found a team on the official road far away. There were thousands of people in this team, and these people were all riding in trucks with machine guns from before the end of the world. , Obviously this group of people is not good.
For safety's sake, the guards on the city sounded the alarm. The guards under the city wall hurried to close the gate as soon as they heard it. This is the procedure.
Just as the gate was slowly closing, a group of people rushed over, holding rifles in their hands, and firing at the soldiers who were closing the city apart from anything else. The soldiers who closed the city gate, facing these people with their backs, did not respond at all, they were shot several times and fell into a pool of blood.
"You guys are watching the gate, mainly because you dare to close the gate and kill it!" The leader of the team said to the two men.
"Yes, Captain!" The two men with full faces readily agreed.
"You guys follow me up to the city and kill the guards on the city." The captain then ordered, and the rest of the team agreed.
Subsequently, the captain took the remaining seven people and rushed to the wall quickly.
The soldiers on the city wall are also busy now. They have to prepare long-range attack weapons. Since the end of the world, guns have long been out of ammunition, and the power of guns before the end of the world is not enough to threaten the evolved humans, so they are now placed on the city. All are primitive assault weapons such as crossbows and catapults. It's just that these weapons are made of the bones of post-apocalyptic mutant beasts, so even the evolution beasts dare not look down on their attack power.
However, when the city was busy, gunfire suddenly came from below, and the gate that should have been closed was not closed for a long time. This made the captain on the city wall feel that something was wrong.
"You two have a look at Taocheng, it's been a long time, why the city gate hasn't closed yet." The captain ordered.
"Yes, Captain!" Upon receiving the order, the two men immediately ran to the corridor of the city wall.
However, just when the two subordinates were about to reach the corridor, a few people suddenly walked up the stairs of the corridor. These people are fully armed, and they all have new rifles in their hands.
"Who are you, don't you know if this is a restricted area? Hurry up."
"Hehe, we are the ones who want your lives!" The leader sneered.
Then when the two soldiers didn't react, he raised his hand with two shots, directly heading the two guards.
"Quickly, clean up the remaining guards on the city wall, don't let them attack Lord Hawke's convoy." The team leader issued an order.
As the order was issued, the Seven Rifles began to slaughter the guard soldiers in the city frantically. Although the soldiers who defended the city were not weak in force, their force became a display in the face of these rifles that could kill people. body.
However, the captain who defended the city saw that the situation was not good, and hurriedly shot an arrow, wounding a gunman who was aiming at him, and then quickly ran to the other side of the city wall, and ran down the wall.
"Report to the captain, there was someone who ran away!" The shooter who was shot, covered his arm and reported.
"Trash, you can't kill even a man who only knows how to use three-legged cat kung fu! Run and run away. Now there is no time to pay attention to him. Quickly clear the gate and welcome Lord Hawke into the city.
"Yes!" Although the subordinate was scolded, he was not punished and went down to the city happily.
Soon the city gate opened wide, and the roadblocks set up in front of the city wall were also removed. Not long after, dozens of large trucks drove to the gate in a mighty manner.
The captain ran to the front of the car quickly, and one stood at attention, waiting for Hawke to get out of the car.
Hawke was very energetic at this time and ordered the convoy to stop in front of the city gate, got out of his car, and came to the captain.
"Are you Hoslang's men?" Hawke asked.
At this time, the captain replied a little excitedly: "Enlighten Lord Hawke, I am Horslang's subordinate, I was specially ordered to come to the gate to welcome Lord Hawke into the city."
"Well, this Hoslang did a good job. Huh, you shot?"
Hawke saw the rifle carried by the captain at a glance, and looked at this familiar but unfamiliar weapon very strangely.
The captain was very insightful, took off his rifle, and offered it with both hands: "This is a new rifle specially purchased by Master Hoslang for Master Hawke. This rifle can kill level 29 zombies. ."
"Hahaha, it seems that Horslang is thinking about the gift and I accept it. Okay, let's enter the city!" With a wave of Hawke's thugs, the team continued to start and began to slay in the city.
Hawke got on the car and the convoy moved forward. The city wall, which was more than ten meters long and could block hundreds of thousands of zombies, was easily surpassed by Hawke. However, the captain also felt a little strange. Why did the guards guarding the city change so slowly today? And the alarm has been sounding for a long time, and no one has seen reinforcements. Do you want to report this to Lord Hawke?
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