: 565th: Crusoe's Fighting Power

After waiting for a long time, the city gate opened. This time a military off-road vehicle came out with only a driver and a company-level officer on it.
The off-road vehicle drove up to Matthew, and the officer got out of the car and walked to Matthew.
"You are the Australian Liaison Special Envoy Mathewer?"
Matthew replied quickly: "It's me!"
"Okay, please follow me in the car!" The officer said nothing, and didn't ask any more, and let Matthew get in the car directly. That meant a formulaic process. There was no ceremonial welcome and no senior leaders. meet.
There is no way, Matthew can only get in the car. After all, when he greeted him just now, he played a big card and gave himself to the cold. Now that the other party can come to a car and let himself take two steps less, it is also a kind of politeness!
Matthew got in the car and entered the castle. He saw that the various buildings in the castle were scattered on both sides of the road in an orderly manner. There were patrolling soldiers passing by from time to time on the street. The mental state of those soldiers was not a soldier of his country at all. Comparable, and the equipment of these soldiers, many Matthews can't be named. I feel that the weapons of these soldiers are more advanced than the weapons used by soldiers in their countries.
The off-road vehicle drove directly to the center of the walled city. After the officer got off the car, he led Matthew into the discussion hall. As soon as Matthew walked in, he was attracted by the magical style of the building, especially when he saw the discussion. The walls of the hall are painted with various magic runes, which are not only beautiful, but the flowing magical luster makes the whole building full of mystery.
Before Matthew stayed in these buildings for too long, he was urged to walk forward by the officer in front. Soon the two of them arrived in a meeting room, which was still empty for the time being. Obviously Matthew was taken there. Waiting for the other party here is obviously not taken seriously in diplomatic etiquette.
But Matthew didn't mind it anymore. Now his task is to stay here. As for the rest, I will talk about it later.
"Wait here for a while, I'll report!" The officer was still polite, and after retiring, he walked out of the room.
But this time, it was most of the day, that is, no one came to talk, whether there was tea and snacks, this sitting is the most difficult, although the temperature here is still very comfortable, but the long time, it also makes Matthew's mouth dry. Dry.
Finally at night, just as Matthew's hunger and thirst were about to reach its peak, finally the door to the conference room opened again, and Li Yuanhong and Fatty Lu walked in.
"Oh, isn't it, Matthew's liaison officer!" Li Yuanhong spoke enthusiastically as soon as he entered the door.
This time Matthew no longer put on airs, and quickly stood up to take the initiative, but sitting withered for a long time made his legs numb, and he almost fell to the ground without getting up.
Li Yuanhong hurriedly stepped forward and held on to Matthew: "Oh, I'm so busy, I'm really embarrassed to keep you waiting here for so long."
When Matthew heard this, he quickly said politely: "It's not a problem, I just waited here for a while."
Although he was polite, Matthew said in his heart: "Intentionally, you are purely intentional!"
This time the two sides met, so the host and guest were seated and negotiated in a "friendly and pleasant" atmosphere. Matthew finally learned that the commander-in-chief of China Li Yuanhong was sitting opposite, although he did not know what the commander-in-chief was. The official position, but the absolute official position is not small, and the nasty fat man, who turned out to be the captain of the strange aircraft carrier he saw. Although the captain of an aircraft carrier is not necessarily very high, once the aircraft carrier forms a fleet, this The invisible power of the aircraft carrier captain is greater, and it seems that he still looks down on the fat man opposite.
After that, Matthewer handed the information of Crusoe he brought to Li Yuanhong. Li Yuanhong took a closer look and felt that Crusoe who was tossing in Australia was a bit strange.
It turned out that after the last killing, this Klusu never moved. Instead, he lived on one of the several islands he had killed before, and he set up a nest there. Stationed posture.
Although Klusu stopped, the Australian government did not dare to take it lightly, because the island where Klusu was located was very close to the seat of the Australian Provisional Government. As long as Klusuqin hurry up and flap his bat-like wings, In a short period of time, you can fly over the Australian Provisional Government.
This is like a sharp sword hanging over the head, making the Australian government restless, for fear that Klusu would have a cramp that day and ran to their island to show off, so there are people guarding the sea on the island where Klusu is located. , Watching this Crusu.
"Then you guys fought against this Crusoe later?"
"Of course not. The previous two hundred soldiers were killed in almost ten minutes, and the monster was completely invulnerable. We fired RPG rockets at him, and the explosion didn’t even hurt the opponent’s skin. It's not that they all have the foresight. They arranged a soldier in the dark to take video and take pictures. It is estimated that we don't even know what the monster looks like.
When it comes to monsters, Matthew is a little excited. The prime minister personally questioned the returning soldier. The scene made him, a clerk, unforgettable for a lifetime. The soldier was almost stupid and would only call some people stupidly. His name, and Shenren's screams, as if something was chasing him, if it weren't for the crowds in the house at the time, no one would dare to be with that soldier.
Later, the doctor said that this is a manifestation of battlefield syndrome. On the battlefield, the whole body pays attention to the battle, and the spirit is tense. When the environment suddenly becomes safe, the nervous nerves suddenly relax, and the negative emotions on the battlefield spring up. Breaking through his inner defense line makes people become foolish and foolish.
In fact, Li Yuanhong didn’t tell Matthew that it was probably caused by Na Klusu’s mental attack. This soldier was far away, so he didn’t get the shot immediately, but as Matthew said, when the soldier returned to a safe place , The soldier's spirit relaxed, and his mental defenses suddenly decreased, allowing the spirit attack magic energy lurking in the soldier's body to explode, which caused the soldier to be recruited.
Knowing this, Li Yuanhong had a defensive plan. This time he attacked Klusu, with Qinglong as the main target, but Li Yuanhong would also take part of the system soldiers to fight.
The thinking of system soldiers is controlled by the system. Although these system soldiers have a certain degree of their own thinking, they are almost absolutely immune to mental magic attacks. In addition, Li Yuanhong brought the system soldiers over, so he can provide timely support when the Blue Dragon is in danger. Li Yuanhong believes in not putting eggs in a basket. At any time, he must leave himself a way out.
After Mathieu introduced the situation, Li Yuanhong was not embarrassing the liaison officer. After all, the other party is still a representative of Australia. It is enough to punish him for some misconduct. If it is too much, it will really damage the relationship between the two countries. Up. In the end times, it is better for humans to kill each other less.
Li Yuanhong ordered people to take Matthew to dinner, and he went to Qinglong's room and told Qinglong the news that Matthew had brought.
After Qinglong heard this, his brows furrowed: "This Crusoe is a bit abnormal. Generally speaking, Crusoe will return to the ocean after hunting food. He rarely stays on land for too long. He stays for so long. There is something abnormal on the island!" Qinglong said.
"Then what do you think might be the problem?" Li Yuanhong asked.
"It's hard to say, I always feel that something big is going to happen behind this!" Qinglong said with a serious expression.
"It seems that we need to go to the island as soon as possible." Li Yuanhong also felt it necessary to speed up the preparation work.
"Then when are you going to leave?" Qinglong asked.
"Tomorrow night!"
"At night?" Qinglong was curious why Li Yuanhong chose to start at night, which is the home of mutant beasts.
"I don't want to expose too much strength. There is a nail in the camp. Before the nail is gone, I must hide some secrets. Therefore, starting at night is conducive to confidential work." Li Yuanhong smiled helplessly.
"Hey, you humans have too many twists and turns!" Qinglong commented and lay down, closing his eyes and ignoring Li Yuanhong.
Li Yuanhong didn't care about the actions of the blue dragon. These giant dragons were out to eat, and most of them were sleeping at other times. Li Yuanhong estimated that these giant dragons lived so long and probably had a great relationship with regular sleep.
Leaving the dragon’s room, Li Yuanhong went straight back to his bedroom, and then through the secret tunnel to the basement. Li Yuanhong had to go through the portal to transfer troops to Sakhalin Island. Here, Li Yuanhong would lead a huge air force. Crusu, launch a surprise attack.
On the next night, Matthew, who came for a day, couldn’t fall asleep. In the past two days, he wandered around the fortress. Although Li Yuanhong did not send anyone to follow him, Matthew could feel that he was being guarded by others, and he The weapons and equipment that he saw did not exceed the scope reported by Cap. As for the flying spacecraft mentioned by the Americans, there is no trace at all. Maybe it is the Americans’ conjecture to get rid of the old problem again, before the end of the world. In order to control oil in the Middle East, the Americans had imagined a big killer for a major oil country in the Middle East. As a result, the war ended for many years, and even the big killer Mao was not found.
But there is no new discovery, which makes Matthew very anxious. The last time he called, he left a bad impression on the Prime Minister. If he can't do anything in the near future, he really needs to go to the civilian camp.
Unable to sleep, Matthew walked to the big window to look at the fortress at night. At this moment, he suddenly felt as if something was flying in the sky. Matthew quickly took out the night vision binoculars from the backpack beside the bed. Facing the moving object in the sky, this sight almost frightened Matthew to sit on the ground, only to see a huge aircraft carrier floating in the air, and around the aircraft carrier, there are many flying monsters falling on the aircraft carrier plywood. , That kind of monster has the head of an eagle, the body of a lion, and on these monsters, there is also a person, a fully armed person.
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